There are nearly 7 million youths who are currently unemployed. There are many students those are studying in different universities. Though they are interested in doing part time jobs to support themselves. There lies a small chances in doing part time jobs like service boy in restaurants,online free launching, part time tutoring jobs which are time consuming. And there lies many jobs those are not welcomed by our society. They sneer at those jobs. They also feel that entrepreneurship is not secured. Their conservative thoughts provoke themselves from development and to explore.
The young generations are the worst sufferer here thus they need a platform that will be socially accepted as well as profitable. They are creative, industrious but has lost their passions due to a lack of proper guidance and platform.
We are providing the solutions that will contribute in:
(i) Part time job creation.
(ii) Creation of Interesting fields.
(iii) Generation of Smart Ideas.
(iv) Making the Generations Artistic and Qualified.
(v) Patronizing Entrepreneurship.
(vi) Determined to Changing the Perception of Society Gradually in order to Evolve the Society.
(vii) Strengthening the Export Site of Handicrafts and Indigenous Products.