We live in a world where 300 million tons of plastic are produced annually. Half of this is for single use and nearly a quarter of it gets dumped in the ocean. Only 9% gets recycled. Scientists warn that if there is no sustainable solution to recycling plastics, there will be more plastic than fish by 2050.
"Perreni" is a cost effective roofing, walling, and interior real estate accessories product whose core raw material is recycled plastics. All “Perreni” products are 90% recycled plastics, and only 10% chemicals and additives.
Through the active collection and use of recycled plastics for manufacturing of "Perreni", Latin America and The Caribbean will benefit from sustained marine life through reduction of plastic in the ocean. The people living in informal settlements will also benefit from better living conditions through roofing and walling that regulates temperature, at half the cost, while absorbing external sound.
Over 13 million tones of plastic waste are dumped in the oceans each year, and the average person eats 70,000 micro plastics each year. 1.1 Million seabirds and animals die each year because of plastic pollution.
The key contributor is, close to 8.3 billion tons of plastic have been produced since 1950, yet only 9% of this is recycled. 73% of beach liter is plastic. Over 1 million plastic bottles are bought round the world every minute. This is however likely to increase by 20% by 2021. The problem continues to grow as populations need for goods packed with single use plastic increases daily across the globe. There is therefore need to act in a sustainable way that will reduce dumping even with increased production.
56% of the urban population in Kenya live in slums and informal settlements while 23% of the urban population in Latin America and The Caribbean live in slums. This population is forced to use roofing, walling and accessories materials for construction that are expensive, weak, react to acidic rain, are hot, often rust, are noisy and conduct heat.
"Perreni" seeks to tackle the environmental hazard while solving poor living conditions in informal settlements.
Through interaction and observation of people living in informal settlements in Kenya, we learned that they are often forced to use roofing, walling, and interior building accessories that are expensive, weak, react to acidic rain, are hot, often rust, are noisy, and conduct heat.They also have no access to electricity and proper sanitation. Some of them live in hot areas, and are affected by acidic rain.
We have also observed various government initiatives in Kenya which seek to ban the use of single use plastic bags, as well as organize plastic bottle recycling, while seeking ways to increase employment among the youth.
We seek to help governments in Latin America, The Caribbean, and Kenya create sustainable ways to empower youth to manage collection of plastic waste (Perreni's" core raw material). This will improve on the government's initiatives to manage plastic waste. It will also improve living conditions for people living in informal settlements through provision of roofing and walling sheets that are strong, durable, don't rust, insulate sound, control heat, resist fire, are durable, flexible, are easy to install yet compatible with solar cells for access to electricity.
Structured collaboration is to be looked into.
"Perreni" is a product range for roofing, walling and real estate accessories manufactured with recycled plastics as its core raw material. The materials and accessories include, but are not limited to: roofing and walling sheets, roofing tiles, interior and exterior floor tiles, ceiling boards, window frames, door frames, and corporate signage.
"Perreni" contains weather resistant properties, and is corrosive and fire resistant. It insulates sound and is able to handle impact from weight above 100kgs without damage or deformity. It preserves heat, is impact and weight resistant (both in form and colour), and can be installed with solar cells to produce energy. "Perreni" is water resistant, affordable, durable, and flexible enough to ensure no breakage during installation. It contains a natural grip that requires minimal use of cement and can be customized to different colors, molds and designs to suit varied tastes and preferences. It contains a smooth top layer that does not rust.
PERRENI sheets and tiles are light in weight, yet thick and
flexible. This makes them easy to install accurately with minimal
wastage and distortion. The tiles are harder, denser,
and less porous than the regular tiles. This makes them last longer,
even in high-traffic areas.
The raw materials needed are: high density polymer plastic waste, heat resistant and acid proof chemicals, and solar granules (additional for roofing materials for generation of energy).
The product manufacturing process is a four-part process where the first
part is the collection and cleaning of high-density plastic waste,
followed by passing the plastic through a shredder machine, which cuts
them into small pieces then melts the plastic pieces as they mix with
heat related anti acid chemicals within a plastic extruder machine; lastly passes through a mounding machine which then fashions it into varied
shapes and sizes ready for storage and later distribution.
- Reduce single-use plastics and waste through promoting consumer behavior change and incentivizing re-use and recycling
- Prototype
Unlike other products “Perreni” products are made of 90% recycled plastics, and only 10% other materials and chemicals. Varied solutions in the market that use plastic waste for production of roofing materials and real estate accessories, often have sand as a core raw material as opposed to plastic waste.
"Perreni" has a protective layer that prevents the formulation of fungi, mold and moss. It is easy to wash and maintain. It is light in weight and yet flexible enough for easy installation. "Perreni" products minimize noise during rain, heavy wind and hail, and regulate temperatures through low conductivity.
The material's strength eliminates wastage during installation as it is distortion proof (can handle pressure from over 100kgs without bending) because of it's light weight and flexibility. It is eco friendly and clean enough to be used for water harvesting, yet are affordable and long lasting.
Majority of the existing solutions in the same product range are expensive yet durability and safety are not guaranteed. They often react to chemicals, and are heavily affected by acidic rain. They conduct heat, rust and need more frequent replacement. They are unable to insulate sound, and resist fire, and impact. "Perren's" is compatible with solar cells for generation of energy/electricity.
"Perreni" also solves four major social-economic global issues: environmental degradation from dumping of plastic waste; reclaiming of informal settlements by promoting better yet sustainable living conditions; access to energy in off grid areas, and informal settlements; and youth empowerment through employment creation (management and collection of plastic waste).
The key activities that we will embark on to solve the problem are:
- Ensuring that effective collection centers are set up for the sourcing of "Perreni's" raw material - Plastic Waste. This will be done in Latin America, The Caribbean, and Kenya in partnership with the relevant government authorities, and private companies for effective execution.
- We will also ensure that a manufacturing plant is set up in the major cities of the two locations to ensure that the plastic waste required is prepared for consumption
- Awareness will be created through online and offline marketing, together with appointment of agents and distributors to ensure consumption of the "Perreni" product, and increased demand for it.
Research shows that there is Inaccessibility to affordable housing units for low-income earners in Kenya. Over 85% of Kenyans living in rural areas own their homes compared to just 26.1% in urban areas. In Latin America about 80 percent of the region’s population lives in cities, making Latin America the world’s most urbanized region with the majority being low income earning citizens and slum dwellers.
With the above key activities implemented in the target regions, and the relevant demand pull based on the stated statistics, there will be evident increase in use of recycled plastic, creation of jobs, reduction in marine creature deaths and improvement in lifestyle in low income settlements. In the long run, many highly affected countries will experience a sustainable cleaner environment, that will improve economies, and improve well being through healthy living.
- Rural Residents
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons
- Policymakers/government
- Business owners
- Other
- Kenya
- Kenya
We have used "Perreni" in one homestead that hosts three people for product testing of the prototype. The homestead is fully installed with roofing materials, ceiling boards, and floor tiles.
We hope to increase the impact of the solution to at least 48,000 people in the first year, through targeting of 2,000 home steads with an average of 5 people in two major towns. This will follow the set up of the manufacturing plants (which we will give an allowance of 6 months to set up), and then initial production of 1,000 sheets a day for 6 months of a 5 day week.
Within five years, we hope to have increased the impact to at least 100Million people world wide from 20Million homesteads in at least 20 countries through the set up of varied collection points, manufacturing plants, and a vast distribution network.
We will measure the solution's positive impact based on how much plastic waste we have been able to collect, hence reduction of death of marine creatures (this will be based on a percentage). We will also measure environmental impact based on reduction of micro plastic circulation in food will be noted in reduction of diseases caused by consumption of micro plastics.
We will measure social impact through how many people have been able to successfully complete school or university due to access to energy/electricity for studying; how many informal settlements have been reclaimed with better living conditions; how many more people have access to clean drinking water and food without micro plastics.
We will measure economical impact based on how many more enterprises are able to increase operation hours due to access to energy/electricity; how many people have been employed in collection, manufacturing and distribution centers; increased volume of production due to access to energy/electricity; and increased circulation of currencies in different countries based on the introduction of new revenue streams.
Due to the product being at prototype stage, there is limited impact in the last three years.
In the next one year, we have the following goals
- Setting up of collection points for plastic waste
- Establishment of the necessary trails for strategic movement of the plastic wast to the manufacturing plant
- Closing of seed capital to start operations
- Setting up of at least two manufacturing plants in two major cities in the world
- Establishing of distribution channels
- Market entry in one strategic market
- Awareness creation (online and offline)
- Measurable social, economic, and environmental impact
Implementation of these goals will help us have impact on at least 48,000 people in year one through initiation of collection of plastic waste, setting up of manufacturing plants, and market entry in strategic markets.
In the next five years, we hope to achieve the following goals:
- Scale up collection points to at least 20 major cities in 20 countries
- Create sustainable and measurable social, economic, and environmental impact models
- Increase production capacity to at least 4.8Million sheets/tiles a day
- Tighten distribution network, and have established customer experience
- Establishment of a revenue model that will be cash positive by the 5th year.
Implementation of these goals will help us have impact on 100Million people worldwide through effective scaling of both social impact activities, and increased market penetration.
Within five years, we hope to have increased the impact to at least
100Million people world wide from 20Million homesteads in at least 20
countries through the set up of varied collection points, manufacturing
plants, and a vast distribution network.
The barriers that exist for the first year include:
- Lack of existing collection points and mechanisms for movement of for plastic waste from dumping sites to manufacturing plant.
- Limited access to capital to set up the manufacturing plant, establish distribution channels, and run operations for the first six months (pre-revenue)
- Lack of awareness about the impact of plastic waste
- Lack of awareness about "Perreni" to create the necessary demand pull to make is sustainable.
The barriers that exist for the next five years include:
- Limited "know how" on the penetration to 20 countries
- Limited access to capital for scaling (keeping in mind a steep growth curve following market testing)
- Limited time for setting up of required manufacturing plants to handle increased capacity
- Lack of existing technology in existing setup to handle scaling while measuring impact
We hope to overcome the barriers to achieving the goals for the first one year by:
- Creating strategic partnerships with organizations that handle collection of plastic waste
- Raise seed capital through seeking of grants and donations that will aid in the setting up of the manufacturing plant, establishment of distribution channels, and run operations for the first six months
- Use seed capital, together with partner organizations and media to create awareness about both plastic waste impact, and "Perreni" the product range
We hope to overcome the barriers to achieving the goals for the next five years by:
- Start the establishment of strategic partnerships with the 20 African countries
- Establish a franchise model that will be used for easy roll out and scaling of the solution
- Work through partner organizations to set up manufacturing plants based on the primary model in the first location
- Commission a company with seed capital to develop a technology that will effectively manage scaling, while consistently measuring social, economic and environmental impact of the solutions
- I am planning to expand my solution to Latin America and the Caribbean
Snydre Corp. hopes to implement the "Perreni" solution in Latin America and the Caribbean through collaboration with existing plastic waste managing companies to collect and congregate plastic waste, set up a manufacturing plant, and start distribution of "Perreni" to this market. This will follow the establishment and setup of the manufacturing plant, and market entry in the root country - Kenya. Snydre Corp. also hopes to form strategic partnerships through the IDG Group that will assist in establishing her footprint in Latin America.
Latin America and the Caribbean regions have over 134Million slum dwellers. This on its own creates a large primary market for "Perreni" which is primarily focused on improving the lives of those who live in informal settlements. A large portion of the plastic waste problem in the world lies in Latin America and the Caribbean. Sustainable change in the management of plastic waste will need an establishment in the area.
There is one (1) core innovator who works full time in partnership with local plastic manufacturing companies in Kenya for sample production. There is also one (1) person working part time on strategy, brand development, and business management.
I am a globally recognized innovator who has represented Africa in the Diamond Challenge Startups Africa and emerged top in both Africa and in the US. Over the years, my passion for innovation has led me to develop 5 other products in real estate, security and ICT. As a result, I have become one of the most sought after innovators by investors due to my ability to create relevant solutions that solve global social economic problems. I am the core founder of Snydre Corporation who's aim is to build a pool of innovators from a pool talent across the world. I am also a motivational speaker who has impacted thousands of youth in over 200 schools. I am best placed to deliver this solution due to my wide influential network for access to markets and talent sourcing and my influence in youth which will steer the improvement in further development of the solution.
Samali Kirika is an entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in branding and strategy spanning over 15 years. She has set up and grown businesses in varied sectors. With her wealth of experience in branding, business strategy, business management, creative development and execution management, she has worked with over 50 brands, and handled executions in different African markets. Through her vast knowledge in branding, gap analysis, business structure, strategy, and growth management, She has successfully helped over 10 entrepreneurs in various sectors build brand value, implement business ideas, and optimize businesses for profitability.
We have had access to the factory of Kenpoly Manufacturers Limited, for production of samples in preparation to go to market. No official partnerships signed yet.
Perreni is a roofing, walling, and real estate accessories product whose core raw material is recycled plastics. It is weather, corrosive, weight,fire and impact resistant. It also insulates sound, preserves heat, is compatible with solar cells, affordable, easy to install, flexible, and durable.
The Perreni roofing and walling product range seeks to provide comfort to people who live in cities affected by heat waves, acidic rain, coastal temperatures. It also seeks to help improve the lives of people in poverty stricken settlements who often construct with metallic sheets, lack access to electricity, and encounter high costs of construction.
The Perreni interior product range, which mainly consist of floor tiles and ceiling boards seeks to help contractors in developed and developing countries save on building costs through lowering the cost of the finishes; minimization of wastage through use of limited cement during installation, while providing durable attractive finishes.
The Perreni product range is designed to prevent formulation of mold and moss, insulate sound, control extreme temperatures, and facilitate water harvesting. It is durable yet affordable, light in weight and easy to wash yet preserves its shape and colour.
Following the collection of plastics waste, Perreni will be manufactured, stored and distributed through hardware stores and agents. Bulk orders will however be handled directly.
The major cost structures include: Collection, assembling and recycling of plastic waste Setting up and maintenance of manufacturing plant and warehouse, Staff, spaces, distribution, inventory management, Research and Development, training, sales marketing and public relations.
Ref. Full Business Model.

Initially, the company will require donations and/or grants to set up the manufacturing plants, employ key personnel, set up distribution channels, sales, marketing, and distribution .
Following the set up, the products will be sold for generation of revenue to meet operational costs during market entry stage. The revenue streams will be as follows:
- Roofing sheets
- Roofing tiles
- Walling sheets
- Ceiling boards
- Interior and exterior tiles (floors, gardens and driveways)
- Signage materials
- Interior frames for doors and windows
- Finishes accessories (nails, hinges, etc.)
The demand pull for the product will be created through education of the public on the superiority of the product, strategic partnerships, distribution agreements, competitive commission structures, competitive pricing, direct sales to contractors, and strategic positioning of the product.
Following the set up, and market penetration stage, the next round of funding will then be sought to scale into larger markets.
We are applying to the "Rethink Plastics" challenge as we know we can help solve the problem of plastic waste in Latin America, and The Caribbean through the introduction of a product whose core raw material is recycled plastics. The product we will be introducing will contribute to sustainable change due to the growing demand for roofing, walling and interior accessories in both developing and developed countries worldwide.
The barriers the IDG Group can help us overcome when we are selected are:
- Education of the public on collection points and recycling of plastic
- Setting up of the manufacturing plant in one city for market entry
- Setting up of a show house and sales office
- Setting up of distribution channels
- Strategic partnerships in the construction industry
- Setting up of strategic partnerships with media for awareness and publicity to increase the demand pull for the product
- Setting up of strategic partners with agents who handle distribution to hardware shops, and selected retail outlets.
- Setting up of the sales team
- Marketing and advertising (online and offline promotion of the product)
- Business Model
- Technology
- Distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent or board members
- Legal
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Media and speaking opportunities
- Other
Mentorship through business growth.
We would like to partner with the following organizations.
- Non Governmental Organizations that focus on awareness on environmental hazards - this will be to educate the public on collection points, and proper collection of especially single use plastics
- Media houses - for purposes of awareness on plastic waste, as well as promotion of the "Perreni" product
- Major construction companies - for product demonstrations during market entry
- Existing associations in the construction industry - for product demonstrations and market penetration
- Retailers who sell real estate accessories - for distribution of the product for market entry. Revenue models can be agreed for implementation of the same.


Director - Business