Yes I Can do
- Pre-Seed
Support the social change aimed at transforming harmful social and gender norms, Increased enrolment and retention rate in schools coupled with awareness and knowledge and the creation of agents of change within the communities.
1. Encourage state for legislative reforms and implementation of a strong Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929.
2. Promote attitudinal change towards child marriage by information on law and creating change agents in target communities.
3. Investigate and understand the problem of child marriage (research) and good practices in Plan’s child marriage programming (evaluation)
Yes I Can do is making its way to make things better in project areas. The social mobilization process is well receptive in the selected communities. Project introduction which includes how to achieve its objective is well understood by the communities. Adolescent and youth are actively participating and getting ready to claim their rights. In few villages reportedly, members of youth forum tried to intervene child marriages and in few cases got success in delaying the marriages. IEC material and messages are conveyed in very friendly manner which makes it more acceptable for the communities. This approach also minimize the risk of resistance to change among communities
1.1 Policymakers commit to raise the minimum age of marriage to 18 for boys and girls and increasing the CMRA prison term to more than 1 month, raising the fine to PKR 100,000 in Pakistan
2.1 Community members in target areas including parents of girls, increasingly view CM as a harmful and unacceptable practice.
3.1 Formal and informal structures and leaders at the local level (local government, private sector operators, community, family, and religious institutions) demonstrate greater support for delaying marriage age and the rights of girls and young women
# of parliamentary debates relating to the amendment of the Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929.
# of consultations/meetings with district line departments (police, judiciary, NADRA, marriage registrars)
- Policymakers commit to raise the minimum age of marriage to 18 for boys and girls and increasing the CMRA prison term to more than 1 month, raising the fine to PKR 100,000 in Pakistan
# of incidence of under-18 pregnancies in target communities
# of recorded cases of under-18 marriages decline in target communities
% of girls (15-18) aware on health including SRH and info.
% of girls seeking health care services
- Community members in target areas including parents of girls, increasingly view CM as a harmful and unacceptable practice.
% of youths (girls) participating in youth forum in a community
% of men and boys who believe child marriages/GBV are unacceptable
Legal prosecution mechanism available in the district for the cases reported
- Formal and informal structures and leaders at the local level (local government, private sector operators, community, family, and religious institutions) demonstrate greater support for delaying marriage age and the rights of girls and young women
- Non-Profit
I’ m determined to contribute for the community which is more at risk and prone to sidelined in terms of equal rights and social justice. For echoing their voice, the organization is in process of developing strategy for youth where they can share their ideas at broader level and they have their say this would be done in a community led initiative with aim of Youth Empowering Spaces.
In this regard detail replication and implementation plan would be chalked so that conference’s intended objective could be materialized. In this regard our unit level representation would be involved. Moreover, its propagation at national level would be made via publishing the learnings on organization’s website and handouts in local languages and would be delivered in community based meetings and units’ general body’s meeting which is held biweekly.
- Early Childhood Education
- Water Treatment
- Built Infrastructure
- Transportation
- Supply Chain Management