Rent-A House
In Bangladesh rental property owners rent their property with hassle and tenants find their desire house difficulty, so making a good relation between them by providing a suitable digital solution that makes both easy to find a property/house or rent a property/house. This is not only for family but also a solution for bachelors. In other version landlord can earn money by renting extra room for foreigner or local people.
In Bangladesh 90% rental property owners and 99% tenants are facing this problem to rent and find suitable house/property, so we are working with all of them.
we have surveyed 100 property owners, 80% of them are interest to this digital solution to find tenants easily.
we will provide a rental solution service for both property owners and tenants.
we will use a web based application that provides this solution to people and also two android applications (tenant app and owner app) to find each other.
- Upskill, reskill, or retrain workers in the industries most affected by technological transformations
- Finance
- Technology
- Concept
because, the survey results provide 90% rental owners wants a digital and easy solution of this problem.
1. the current number of people we are serving is 3
2. the number we will be serving in one year is 10-15
3. the number we’ll be serving in five years is 50-100
our goal is to develop and launch this solution in next year and in five years we will provide this service to 80% of rentals owners and 70% of tenants.
its a totally huge project, so financial condition comes first, if we could recover the financial condition then we are able to successfully complete this project.
By managing proper funding of this project we can able to make a little contribution to digitized our country.
- Not registered as any organization
there are 4 people are working in our solution.
because we two have worked as a software engineer in a software company and other two have skills in marketing. we two software engineer developed and launched different type of solutions. we have experience on software development on asp .net and php larval language. we have marketing strong team, so we think we are able to deliver this solution.
Currently working with our own company "Corebit", its a software company and digital marketing agency.
in public function, all people want a free solution, so we will provide our system for free use, the more your people engaged with your system the more stable you are. But all free is not free, we will make a premium model for the rental property owners. if one property owners pay 100 taka per month then he will pay 1200 tk per year. if we consider 1000 tk per year, then 10,000 owners will pay 1 Crore taka per year. there are minimum 1 Lac property owners in dhaka, we consider only 10,000 users. on the other hand there are tenants, we can also make them a premium model.
initially we need a investment capital for developing the project, but after launching the project it will be a serviced base company, so there it will generate revenue.
- Business model
- Technology
- Funding & revenue model