1. The way people dispose of plastic waste
2. Reducing the amount of waste going into the landfills, streets and the oceans
3. Reducing the use of plastic products
4. Educating the public on the importance of recycling plastics
Our solution
1. Take the plastic waste collected and make building materials, household goods and adding to our road mixture also replacing plastics tableware and bottles by creating biodegradable products
2. We will use solar energy to run all the manufacturing process so as to reduce our carbon foot print
1.Will teach persons to recycle and therefore reduce waste going into the landfills, streets, beaches and oceans. Incentives will also be given to schools and communities that are top recyclers
2. This will result in cleaner environs and increase pride in ones nation
3. Will reduce garbage collection woes
4. We will put plastics only bins through out the countries
Plastic waste is now a global problem, and one that must be addressed in order to solve the world's resource and energy challenges. We have over 250 000 peoples affected by plastic waste pollution in the Caribbean. The world's annual consumption of plastic materials has increased from around 1.7 million tons in the 1950s-2012to nearly 300 million tons today. Plastics constitute approximately 3-7% of municipal waste,presently municipal garbage disposal department bury the plastics along with other materials in landfills without recognizing its ill effects, which is one of the many reasons for introducing recycled plastic based products into construction.
According to National Geographic each year the ocean is polluted with 18 billion pounds of every type of Single-use plastics. Plastics are destroying not just irreplaceable eco-systems, such as coral reefs, but the aquatic life is suffering horrible deaths from consuming micro plastics floating in the ocean.
This is why our multifunctional recycling and manufacturing factory is so important to have throughout the region.
We will be working with the people of the Caribbean, beginning in Barbados and then moving to throughout the Caribbean and Latin America. Garbage disposal is one of the major issues facing the people today. Managing plastic waste will reduce the garbage collection problem as well as the problem we are having with the rate at which our landfills are filling up. This is where we will have Educational seminars throughout these countries educating the public on how to recycle plastic waste instead of disposing of them. Having them bring the plastics waste to our factory instead of disposing of them in landfills and the streets.
Changing mindsets
In order to change how we dispose of plastic waste we need to change the mindset of the people, and therefore we will start within the schools. We intend to place specialized bins in all schools to collect plastic waste and create a competition which will reward the schools who collect the highest amounts of recyclable plastic waste materials, and also showing them the benefits of recycling and the problems that derive from such waste. We will then move to Rural and urban communities and do likewise.
We will import five hundred (500) bins, which will be placed in schools and various communities throughout Barbados. We will use four (4)medium sized trucks to collect the waste on a continuous basis. Once collected, the waste will be brought to the factory for processing.
Recycling solution
Plastic lumber can replace treaded wood, which is still considered a hazardous waste material by most landfills. Plastic lumber has many of the desirable durability qualities of pricey and sometimes endangered South American and Asian wood species. It can take some of pressure off the endangered forest and minimize deforestation.
We intend to also include plastic waste into Asphalt for the use of paving roads, which will give a stronger and much cheaper Asphalt mix. Not only is it considered a greener alternative, but it is also 60% stronger and last 10 times longer than standard asphalt.
In addition, we will take any and all plastic waste and melting them down and making different types of building materials such as Moldings, Dura Board sheets (Different sizes), 2x4 (different lengths), guttering, PVC pipes, roofing shingles and many more.
We also will be taking bagasse (Sugar cane pulp), corn starch and sargassum sea weed making biodegradable tableware such as food crates, plates, forks, knives, bottles, cups, straws, bowls which is used everyday in one way or the other. By creating these product we will be eliminating the plastic and Styrofoam being used currently which harmful to the environment.
- Reduce single-use plastics and waste through promoting consumer behavior change and incentivizing re-use and recycling
- Enable the public sector, especially municipalities, to pilot and implement new and innovative systems in their waste management
- Prototype
Our solution is innovative because it changes the way we presently think and dispose of plastics waste.
On top of that a number of the products we are seeking to produce are widely used but not created in this region. We will be the first company to start this process of plastic waste management. Using equipment and bins designed by us.
we except our solution to address the problem because it is a problem that has been going on for years without anyone addressing the plastic waste in the way we are doing it. Hence bringing this solution to table at such crucial time for our climate and countries. For the past 4 years waste has become the topic of every local newspapers here in Barbados. So we will not only be reducing the waste but making something useful out them but creating a biodegradable product which is used everyday by everyone. These tableware products are used at schools, homes, restaurants, businesses etc. So by replacing the plastic ware with our biodegradable products will be an major impact not only by reducing plastic waste but our eco systems will have so much waste in the oceans. Unlike plastics which takes years to break down our biodegradable product will degrade in just 30-60 days and can be made to be used as compost in agriculture land , so it is also good for the environment.
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural Residents
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- Policymakers/government
- Business owners
- Barbados
- Barbados
We are not currently serving anyone however within 1 year we will be servering in excess of 150,000 and within 5 years over 1.5 million. Within all 15 caricom countries and latin America.
Our solution will have an environmental impact since it will reduce the amount of plastic going into the landfills, streets, beaches and oceans. It will also reduce the amount of plastic being imported. So by replacing the plastic ware with our biodegradable products will be an major impact not only by reducing plastic waste but our eco systems will have so much waste in the oceans. Unlike plastics which takes years to break down our biodegradable product will degrade in just 30-60 days and can be made to be used as compost in agriculture land , so it is also good for the environment.
Our goal is to start in Barbados and then open recycling plants throughout the Caribbean. Also taking our educational seminars and products throughout these countries as well. We also want that within the next five years we will see a plastic waste reduction of about 60%. We want this solution to be adopted and taken globally across the world, which will help reduce the carbon foot print and reducing the fossil fuel products which is unhealthy to our climate.
Our goal is approach a lot of the large drink companies giving them the option for us to create a biodegradable bottles. Here in Barbados we have been seeing a lot micro plastics which is mainly coming from bottle caps.
The initial financial hurdle is obtaining financing to startup the operation and to keep it running for the next 1 to 2 years while the organisation becomes profitable.
We will be obtaining concessions from different governments agencies with the regions that we intend to operate. Entering into different competition which highlights our goals. we also be seeking investors who have interest in the green economy businesses.
- I am planning to expand my solution to Latin America and the Caribbean
We intend to move into Jamaica, Trinidad, St Lucia and Guyana within 5 years of startup. These countries operate similar to Barbados and in the case of Jamaica, Trinidad and Guyana have a larger population than Barbados and therefore more potential to earn a profit. Once we are operating successfully in those regions we will branch out across Latin America. I have chosen the above countries because of our CARICOM agreement already in place with these countries so it will be easier and cheaper to import, export and operate in these countries.
We currently have four people working on our solution. But when our factory opens we will have roughly 25 full time staff members here in Barbados.
The principle people behind this venture are:
Mr. Mark Ince has managed several Information Technology departments in the Financial Services industry since 1996 and has been a renewable energy enthusiast for the last 10 years. Mark is now the Managing Director of his own Project Management Consultancy firm and Chairman of a Security company.
Ms. Shakira Busby who has over 8 years of experience in business development and has been involved with recycling and Clean-Teach since 2008 where she managed the family business Recycle It Inc. Shakira is the brainchild behind the operation having done extensive work and research in the industry. She is the owner of a Cosmetics Company and is a Director in a Construction firm.
Mr. Andrew D. Guppy is qualified CPA who has worked at the "Big 4" audit company PwC for several years. Since 2015 Andrew has owned and operated his own accounting firm and is knowledgeable in the local requirement for start-ups.
Mr. Josaphat Small have had his own recycling company for the pass 20 years operating in both Barbados and St. Lucia. He is an expert in everything recycling is an entrepreneur at heart. He has extensive knowledge on the green economy and plastic waste management.
Because the principle team has a wealth of knowledge in Recycling, General, Financial and Project management we believe we are well poised to deliver this solution and manage the operation successfully.
We are currently not partnering with any organizations at the moment
Our business model is that we will provide locally produced bio-degradable and eco friendly packaging and building materials to the population. Currently all tableware is being imported in the country from overseas, thus having the headache of obtaining foreign exchange and the logistics of managing a supply chain from an overseas supplier, this includes getting items through the port and paying all the necessary duties. Since these items will now be locally made by us this eliminates all of these hurdles and allows them to concentrate on their core business.
Since part of the solution is also the collection of the raw material which are either hazardous or a nuisance to our environment, this solution will benefit schools, communities and organisations. Mostly because we will assist with the garbage collection woes that they presently face, but also because of the incentives that will be given to entities that provide us with high volumes of the materials we will be recycling.
We will be required to raise investment capital initially but after 2 years the operation will become profitable through the revenue generated from sales of the various products and services. But we also apply for different grants in pertains to our company.
We believe the IDB Group can help us with the finances and also give the recognition needed to push forward with this project. We can also be seen by potential investors.
- Distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Legal
- Media and speaking opportunities
Governments and governmental organisations that deal with blue economies and waste management would be able to assist in providing assistance both financially and legislative. Governments have to ability to help change mindset when it comes to recycling by providing the right incentives and by passing laws that encourage people to get involved in recycling and using eco friendly products