There is no low cost effective technology which contains educational audio books and tools like calculator, alarm and messenger. As a result, 90% of blind are uneducated and 70% of them are unemployed.
Our mission is to provide them proper way of education in a sustainable way and ensure their security throughout emergency health support.
Braille Board is a 70$ computer for Blind containing 10000+books & tons of tools which can able to solve Blinds education and providing them emergency health support. If govt. helps us, we can solve their education problem by making 40$ computer for them which is affordable for govt. to provide this technology as an alternation of Braille Books to them.
Also we made Blind Eye App and Software For Blind with same features to make our services easy to reach all over Bangladesh.
How poor blind students can read and write as they can’t bear the expenses of Braille Books?
There's no low-cost effective technology which contains Blind student’s class textbooks and tools like calculator, alarm and messenger.
I agreed that Braille technology is awesome. But the problem is price. One braille book costs more than 60$. It's an impossible amount for blind to continue their study. Even Government are not providing free Braille Books to all Blind students because of it's price. At a result the literary rate of educated Blind is less than 10%.
Again, they can't check the expire date of a product, can't set alarm, can't get breaking news in time, can't calculate any sum in Bazar, can't get 24 hour emergency health support on case of danger.
They need a technology accessible, low cost and containing their needed important books along with tons of tools like location tracker, Calculator, Alarm to make their life easier.
There are 34 Million blinds in the world. .7 Million are in our country (Bangladesh). But the only way of their education is Braille System which is too much costly. Again, the number of braille books is insufficient. Yes, there’re some technologies for the blind but surely none of them contains local books that can help them to learn and continue their study.
Brailly serves these blind peoples of our country a low cost alternative way to continue their study and for the betterment of their overall life.
Also, Bangladesh government doesn't provide free braille textbooks to blind students because of it's high price. We want to collaborate with government to serve our countries blind students our solutions.
How poor blind students can read and write as they can’t bear the expenses of Braille Books?
There is no low cost effective technology/computer which contains Blind students class textbooks and tools like calculator, alarm and messenger. As a result, 90% of blind are uneducated and 70% of them are unemployed.
How can we provide Books and other facilities to poor blind students as they can't afford Braille Books?
They need a technology accessible, low cost and containing their needed important books along with tons of tools like location tracker, Calculator, Alarm to make their life easier.
There are lots of smartphone(22%) and computer consumers(28%) who use scanners, converters to convert image to text and text to speech as so they can read books. They don't have any apps containing thousands of books and tons of tools.
Braille Board is a 70$ device for Blind containing 10000+ books and 15+ tools like 999 emergency health service, 24 hour news update, voice messaging system etc. Its a IOT based device which has only 16 buttons for its input system and in each buttons we are using Braille technology as so blind can easily identify each buttons. In this pocket device, we use:
1. Rasberry Pi-3 B+ (1GB)
2. 32GB Storage
3. 5MP Camera
4. 5000 mAh Battery
Throughout Braille Board a blind can:
✔ know about the current Weather.
✔ track users current Location, street number.
✔ Do any big Calculation.
✔ Set Alarm easily, anytime.
✔ Communicate with relatives through Voice Message.
✔ Read Newspaper daily.
✔ Know about today’s Traffic Condition across the city.
✔ Send Emergency Alert to control Centre to rescue from any kind of danger.
✔ Read government textbooks.
✔ Read 10000+ Novels in Offline & 100000+ Novels in Online.
But there are already 55% of Blind who owned Computer and Smartphone to do basic stuffs. To gain that portion of consumer easily we made BLIND EYE APP. Its a cross platform application with similar features of BRAILLE BOARD. Its available for Windows, Android and iOS.
We have already 1000+ active users who use BRAILLE BOARD for doing daily stuffs.
- Upskill, reskill, or retrain workers in the industries most affected by technological transformations
- Education
- Technology
Braille Board doesn’t have any direct competitor on the market. Because it’s rare to find out any single solution which can ensure blinds security as well as providing them a proper way of education in such cost(70$). So, if I launch my product on market, it will be a revolution in the history of blind technology. Now it’s time to provide them technologies made only for them. Besides, to gain 50% existing solution such as computer and smartphone consumer we made BLIND EYE APP. Throughout this application they can also do everything as BRAILLE BOARD can do.
Can a Blind really access it and get benefitted?
We started the journey from Iftekhar's broken glass and met with Rupom who has Optic Nerve Damage at the age of 2. After completing all the tasks and problems we tell Rupom to test it and tell us about your opinion.
Very glad to say, our team mate Rupom, who is also a blind can use this 16 buttons Braille Board even we don't implement Braille Technology on keyboard still. We don't have 3D printer facilities as so we can't make it possible. Whatever, he use it easily even in just 10 minutes of practice he learnt it. His words inspires us that it can entirely change their life and can solve blind education problem.
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural Residents
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- India
- Nepal
- Pakistan
- India
- Nepal
- Pakistan
The current number of people Brailly are serving: About 30+ Blind Students
The number Brailly will be serving in one year: Our target is that within 1 year we will reach to 10000 users milestone.
The number Brailly will be serving in five years: Our target is that within 1 year we will reach to 300000 users milestone.
Our goal within the next year:
Our goal is to provide their blind students Software for Blind and Blind Eye App free of cost as so we will get their valuable feedback about our developed application and IOT device to provide them education and health facilities.
Hopefully we will increase our products scalability to reach that amount of blind throughout those NGO's and will ensure their education need fully which is our ultimate mission to prove our-self.
Also we will develop our device, software and application as if it will solve their education problem as well as their necessary facilities like having calculator, alarm etc.
Our goal within the next five years:
Bangladesh Government is responsible for providing all of Bangladeshi students free of cost books. And they are doing it impressively. But still government are doing injustice to blind people without providing them braille books or any technology to provide them proper way of education as well as ensuring their emergency health service.
We like to introduce BRAILLE BOARD LITE, a 40$ lite version of Braille Board which contains 10000+ books including government textbooks, novels and religious books etc. Alongside with providing books it has lots of features like Calculator, Alarm, Voice Recorder etc to make their life easier.
Hopefully we will reach towards our vision by collaborating with government as so they will mass produce our 40$ Braille Board to provide blind free of cost as an alteration of Braille Books.
Financial Barrier: At first, we need to invest money on research and development to make our technology up to the mark as so it can solve blind's day to days problem fluently. So, we need funding that is our financial barrier.
Financial Barrier Overcome: To overcome financial barrier, we are trying to get funds from big organizations. Till getting funds, Brailly is run by our self-funding.
- Not registered as any organization
I think I and my team are best-placed to deliver this solution. Because:
We have Software Developer, Android Developer and IOT developer in our team. As Brailly needs these 3 platform to solve blind's education problem, we think we do our best to maintain all the features in Laptop, Smartphone and IOT Device.
Again, one of our team member is Asif Karim Rupom who lost his vision by Optic Nerve Damage. He helped us a lot to provide us the perfect user review time to time and helps us to resolve them easily.
- Problem: How poor blind students can read and write as they can’t bear the expenses of Braille Books?
- Solution: Brailly is a Blind Education Solution Provider with 70$ device named Braille Board containing thousands of Books and multitasking app named Blind Eye App to ensure the education of millions of Bangladeshi Blind students.
- Key Resources: Innovated IOT device Braille Board, Software For Blind and Blind Eye App. Also it has a lot of popularity towards Blind students.
- Customer Segments: About 1 Million Blind of our country.
- Unique Value Proposition: Braille Board is a 70$ IOT device which can provide Blind's education along with ensuring their security and communication system. As it's low price with lots of features, blind will definitely be willing to buy this product.
- Competitive Advantage: We have some documentation for Copyright as so no one can copy our work and can't launch it to the market.
- Sales Channels: Brailly will reach customers throughout NGO's and government organizations who are working for blinds.
- Revenue Streams: Brailly generates income by selling it's products to blind peoples. It has 3 products. 2 of them have the price tag of 70$ and 5$. Also, we have the goal to collaborate with government. Then government will purchase lots of units of Braille Board from us and distribute it to the blind students.
- Key Partners: Blind Education and Rehabilitation Development Organisation ( BERDO) and Village Education Resource Center(VERC).
- Key Metrics: Collaboration with government.
We have 4 products. Braille Board( 70$ IOT Device with all facilities), Braille Board Lite( 40$ IOT Device without camera and display), Software For Blind( 5$ Software for Blind people with Braille Based Keyboard) and Blind Eye App.
When we will start selling these apps, software and device, we will bring in money to fund our work.
We are applying to the Tiger Challenge as so we can get funding to driven our research on the development of the technologies. Also, we need business minds to guide us how we can launch the whole system in the market and earn revenue along with solving millions of blinds education problem.
- Business model
- Technology
- Distribution
- Funding & revenue model
- Monitoring & evaluation
We like to partner with Blind Education and Rehabilitation Development Organisation ( BERDO), Village Education Resource Center (VERC) and similar government and non-government NGO's. We will provide their students Brailly's education platforms like Braille Board, Blind Eye App and Software For Blind and they will sell them to their students.
Also, we like to collaborate with government as so govt. will provide blind Braille Board free of cost as an alternation of providing 10 years of books. It will be beneficial for both govt. and blind.
Government can provide this low-cost version (40$) of Braille Board to Blind students free of cost as so they can continue their study easily.