Connecting young girls
- Pre-Seed
To create an application for use in schools, whereby girls from across the globe will be exploring technology, learning basic computer skills, individually communicating internationally with women in the field of technology and learn the importance of prospering in the economy through the path of technology.
Young/teenage girls are the future generation who will hopefully be the ones to mark a turning point in history, by fully participating and prospering in the economy. My solution is to create an application that will be set up in schools in which they will interact with professional women in the tech field online and learn more about it.
This application will also include tabs whereby they will be taught basic skills. These young girls will be exploring technology, all from a computer screen (or other device given to them) by interacting with it themselves. Guidance will be given online from the professionals but their teachers should only intervene when asked to. This application designed for schools, will not require any direct teacher assistance because questions and guidance will be provided from all on the application.
There will be quite a few tabs in my application once opened. They will all be colour coded and visually pleasing. A few of these tabs include: a browser - in which they can research, the tab to 'connect' and communicate with the professionals, and a few other tabs that will all be interactive on technology (example: quizzes, short video clips, audios, images and written information)
The actual information containing these tabs will be quite diverse. They will range from basic skills, fun with technology to the importance of using it and of women prospering in the economy. My goal is to motivate young girls to prosper in the economy by sparking their interest at a young age.
Additional information
Moreover, computers or other devices will be provided to institutions who do not have access to them. In these cases, the classes will be split in small groups in different sessions so that the girls can use the provided devices.
Many female students do not have access to exploring technology. For example, in : LEDCs, disadvantaged areas in more developed nations, even female students who have access to devices, don't realise the power of technology for them to individually prosper in the economy.
Typically, these female students grow up either:
1. not having access to technology
2. having access to technology but not knowing its potential
Nowadays, technology is the most important and revolutionary tool. And yet, so many female students (more than males) aren't deriving the potential they can bring about to society, through it.
I live in a developed country, Mauritius, whereby most female students have access to technology. I am one of these female students. However, having conducted my own research, a very small amount of female students in Mauritius prosper in the field of technology. This is such because technology hasn't yet been well introduced as a tool to prosper in the economy and not merely as a form of entertainment. My application will demonstrate how technology can revolutionise their participation in the economy and motivate them by them interacting with professional women in this profession.
My solution will motivate young girls to prosper in the economy of their country through the field of technology. This will be done by them interacting with professional women in the field of technology and discovering its importance through my various tabs (quizzes, video clips, audios etc). I want approximately 20 schools across the globe, to start with, to download and use my app. However, I will be the one reaching out to the school for them to download at the beginning. My next outcome will grow to about 50 then 100 until my app goes completely international.
I will reach out to them and thus i will know whether it was been implemented at their schools. - 20 schools
I will reach out to them and thus i will know whether it was been implemented at their schools. - 50 schools
Track downloads in the app store - International (in over 20 nations)
- Adolescent
- Lower middle income economies (between $1006 and $3975 GNI)
- Secondary
- Female
- Rural
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Middle East and North Africa
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
- Management & design approaches
My solution will impact directly young girls by individually making them explore technology. My application will be devised in schools, without teacher assistance for young girls ONLY.
My solution will only be involving young girls who attend schools. Sessions during school time (or other as decided by institution) will teach girls in a fun interactive way on the field of technology, its values and importance.
My application will be free and downloadable in the app store. However, at the beginning, I will be individually contacting schools to implement my solution.
- 4-5 (Prototyping)
- Not Registered as Any Organization
We will be raising money on our own and also invest our own capital. Our own capital will be the main source of investment and as our solution pilots and grows we will receive investment from the general public and friends/family members.
Implementing the application will be difficult because without professional assistance schools will be reluctant to implement our solution in their institution.
- Less than 1 year
- 3-6 months
- 6-12 months
- Technology Access
- 21st Century Skills
- Early Childhood Education
- Online Learning
- Secondary Education
I hope to be able to implement my solution in schools across the globe in order to motivate young girls into the field of technology because it is a prospering field that will allow them to prosper in the economy.