Diadem Scholastic Ventures and the T-app
The MOOC online learning model is the most effective means of providing educational opportunities to the greatest number of people globally. This is especially true for disadvantaged communities because MOOCs have become the most cost-effective and convenient means of pursuing skills-based and lifelong learning.
However, the MOOC model has it's weaknesses. For instance, collaboration among learners in most cases is not optimized due to the space-time disconnects that may exist for persons in different countries or otherwise located far apart. Also, there are no centralized designated spots for learners to meet on a large scale.
Diadem Scholastic Ventures aims to establish global campuses for learners to gain access to quality education and also collaborate. The T-app is a mobile application that will enable learners to teleport to global campuses from anywhere in the world they may be located. Poor Caribbean and Latin American students can access this system.
My solution aims at making online learning through sites like Edx, Udacity, FutureLearn, Coursera and others a viable pathway for skills-based and lifelong learners worldwide to design and participate in educational programs by providing the opportunity for them to meet on a global scale in a venue where they can watch course lectures (round-the-clock internet access), take part in instructor led training, work on assignments, do labs, participate in group discussions, have debates and so forth.
My solution relates particularly well to disadvantaged communities in Latin America like those of the indigenous people. There are 48 million indigenous people in Latin America which represent 17% of all people living in extreme poverty. 51% of these people live in the rural areas where infrastructure may be under-developed. The ones living in the cities mostly live in slums. My solution could take persons such as these out of their limiting environment and into one where learning is possible and with all the resources necessary. Even if this is only for a few hour a day ultimately persons lives could be transformed positively. They would learn and ultimately equip themselves with the education to create prosperous and productive livelihoods.
The objective of the solution I propose is to make online learning available to a sector of persons who face disadvantages in accessing education. This solution is thus relevant especially for those who face poverty, who live in remote areas without access to internet, vocational centers and the like. This is the case with a lot of persons in the Caribbean and Latin America.
I am from the Caribbean and as such I have an understanding of some of the challenges people in this region face as it relates to accessing education and skills training. The cost of quality education can be high and even if it is not considered as high, there are those who still cannot afford it. It is a real breakthrough for some of these persons who have been eager to access high quality education to be able to take courses on sites like Edx.
What my solution will do is make the online education model a more wholesome experience by allowing learners access to resources that will facilitate their learning and allow them to better collaborate and network.
Diadem Scholastic Ventures is the firm that will build campuses in various countries. These campuses will be where mostly online learners converge to take courses, access labs, work on assignments, debate, participate in academic competitions or simply socialize.
The technology that will make the above-mentioned activities possible is the T-app. This is a mobile application that will make teleportation a reality. As a prototype it is being programmed in the python language. It is based on a 2-dimensional model of the Trinity of God. With this software prototype I will demonstrate how it can respond to a command entered in the Trinity function to teleport me from one side of a room to the next. Whenever this prototype is refined into a full-fledge industry standard application it will be able to run on a quantum standard mobile device to teleport learners from anywhere in the world to global campuses and back to their point of origin.
- Provide equitable access to learning and training programs regardless of location, income, or connectivity throughout Latin America and the Caribbean
- Support and build the capacity of formal and informal educators to better prepare Latin American and Caribbean learners of all ages for the jobs of today and tomorrow
- Prototype
One innovative dimension of my solution lies in the T-app. The Trinity-application (T-app) is a computer program which will be deployed in the form of a mobile application that will be used to achieve teleportation.
It's functionality is based on the concept that three entities (the Trinity) can be so harmonious that they become indistinguishable or in other words, form One. To harness the power of this phenomenon that is exclusively exhibited by God, I apply what I consider a Pi-transform which is essentially a mathematical interface or adapter between the high spiritual realm where God exists and the lower realm of humans. The Pi-transform applied to the Trinity manifests the equation 3=1.
One of the important interpretations of this equation is that it allows one physical body to be at two different locations in a space-continuum at the same time-continuum. This fact is the breakthrough to achieve teleportation. What it reveals is that the secret of teleporting a physical being, P from a point A to a point B is not best accomplished by moving P instantaneously from A to B but instead by moving the space-time of point A instantaneously to the space-time at point B. This is the principle that the T-app will be based on.
The T-app will be used by learners to teleport to any of the Diadem Scholastic Ventures global campuses where they can access all the resources they need to pursue lifelong learning and skills-based training.
The solutions that I am putting forward are novel and are products of my belief that nothing is impossible. Novel ideas that are brought to reality are what produce change. Diadem Scholastic Ventures and the T-app have the potential to transform the lives of disadvantaged communities worldwide by becoming facilitators of learning. Cyber educational infrastructures are already in place in the form of sites like Edx, Udacity, Coursera, FutureLearn and many others. These organizations offer a plethora of courses, programs, certifications and degrees. Diadem Scholastic Ventures global campuses will be ground-zero for online learners of these organizations to converge to study, debate, take exams, complete labs, compete, or even socialize. The T-app will allow instantaneous access to the global campuses.
The changes that are realized for persons in disadvantaged communities in Latin America and the Caribbean or even in other locations in the world are that through teleportation they can have instant access to the global campuses where they would have all the tools of learning. They can collaborate to design learning schemes based on what are being offered by course hosts and best suits them, pursue these and ultimately achieve qualifications that will help them to get gainful employment.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural Residents
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities/Previously Excluded Populations
- Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons
- Persons with Disabilities
- Jamaica
- Jamaica
The mission of the venture is to inspire learning and provide the means for people all over the world, especially the under-privileged and disadvantaged. They can plan and achieve their learning goals. Since I started my business Diadem Scholastic Ventures I have put on two mathematics competitions in small primary schools. In the first competition 3 students participated and in second 7 were involved. Hosting these free competitions is a aim to promote the business for the time being. The vision I have for it is extraordinarily greater and diverse as I have explained.
I view Diadem Scholastic Ventures as a mustard seed that is very tiny, yet when planted grows to become a gigantic tree. A short-term goal is to host a major mathematics competition that will involve 100 contestants before the end of 2020.
By 2022 I hope to have built the first global campus in Jamaica and be serving 400,000 learners annually. I will implement affirmative action strategies to ensure that disadvantaged communities in the Caribbean and Latin American are highly served. Some of these strategies will include subsidized fees to teleport to global campuses, sponsorships to register with Diadem Scholastic Ventures as an online learner, scholarships for learners who excel in the courses or programs they are enrolled and grants to help those learners who are extremely poor.
I hope to partner with all the organizations that offer online courses to get support towards accomplishing some of these goodwill policies.
The major barrier I perceive in pursuit of making my goals reality is in how people who have the power to help me may put their own limits on what is possible from what is not. They may not agree with the mantra that drives me, which is that: God is man's limit. It is important for them to understand this belief that I hold as fact and that it is what pivots my ambitious steps toward frontiers where others would never venture. What I need is the opportunity to step out in the deep and either sink or swim. For certain though, the divine force that drives me has been faithful thus far in my journey and has taken me to this point, which I consider to be a miracle. Therefore, my confidence is extremely high in knowing that it will hold me up by acting to justify my reliance on it so far.
I will overcome the obstacles I face in bringing my solution to fruition by remaining tenacious and confident in my own ability to accomplish what I say I will. When people sense a level of focus in someone who is pursuing a goal, even if this goal is out of the ordinary, at some point they will start to exhibit a level of curiosity and start paying attention. This is what I am expecting to happen in my case. And some persons will even rally around the visionary to see to it that (s)he does not fail.
- I am planning to expand my solution to Latin America/Caribbean
My aim is to produce a working mobile application (T-app) within the next 10 weeks. After accomplishing this, I will use this app as a means of generating confidence in the overall project. Being successful in this, I should be able to attract investors to move on to the second phase of the project which will be the building of the first global campus in Jamaica by 2022.
In Latin America nearly 35 million people over the age of 15 cannot read and write. I will seek to collaborate with educational organizations to create online learning programs that help teach persons how to read and write.
l intend to build the second campus in Honduras, the third in a European country, the fourth in an African country. I plan on accomplishing these within a 6 years period.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
I am the founder of Diadem Scholastic Ventures and I am the only person involved with it currently. The T-app is also my project that I am solely involved with.
I am best-placed to deliver the solution I propose because is a manifestation of my own ingenuity. Due to this, I am the agent who is most qualified to develop and promote this solution. When I have made the T-app a working product and demonstrates this, then it will be natural that others will start showing interest in my solution and will come on board to help execute to it's full potential.
I have not started partnering with others as yet. This will happen over time. As the business develops I will forge strategic partnerships to establish the global reach that is desired.
My solution is to create venues for online learners to collaborate in learning; access the internet to attend their courses, do their assignments, make presentations, have group discussions on course materials and so forth. The business will also include an examination center for learners to sit their examinations. They will also find it convenient to network and socialize.
Diadem Scholastic Ventures will over time go into partnerships to address specific learning needs. For instance, programs to address the literacy deficits, programs that focus on skill-based training, programs on personal development.
The business will generate revenue through fees charged for the services offers and the resources made available to learners at the global campuses. Fees will be charged for persons to teleport using the T-app.
I project that within the first year of operation of the global campus in Jamaica serving 400,000 learners worldwide, each spending an average USD40.00 over the year, revenues will be around USD16,000,000. For one learner using the T-app 30 times within a year and paying USD5.00 each time , revenue generated by the T-app for the first year could be around USD30,000,000. This is an estimate that 200,000 out of the 400,000 learners are able to pay, while the other 200,000 are awarded free transit tickets.
The most challenging financial hurdles to overcome are in sourcing the funds to build the first global campus. To get through this, investors will need to come on board.
Diadem Scholastic Ventures will operate as a hybrid for-profit/not-for-profit organisation. Therefore, the poorer persons that it will serve will benefit from subsidies, grants, scholarships, discounts and such. Despite this, due to the global scale on which it's products and services will be in demand, for instance, the teleportation service of the T-app, I do expect the business to achieve financial sustainability in a very short timeframe.
Getting my solution out to the world through the TPrize, I believe will open doors for me to get funding and support to do more research on major problems facing the world. My primary mission as a person is to engineer solutions for major challenges facing the world. To accomplish these will require institutional (education) support, human resources and material resources. Winning the TPrize would be a good step towards these goals.
Winning this competition also would afford me the opportunity to pursue the Master of Global Management at Arizona State University. This degree would equip me to properly manage a global business.
- Mentorship
- Incubation & Acceleration
- IP Registration
- Capacity Building
- Connection with Experts
- Funding
I hope for a full scholarship to participate in MIT Bootcamp in Innovation Leadership for April 27 - July 3, 2020. This Bootcamp can help me in the development of the T-app, a project I am currently absorbed in.
I would like to earn Ph.Ds from MIT in Electrical/Computer Engineering, Physics and Mathematics . Next, I would like to become Trinitarian Professor of Electrical/Computer Engineering, Physics and Mathematics and also Lion of Judah Professor of Space-Time Engineering at MIT. Jointly, as well I like to be Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, UK. These roles will position me to carry out the critical kind of research that is necessary to accomplish my God given missions of problem solving. These will give me the platforms to disseminate education and information to the world that will help people to correct the type of actions that are counter-productive and ultimately create problems for us all.