Do Not Fear Its Hydrocarbon !! Use It for alternative fuel
In India we have established a Pilot Plant, where we have tested LDPE plastic mixed with a special green catalyst, it converts 100 KG of LDPE plastic waste into 100 litres of diesel type fuel. This fuel when tested in generators, it consumed 20% less fuel then the conventional fuel. Though we have not tested in motor car, but it shall run efficiently diesel operated motor car.
One interesting part is that while generating diesel type fuel, it also generates syn gas. This gas when is compressed into 250 Bar, it creates fuel Bio CNG Fuel. It can be supplied at the Gas dispensing station to run automobile.
This shall solve global plastic problem and fear. Our ocean, rivers and cities shall be clean with alternative fuel. People who are interested can visit our pilot plant. The major input is Catalyst which is doing miracle. This catalyst is better than the catalyst used by the oil refinery.
Our model has shown that, this provides numerous jobs to the poor people. They collect waste, clean it and supply to the plant. In turn plant generates fuel, better than diesel.
Plastic Waste Converted As Diesel Fuel
The project converts waste into diesel fuel. This projects also generates Syn Gas, which can be compressed at 250 Bar and used as Bio CNG Gas for running automobiles. In LDPE this generates 20% Syn Gas and other plastic 60 % oil and 40 % syn gas.
- Enable the public sector, especially municipalities, to pilot and implement new and innovative systems in their waste management
- Prototype
This is innovative, people are fearing. We say simply - do not't fear, convert it hydrocarbon fuel. As this shall meet out the requirement of depleting fuel.
Change is required in mind of the municipal authorities. These authorities shall use the technique adopted by our pilot plant in converting plastic waste into diesel fuel and bio CNG gas. Plain plastic do not convert into diesel fuel and bio CNG gas. You have to use catalyst. We have developed this catalyst after 3 yrs of R&D
- Women & Girls
- Elderly
- Rural Residents
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Policymakers/government
1. currently during testing phase we have employed 8 people.
2. After completion of testing we have closed pilot plant. Looking for finance to modify it and operate.
It shall improve environment by giving a good solution on eradicating plastic waste. In social terms it shall give good job opportunities to the waste pickers, who shall earn livelihood through waste and economically it shall reduce dependency on petroleum fuel
The goal is very clear, at least people should eliminate fear and think plastic as an excellent friend, who remains with them and when used send them simply to such processing units, where it can be converted into diesel fuel.
The barriers are technical and financial. Technical is that the reactor is generating too much hydrocarbon vapour. Our condenser is too much low capacity, it can't convert 100 % vapour into fuel. Most of the vapours are lost. So we need good Chemical engineer who can design reactor, condenser and heater in perfect way. Reactor design requires modification as down side exit pipe is required to clean reactor daily. Similarly, we need good heaters to give temperatures. As current heaters are fused easily.
Financial barrier is there as we want to go for big capacity projects.
We are looking for good Chemical Engineers and financial support
- I am planning to expand my solution to Latin America and the Caribbean
We will expand to this region through good partners.
This project is under Pebal Oxide And Organic Pvt Ltd, which is a company registered in India. The company has been started with an aim to eliminate plastic waste.
Earlier 8 and now reduced to 2 due to lack of funding
The solution works on catalyst. We have invested 4 yrs in exploring catalyst, which works on the plastic.
This is working with Pebal Oxide And Organic Pvt Ltd
The business model is simple. Its society which uses plastic and then consign it to the processing centre for generating fuel.
Revenue stream is selling fuel in the market lesser then available fuel price in the market.
The barriers have been mentioned that can be eradicated
- Funding and revenue model
Research Organization