Problem: even tough there are: free internet/software; poor students, can’t access TI, because is expensive or they just don’t have economic resources to aford, even enter a internet cafe.
Solution: a tutor or philanthropy or retire elders, will pick from a list, who young / need to support
Solution Proposal: built an APP for IOS and Android, so tutors and students with lacking resources could say ‘I want help’ And ‘I desire to give’, They virtualy Meet, and both can provide and recieve support.
This solution will positively change the lives of people not only in Latin America and the Caribbean, but entire world.
The help to provide could be both:
Economic (equipment [pc, lap top, iPad, Phone, internet time or any Other way of help ]) and
Intelectual (how to access remote classroom, HomeWork)
Sometimes they don’t have no one to ask, even simple cuestions, so they quit school
Not only in Latin America and the Caribbean, but world wide
Just in Mexico, the scale of the problem is:
3,865 high school
103,566 students in public schools (15-18 years old)
Fail percentage 13.8%
Scholars abandon percentage 13%
Source (SEP 2019)
So 103,566 x 26.8% equals:
17,399 poor or deficient young people, will be beneficied asuming all of them will use the Edu-Mentor APP
the contributing factors to the solution of this problem will be, the propper difusion of the APP, in:
social media
Enterpernurship community
Philanthropy associations
This exercise must be done in the other countries
I am an IT profesional, I have master degree in IT Management. And my wife is finishing her PHD in education, she is a high school math teacher, so I am familiar to the learning proccess, I detect the lacks, CSF, dificulties.
also I read national and international news papers, so I know the ploblematic
The product provided to the population, will be an APP for iOS and Android, internally will use a DB to keep the data plus it’s Back up.
The students will be self added with the Edu-Mentor APP
The ID will be captured, zip code, wish list (desired equipment {pc, lap top, iPad, Cel, internet time, and soo far} grade notes [to be compared in the future], address and acount number (for small amounts, for computing time purchase ), email, cel number.
The tutor or philanthroph or retire elders or expert, will also be self added with the Edu-Mentor APP
An alias of the mentor will be captured (to preserve anonimous), he or she will be asked of the kind of support to give.
A random 10 list of students will be displayed, In order to chose applicants based on the help requested.
Any technology could be used to accomplish this solution (.net, Java, etc) as it will provide:
Month report for helped students, beneficts recieved, history of grade notes, photograps with the item’s purchased {pc, lap top, iPad, Cel, internet time}
If the students go down in grades, or abandom school, he or she will be banned from the system and the benefactor will be notified.
the item to be purchased may be buyed by
Money transfer to the student account, who will justify by the acquisition invoice
Internet purchase by using (with previous authorization from the tutor) the tutor’s digital credit card (for one time only).
This initiative will short the digital breach between rich students and the less favored.
If we do not proceed supporting similarly actions, many students will cut theirs tuition, don’t let’s us this happen.
- Deploy new and alternative learning models that broaden pathways for employment and teach entrepreneurial, technical, language, and soft skills
- Provide equitable access to learning and training programs regardless of location, income, or connectivity throughout Latin America and the Caribbean
- Prototype
Although there are already applications that sponsor, as “parteon”, these are complicated, since to convince the mentor you have to make a convincing video, which generates laziness or potential feeling of rejection and you choose not to participate.
It is innovative because encouraging student population in need, disadvantaged or requiring intellectual support, to simply say 'here I am, I do not want to leave school, HELP please'.
As a tutor, mentor or retired expert, make the help process simple and straightforward and not have to watch several videos, to have to choose, to see who deserves the privilege of being chosen the most. With the App, simply choose what kind of help to give and to whom to give it, in a matter of a few minutes, being more effective and efficient than others.
This solve an humanitarian unatended problem for long time ago, and it will last for long term. This model knows csf in our control, such as the students niche, to convince then as easy as using schools wall brochures, to be in the App; Existing factors that are not in our hands: to reach the Tutors who will want to help, by using, media diffusion as in news papers, social media
We will invest in the development of the solution, for which programmers will be hired to build the edu-mentor app, providing them with the requirements and indications to work on both Android and iOS and Microsoft Windows or Internet pages developed in Java or .net
With our Theory of Change , trought facilitating the students be in the app
Outcomes for this population will soon apear, as soon as the sponsors also be in te app and provide the help to support in a intelectual/economic way
The strength of those links. Evidence will be third party research, to find if the student supported by mentors, decrease the school abandon.
This will be evaluation of our work, by surveys/interviews with our target population.
The mission of our project, to reduce the technological gap between those who have everything and who aspires to have something, with which to continue their studies clarifying doubts, since their parents also cannot solve either. and on the other hand to give satisfaction to the mentors, who want to return something p, thanking them for their good fortune and seeing their support reflected, in better grades of the students who received their help and others who avoided leaving the school.
With propper difusión in a short term we intent to reach
8,699.5 poor or deficient young people, will be beneficied asuming just the half of them will use the Edu-Mentor APP
In the long term we will be serving 43,497.5 students asuming the app address 10 countries with the half of population than Mexico.
- Children & Adolescents
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities/Previously Excluded Populations
As this app is not even a prototype, we hope once developed, will operate en Mexico later in Latin America and Caribbean countries
- 2. the number you’ll be serving in one year (just in Mexico)
8,699.5 poor or deficient young people, will be beneficied asuming just the half of them will use the Edu-Mentor APP
- 3. the number you’ll be serving in five years 43,497.5 asuming the app address 10 countries with the half of population than Mexico
As this app is not even a prototype, we hope once developed, will operate en Mexico later in Latin America and Caribbean countries
- 2. the number you’ll be serving in one year (just in Mexico)
8,699.5 poor or deficient young people, will be beneficied asuming just the half of them will use the Edu-Mentor APP
- 3. the number you’ll be serving in five years 43,497.5 asuming the app address 10 countries with the half of population than Mexico
As this app is not even a prototype, we hope once developed, will operate en Mexico later in Latin America and Caribbean countries
- 2. the number you’ll be serving in one year (just in Mexico)
8,699.5 poor or deficient young people, will be beneficied asuming just the half of them will use the Edu-Mentor APP
- 3. the number you’ll be serving in five years 43,497.5 asuming the app address 10 countries with the half of population than Mexico
- Difusión on others newspaper countries, radio , social media
- I am planning to expand my solution to Latin America/Caribbean
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
10 people work part-time staff, including outsourcing programmers
I am an IT profesional, I have master degree in IT Management. I’m familiar with requirements, project definitions, data model building, leading teams.
And my wife is finishing her PHD in education, she is a high school math teacher, so I am familiar to the learning proccess, I detect the lacks, CSF, dificulties.
not yet, but gladly accepting partnerships
Key resources: App Edu_Mentor, difusion to students who needs, mentors who want to help, crowd funding,
Key activities: School visiting, brochure in wall boards , philanthropy associations presentation or visiting or mail invitation
Type of intervention:
Service a way for students who need for asking for help, and if you want to help, find the one who Will improve or avoid School quit
Segments: poor or low income students who need resourses to access TI or students who need help in home work or distance class
Value proposition: Don't quit School, just ask us for help
Partners+key stakeholders: philanthropy associations interest, Maybe to establish a social institution to make it interesting as tax incentive
Cost structure: the bigest expend area will be the app development, so we look India programers to build it.
Channels: we will meet students in need by brochure in wall boards
And reach mentors by presentation or media difusion
Marketing and App improvement
Revenue: optional donations and personal capital
As we asume our client has Low-income revenue we are offering services to clients but focuses on providing access to those who couldn’t otherwise afford
we will bring in money to our project, primarily by optional donations and personal capital