Recyclables want to bring an alternative solution for plastic waste problem in developing and underdeveloped region. We want to produce paving tiles with recycled plastic in addition to ICT facilitated smart waste pickup system. We want to bring web based interface for smart waste pickup in return for separated waste collection which will reduce the cost of plastic separation from organic matter. Which will be later used for production of plastic tiles. For most of developing nations in Latin America and Caribbean, plastic has been burden. With this concept of waste management not only the plastic problem will be addressed but also the opportunity of social business will increase.
Truly speaking, at this stage we are targeted for municipality level practices in Nepal. In context of Latin America or Caribbean, plastic waste problem is somehow similar or even worse in coastal region. We believe starting from community basis, we can scale this project as regional and social business in the whole region. We believe the best of most available alternatives is recycling. We have tested our product in some of similar condition where we received quiet better results than that of concrete tiles too.
With this solution primarily a developing community is benefited. In secondary this solution can help population of coastal region and as well we have social business model. So as far our model can grow whole developing community with unemployed youth can be helped.
Basically our concept is to turn plastic waste into engineering construction material. But for most of developing nations this seems quiet expensive as separation of plastic from organic waste seems expensive. So for this we have developed a internet based interface which allows household for on demand dedicated waste pickup in-return for separate waste collection ie. degradable and non-biodegradable. This interface allows client to book a separated-waste pickup in date and time of his/her need. This is followed by action of service provider by sending pickup vehicle(probably electric for we hate pollution). This waste is treated as per need ie. plastic waste is turned into tiles and organic waste can be used in various agriculture industry. To the plastic point, this plastic is cleaned(if needed) and shredded. The shredded plastic is then heated in closed container(to avoid oxidation which would eventually cause pollution). At melting point, clean sand is added and mixed thoroughly, and shaped with help of mould(pressure application may be necessary) and let to cool down. This doesn't require much of modern technology but can bring impact with big reason. In one hand we are giving an alternative to problem as well we introduce social business opportunity.
- Enable the public sector, especially municipalities, to pilot and implement new and innovative systems in their waste management
- Prototype
First of all we are bringing easy and affordable solution for this regional problem. As well we want to introduce the use of ICT for more efficient waste management habits so that waste don't end up in oceans or landfills.
Plastic waste is one of the global problem. But the only problem is that they are non-biodegradable. We can turn them up for some kind of related business as in construction industry. Our solution not only deals with plastic but also bring more healthy waste management practices.
- Rural Residents
- Urban Residents
- Low-Income
- Nepal
- Bangladesh
- India
- Nepal
- Bangladesh
- India
Basically this is under project phase only. We are yet to discover the impact on people. But we are planning for expansion as social business to impact a rural municipality of 250 household within a year and to Sub metrocity of minimum 100000 population.
First of all we can clearly observe the environmental impact ie if the plastic waste that ends up in landfills are decreasing then we consider it as positive and viceversa. We can also find out the waste management trend as our interface is dedicated for smart waste pickup trend. Well most importantly the economic factor can be analysed with employment opportunity and income that this social business offers.
Within Next year my goal is to launch this idea as social business and see if it works for a community and if the results are positive, with gradual expansion for five years I see regional action as my goals.
At initial stage we lack seed fund for this project to be in field. Within next year I guess convincing local communities will be our major issue. After five years as we will be growing, my problem might be the shortage of plastic waste.
For seed fund I see crowd funding as good option. And awareness campaign can solve my barrier as I need to convince communities. I also seek an alternative production strategies to control the supply of plastic waste with appropriate use of sand mixtures.
- I am planning to expand my solution to Latin America and the Caribbean
Basically as we are targeting least developed/developing regions which clearly means we are eager to work in Latin America. First of all we will research the scale of waste production of this region and find the compatibility of this project(which will be modified as per needs). Then either plastic is recycled in same region or exported to most feasible region for further more processing.
We are a group of friend/students with distributed work
Recyclables Team Lead PRAJWAL BHANDARI 9861025185
Technical Adviser SHUBHAM GHIMIRE 9810403919
Business Analyst SAMAN NIROULA 9862290322
Public Relations Lead SUDIP BISTA 9819037821
Most time of this project is invested in selection of exact team. As team lead I myself have discussed with number of colleagues to find the perfect dedicated team member. Most importantly we all member have the love of mother earth deep down in our heart. We feel we human beings are responsible for this problem and we believe we can and we must bring impact for a better future.
As key resource I will require a good team and promising technicians(which I guess I am on my way). I would like to coin finance as secondary key resource. I am on lack of funds.
My key activity involve production of construction material(tile) and research for possibility of production of fabricated plastic walls.
My key partners will be the local government or municipality. I will need to tie up with activist working on environmental conservation.
At the start I will have to invest in machinery and equipment. That will include vehicles too.
Basically we have our product as our source of revenue. Paving tiles and other construction material are of high demand. As well we can generate income via service charge that can be put for sanitation or municipal service(optional).
I guess this challenge is perfect platform for me to pitch up. We lack most of advance technology in Nepal and this is exact collaboration we are searching for. As well I guess this solution has good locus with the mentioned challenge.
- Funding and revenue model
We would like to partner with universities. We guess uni is the perfect place to find like minded people in same aim. We would like to learn about latest development and effort that is taking place in rest of the world.