In Bangladesh a huge portion of women are left behind in the journey towards a developed nation. is a platform that enables women to grow skills and become income generating members of the society. got an online platform and also does offline activities to empower women. It is now proposing an innovative learning ecosystem. It includes IVR service where women can call and listen to skill development lessons every week for FREE.
Soft-skills which are easy to teach via voice will be focused on IVR system. Other technical skills like coding, graphics designing, data Science will be taught via online platform where it will be more efficient.
A good number of women living in rural areas will get opportunity to come into the main stream. Another big portion of women who leave jobs after marriage or pregnancy will be able t work from home or restart second career.
The percentage of female population age 15+ with no education is 35.18% in Bangladesh and The percentage of female population age 25+ with no education is 44.64% in Bangladesh
The women of lower class lag behind in all aspects of their needs as compared to men and women of middle and higher classes. They are deprived of education opportunity because of their poverty, social barriers and indifferent attitude of the authorities towards them. As a result, in one way or another, they are deprived of economic opportunities too. Due to access to free education many of them attend schools but miss in growing skill that will lead them towards a fruitful career.
42%of girls who take admission in grade-VI drop out before completing the secondary level, according to a draft report prepared by the government.
On the other hand, urban women fails to keep up with their career due to social structure which forces women to leave their career from the middle to have children. Many wants to restart their career but have no way.
This project of will serve the following TGs
1) Rural Women
2) Young Women
3) Women who wants to build their 2nd Career team worked in past with urban, rural and slum women through it's different projects. also worked with technical communities like Google Developer Group and Facebook Developer Circle to understand the gap in the growth ecosystem.
The IVR system which even works in 10$ phones (which are in almost every hand in Rural Bangladesh) will be a great vehicle to reach rural women. The can also avail extra content via Free Bacics platform which provides access to content via telecom network without data charge.
Online lessons will be useful for women who are mostly in urban areas. There are free courses available online but not a single good Bangla course on latest technologies like Machine Learning or Data Science. Also, it is almost impossible for Bangladesh youth to use cloud infrastructure to upgrade their skills. will provide access to use the latest technology without any trouble. is an invisible connect to work-life fit and career success for women in Bangladesh. Begum’s motto is to improve women’s equality in society and improve their condition in education and workplace. Begum’s intention is to create jobs for women and create their own individuality. Begum is working to make a woman self-reliant and create a proper environment for her. provides Interactive Voice Response (IVR) based solutions for women that is an easy, effective and economical way to create, deliver and evaluate online training at great speed.
Online lessons will be useful for women who are mostly in urban areas. There are free courses available online but not a single good Bangla course on latest technologies like Machine Learning or Data Science. Also, it is almost impossible for Bangladesh youth to use cloud infrastructure to upgrade their skills. will provide access to use the latest technology without any trouble.
- Increase opportunities for people - especially those traditionally left behind – to access digital and 21st century skills, meet employer demands, and access the jobs of today and tomorrow
- Support underserved people in fostering entrepreneurship and creating new technologies, businesses, and jobs
- Children & Youth
Advancing women’s equality can add $12 trillion to global growth. When more women join the workforce, everyone benefits. Increasing women labour force participation to 45% by 2020 will help Bangladesh enhance its GDP by 1 percentage point, says World Bank. So, if more women get easy access to education and get the opportunity to get back to their career, the country and the whole world will get benefited.
- For-Profit
20 people full-timer and some part-timers and interns
Preneur Lab is a technology for social good company that focused on women empowerment, youth development. Till date, we have worked with more than 10,000 women to empower them by developing their skills and creating career opportunities.
Corporate partnership
CSR Funds
Course Fees for financially able women
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