Sustainable Education
Problems that i intended to solve:1)Minimize the number of secondary school dropouts & increase organic food supply.
My Solution:i have a concept where,
1)students will pay no money,instead they will work in a farm in their spare time.
2)The farming process will be organic(no chemical fertilizer or pesticides will be used).
3)The school will be will have a physical structure but it won't be mandatory to attend threre.
4)Books received from the school will be free of cost & the student will return the copy after passing the school.
5)unprivileged children can also take small interest free loan from the school to buy farm animals to support their families & the loan can only be paid back by serving the school in future.
Impact on the people:Higher man power,gender equality & population control which can be achieved through education.mass-produced organic foods can also create a healthy community.
In 2016,around 37.81% of students who took admission in grade-VI droped out before completing the secondary level.[1] A large number of children from ultra poor areas-such as char areas, haor areas and the Hill Tracts are barely enrolled in the public school system.[2] when a child is born into a poor family,he/she is compelled to work to find some earnings for the family.
in 2015,Almost 3million students passed grade-V[3] & if the dropout rate is 37.81%,then the lives of 1.13million children per year are affected by this problem.This is happening every year & the real number will be greater than the statistics.May be the drop-out rate is slowing down slowly but the quality of education is decreasing. The international standard teacher-student ratio is 1:30.But teacher-student ratio was 1:42 in 2016, 1:41 in 2015, 1:39 in 2014, 1:37 in 2013 and 1:36 in 2012.[4] So it is increasing day by day.
Things like poor teaching methods, incompetent untrained teachers, lack of encouragement,poverty,child labour,child marriage(for girls) has caused children to not continue their schooling.Every contributing factors to the problem except child marriage relate to my solution.
I am serving the children of Bangladesh
As I said before,reasons behind secondary school dropouts are:
-poor teaching methods
-incompetent untrained teachers
-lack of encouragement
-child labour
-child marriage(for girls)
My solution is based on 3 key things:
1)organic food supply as a source of income for the institution.
2)Free online animated colourful lectures for every there will be no option for poor teaching methods,incompetent untrained teachers & lack of encouragement.If any student has any doubt about any topic they can submit the question online which will be answered by a qualified volunteer.
3)There will be options for small scale interest free loan for unprivileged children to buy farm animals to support their families & the loan can only be paid back by serving the school in future. So no more child labour will be needed.This loan can be paid back by serving the school in future.
The service & the product that I will providie to the population are:
1)primary,secondary & higher secondary education free of costs.
2)Organic foods that the community will buy to support the school.
3)Small loan to the family of the unprivileged children.
The processes and technology that I will use:
1)organic farm where teenagers will work 1 to 2 hours a day to support the institution.They will grow organic vegetables, meat & milk.Those products will be sold in the market & the money come from this will be spent for their education.This experience will also help them in future as Bangladesh is highly dependent on agriculture.
2)smartphone thechnology,website & internet connection,because some part of the education will be online.This educational website will also be a source of income in future.There will be Free online animated colourful lectures for every students & every question of every students will be answered online or in phone or in an animation by a qualified volunteer. online lectures can be reused again & again.This means the number of full time teachers needed to run the school will be less which means less money to run the school.And it won't cause any problems to the students because the lectures will be on the internet already.
3)interest free small scale Loan system for the families where the families are dependent financially on the children.This money will be used to buy farm animals to support their families. in exchange of the loan they will teach younger kids in future according to their qualifications.The time limit for this type of service will depend on the amount of the loan that he/she took.Because of the cost minimization, i think many unprivileged children will be interested towards education.This system will also help them to earn money which will help their families financially. Moreover, it will create more online teachers in future.
4)Books,smartphone,internet connection will be supplied from the school & the students will return this after passing.
I highly expect this solution will work & it will reduce the number of dropouts will also bring financial solvency to many families & the number of organic food supply in the market wiil increase which will help to grow a healthy community.
- Upskill, reskill, or retrain workers in the industries most affected by technological transformations
- Support underserved people in fostering entrepreneurship and creating new technologies, businesses, and jobs
- Education
- Technology
- Concept
Education by animation,isn't it cool ?
some boys and girls growing foods for their education,won't it be awesome ?
It iis a self-sustained model.No one need to give money after it is established for the second time.
Because, i learnt many things from khan i know online education works.
grameen bank gives small scale loan in our country & it works.
organic vegetable is not a popular choice right now.but soon it will work too.because number of cancer patients are increasing.
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
currently - none
in one year- atleast one village worth of people
in five years- atleast 10 districts
cutting the dropout poroblem to zero in one village within the next year is the target.
within the next 5 years it should be zero at least in 10 districts.
for the next year
-supply of good animators
-supply of smartphones
-costs of internet
-server cost
-website cost
for the next 5 years
-market of the organic foods & its demand.
-people who won't have any intention to repay the loan.
-Marketing the website
-finding customers
Right now i will need the fund & some good animators.for future i will need to get a good marketing strategy.May be by popularizing the organic foods through facebook & by finding customers who will post advertisement on my site.
- Not registered as any organization
currently i am working solo & it is just a concept right now.
i am a chemical engineering i know something about chemitry,biology and agriculture.
but soon i will meet people who will help me to get this concept further & i think this platform will help me to achieve this.
key customers:
-health conscious people
-people who will post advertisement on my site
the children who will get their education.
The Model:
1)teenagers will work in an Organic farm 1 to 2 hours a day to support the institution.They will grow organic vegetables, meat & milk.Those products will be sold in the market & the money come from this will be spent for their education.
2)Free online animated colourful lectures for every students will be on a website.every question of every students will be answered via online .This website has also potential to be a source of income.
3)interest free small scale Loan will be given the families where the families are dependent financially on the children.This money will be used to buy farm animals to support their families.This loan can be paid back by serving the school in future as teachers.
Impact of Education:
-gender euality
-population control
-free from poverty
-Government funds
-sales of organic foods
-advertisement on the website
-people who took the loan & volunteered as a teacher.
-raw materials for the farms
-salary for online & offline teachers (online lectures can be reused again & again.This means the number of full time teachers needed to run the school will be less which means less money to run the school)
-money given as the loan
Money received from the farm and the website will be used towards the will be self the investment is one time only.
1) it will help me to rise fund for the startup.
2)i will get recognition which will help me to get fund from the government.
- Technology
- Talent or board members
- Legal
- Media & speaking opportunities