Super 30: Only the Deserving will win.
#1.While my own journey of Bangladesh Civil Services (BCS),I found out the gaping hole on the internet lacking any online materials specific to BCS syllabus or any government job for that matter.
Each year approx. 10 lac students apply for govt. or private jobs.They have to migrate to the capital for good teachers & library facilities.Per student, the cost of only coaching services is BDT30,000 in 3 years which is average time for a single BCS with total living cost up to BDT252,000 each in 3 years.
#2.Total cost of BDT282 millions can be saved {10 lac★282,000 (30,000+252,000)} by setting up physical library in every district with online materials-course videos, online mentors from Dhaka, online tests all for free,funded by sponsors selling all kinds of products as adults are target here.
#3.All students from lower class & the poor class will have a level playing field in cracking the exam.
#1.A single process of BCS exam takes 3 years on an average to be completed. So the students have to be consistent with their studies with library facilities. For library facilities only, the expensive courses by the coaching coaching centres in Dhaka have to be bought by the students who don't need the paid classes.
The coaching centres however, don't provide individualised care to students, making the investment unnecessary too.
The students drop out halfway through either for high living cost or for the burden of being unemployed for full time coaching classes.
While an online platform can reduce the cost of 3 years of coaching classes & living costs in the capital, I realise that the physical library plays a vital role to reading environment.
At home, the environment is not always promoting, besides, all the students including myself will vouch for the rapid efficiency of library work.
The huge number of students coming from non-science or commerce background suffer a lot in Maths & Science which cost them more struggling years in preparation of BCS syllabus.
So the community of all kinds of job seekers will be enormously benefited within days of launching the services.
#1.Now, as I myself have been through the entire process as a student, I will be able to relate to them to the highest. I will be working as the chief instructor on the subjects that I know better and the experience that I gathered as a first time attempting student.
The lifestyle change needs to be disciplined before the preparation must be communicated for the first-timer candidates increasing the odds of their success in their first attempt.
I believe proper guidelines must be designed and accessible for free.
#2.Thus, the job holders too can be benefited in their BCS preparation. If the private job holders want to prepare for the toughest government jobs like BCS, NSI, Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director, State-owned Banks they will no more need to quit their only income source.
They can avail the online free sources while commuting and sit at the library in the evening everyday up to 10 pm.
Individuals can take online test with scanned written copies checked by the successful cadres of the previous BCS and the best teachers on the syllabus topics across the country. Teachers will provide individualised suggestions to the student.
#1.The products can be categorised into 2 types-
a) physical premises for a learning osmosis & reading library to study whole day, students will also be able to reach out to the experts, to fellow students for the exam, as the books are also very expensive, the rich library will issue borrowers for free based on the members' track record of returning the books.
b) Online services specific to the Written Exam syllabus via YouTube live classes,course videos by successful candidates & relevant experts on Maths or Science. Shortcuts,Tips,lifestyle, self- discipline techniques will be taught via live interactive sessions by candidates who cracked the exams before.
#2.The technology and processes will mainly include the internet, online apps like YouTube channels,Skype,Video conference tools, Power Point tutorial,graphical presentation,Scanning machines for online test,for checking the written exam papers,softwares will be ordered, made & customised to the enrolled students etc.
Other services will include online mentorship classes on career related issues every week by the relevant experts,their remunerations will be sponsored by companies selling almost every lifestyle products as the unemployed are still buyers of the lifestyle products.
As books or paper materials are great for maths and English language practicing, the other subjects in the BCS written exam syllabus which include Science, Computer studies, World History,National history, National cultures, Current Affairs analysis, daily newspaper reading from examinee's perspective and syllabus needs are better and rapidly learned from the visual media like animated videos, audio-videos with explanations.
So a graphic team with video editors along with the course teacher will be constantly working at the main office in Dhaka.
Reference books that need to be read will be reviewed from the exam's needs by the assigned freelance students or teachers or any reader wiling to contribute.
For the office space of the headquarter the place will be selected as near as the Government-made Software park for availing the highest tax exemption.
For delivery of the services, technological instruments like projectors,LCD Tvs,Computers,modern digital whiteboards will be bought by investor funds.
Finally, this educational revolution is the ask of the nation today as Bangladesh is on her way to become the IT hub of Asia & 2nd largest market of Facebook,it's time we shifted our education online.Our country has a high unemployment rate 2nd to Pakistan only today with 2.7 million people jobless.
We are ready for the shift!
- Increase opportunities for people - especially those traditionally left behind – to access digital and 21st century skills, meet employer demands, and access the jobs of today and tomorrow
- Upskill, reskill, or retrain workers in the industries most affected by technological transformations
- Education
- Technology
- Concept
- The above picture shows the existent educational revolution in India started by a young IAS officer who quit his job for teaching the poor for free online courses,gathering teachers across the country preparing students for a specific competitive test-IAS. Our country needs this kind of teacher for BCS in Bengali.
- While in Bangladesh there’s only 1 remarkable competitor to our concept,Zakir's BCS Specials which is a mere Facebook page without any organised syllabus specific contents.This doesn’t help the new comers to complete the courses step by step. The Facebook page is more like a experience & knowledge sharing platform.Besides, Zakir' s BCS Specials only focuses on the written materials which is a one way communication and reading-based learning is time & attention consuming.
- Now, our company will ensure the completion of videos on every topic of the syllabus making the voluminous books on the written syllabus absolutely redundant, thus making the vast syllabus manageable and cost-efficient.
- There will be a different section of videos on career guidelines like an interview channel only for learning from the successful people on different careers and know their lifestyle.Here,we have only 1 fledgling competitor,10-minute-school,which arranges interviews of business success stories but still not covering ask of our target market of government job seekers aged between 21 years to 30 years old.
- So,these are only some of the ways of many by which we are innovative to the ways students can rapidly increase their learning quotient & get hired in their first attempt.
Activities:The regional branches of library in all the districts will ensure greater library hours that is essential for the less privileged students.The longer hours work- reference book- "Outliers" by Malcom Gladwell,Chapter- Marita' s Bargain.They can only beat the privileged students by outworking them.
The students will get a place for classes,having speaking & presentation skills by live mentors on those & weekly competition. All with the increased focused hours of reading at the library.
Short Term Impacts-we will see the increased number of members of our communities.As the private job holders cannot take coaching classes at day time,they will rapidly increase their odds of success in the competition learning on the go online.
The poor students will participate more in numbers instantly as the expensive coaching services are provided to them for free.
Medium Term Impacts- The less privileged candidates from remote places will start to secure top government positions,making an inclusive policy making body of the nation.
Women will be more in numbers at top government jobs as they can learn from home without security issues traveling.There used to be 10% quota for female candidates but now there is not .So, this platform will benefit women tremendously.
Long Term Impacts -
Slowly, the stigma for students of not securing seats at the public universities will efface.
The private University students,
National University students &
all open credit students will have their dignity &
this shift of mindset will set the youth for success .
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural Residents
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities/Previously Excluded Populations
- Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons
- Persons with Disabilities
#1. 0
#2. The number is expected to be immediately served is approx. 1000,000 in one year.
#3. In the coming next five years the number of people to be served is expected to rise up to 1500,000.
#1.Our goal is to create a level playing field the 2.7 million of the educated but unemployed young people who we believe have tremendous potential but lack the financial support and thus, proper mentorship for cracking all kinds of competitive exams .
In the next year , we will start with 3 physical establishments in 3 districts along with the headquarter in Dhaka with the prize money.
#2.Within the next five years, we will build up to 13 physical libraries with increased online services like exploring other competitive tests like the IELTS, SAT, GMAT, GRE etc. for preparing from home from remote places.
New and in-demand skills like photoshop, adobe, illustrator, graphical presentation, elocution skills, speech etc, will be taught via online courses for the career aspirants as well.
All the services will be delivered in Bangla as the main barrier for the mass people of Bangladesh to accessing the online materials on Youtube right now in English.
- At present, the main barrier for our online platform is the mindset of the mass people sticking to the conventional method of rote learning based on physical books. The language barrier plays a role here, as people mostly lack comprehension skill of audio English materials. Naturally, students resort to books written in Bangla.
- They have to be educated about the alternative media of learning complex concepts, knowledge on vast areas and that can make them aware of the importance of using all senses while learning such as visual representation, videos, audios, storytelling alongside the paper books. This way can reduce the time to learn a subject radically.
- The Advantages of Learning with all senses.
- Now, the second big obstacle is obviously financial barriers as very few companies invest on this sector yet because the market is not ready yet. So we have to prepare our target market first by raising awareness with substantial evidence of the benefits of online audio-visual learning.
- So after we overcome these initial barriers, in the coming five years, we believe there will be more competitors, thus reducing our market share in specific government exams. So, we have to expand to the various skills and courses can be learnt online like computing skills, data analyses etc.
#1. To remove the first barrier of the mindset of the mass people towards the inclination to the traditional ways of learning, we will first take up various online platforms like facebook watch party,hold online interviews of the people using & reaping benefits the audio-video graphic learning and spread the awareness with scientifically backed up statistics.
All awareness raising campaigns will be conducted in Bangla as the current proving online research and experiments or books are mostly in English language.
#2. To remove the second barrier of the financial sustainability in the long run, we will eventually have to find investors in the company by offering them shares of equity.
To achieve the desired Return on Investment (ROI), switching from the sponsors to the investors and partners, we will eventually have to monetise the youtube channel, live classes recordings,complete online coaching courses to the students but still at a nominal price compared to the existing price charged by the coaching centres in the capital.
The ROI is likely to be achieved by massive number of the subscribers and students taking our services.
The estimated revenue can be up to BDT 1200 millions i.e.if roughly 200,000 students buy the paid services,& if the standard charge of the 3-year-long service per student is BDT 6000,TOTAL=200000*BDT 6000=BDT 1200,000,000.
The team leader has taken up this initiative by a different name,"exams are awesome",& has been working on this for at least 2 years from her own BCS journey.The page an be reached at .
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Right now, only the team member is working on the solution but she has people with skills like ICT ,one own sister who is a software engineer, one programmer interested and other fellow University friends with her startup.
A total of 5 members affiliate with "Super 30" right now:
Team Members' facebook profiles are-
As the team leader, I have always been fascinated by the English language and thus, western cultures.
This single tendency has placed me towards English-language-only literature, books, magazines and especially Youtube for my thirst for continuous learning.I also have command over Hindi language, thanks to the Indian channels on Youtube for versatile online educational content.
For my own preparation of BCS exam, I leveraged my linguistics skills to prepare for the overwhelming syllabus for each topic and that I believe has sailed me throughout my BCS phases and has enabled me crack each exam in my first attempt.
Most of the candidates couldn't pass either of the 3 stages in their first attempt as no organised online courses or learning materials are available in Bangla, our native language.
I know how dire are the needs of the students with the content better delivered and in Bengali.
This past 2 entire years throughout my preparation for the written exam which is 1100 marks ,I have been thinking, working ,doing feasibility research whenever I had the time because the exam is very demanding in the case of time consumption.
Yes, I couldn't manage the time and resources to actually take the initiative for the implementation, but
all the estimates I have provided in my solution have been possible because I am a first-hand experience holder.So, I am very personal and passionate about this solution, which makes me unique to be the solver.
Key Resources:1.Mass people empowered as instructors of topics of their expertise or interests,2. sponsors' fund from all manufactures,3.access of information from the toppers of previous candidates.
Key Activities:
- Physical library for reading for at least 13 hours every day,
- Access to all reference books for the district libraries and library in the capital,
- Online courses, live classes on syllabus topics, video sessions on study hacks, health tips by experts, online tests for MCQ part,Written part & Viva Voce.
- Job seekers will be equipped with professional soft skills like communication skills,computing skills,etiquette at work,life skills etc. through our faculty online to empower the less privileged.
Type of Intervention:Online coaching service,study materials for online assessment tests recorded as soft copies will be our main products.
- Mainly YouTube for the long courses of the BCS Written syllabus topics, MCQ Test Paper solving techniques, Interview preparation via live mock online interviews.
- Facebook live watch party for weekly mentors' strategy sessions and other classes as need be.
Segments:-1.Beneficiaries are predominantly the applicants of BCS,other government jobs but all youngsters can benefit from a renaissance perspective.2.Customers will mainly include the online coaching service users & the physical library members for paid products.
Value Proposition:Rising subscribers & users will indicate impact measures of our value provided.
Partners:All vendors of tech-based tools.
Cost Structure: Mainly office space rents & remuneration of teachers.
Revenue:Sales of the paid courses.
Surplus: We plan to invest profits in expansion of training various skills.
The path to financial sustainability of "Super 30" is the revenue model of an "Organizational Support Model" which ensures some profitability by some products and services, and the surplus can be invested in the CAUSE that we believe in.
For-profit: Marginally priced paid online exam specific courses like BCS having approx. 422,000 applicants only in 2019,Government Banks like Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director, NSI exam having more than 460,000 applicants in 2019, other in-demand courses like the IELTS, GRE,GMAT, SAT,TOEFL exams for studying at home.
Not-for-profit:The proceeds of surplus revenue will be spent on the remuneration of teachers of online free classes for the students.
The reasons of applying to the Tiger Challenge-
#1 First-time Monetary Support Reserved for Bangladeshi solvers:
As a matter of fact, we have never come across this kind of promoting crowdfunding investment on Bangladeshi start ups with any technological service providers like TigerIt before.
So, we jumped on the opportunity without a thought as MIT SOLVE is directly involved in the competition.
#2. Technical Support for Our Internet-Based Services:
Tiger Challenge will support us on the technical requirements initially with the skilled IT people if we win. That will give us a jump start in the fledgling days of our online channels of the company.
#3. The Alignment of both the Parties' Purpose:
We cannot help but wonder at the incredible timing and serendipity of "SUPER 30" and Tiger Challenge's goals aligning so perfectly :two of the many purposes of us both are-
1.To change millions of lives meaningfully and enable them living with dignity, impact the cause of societal equality and inclusive policies in the long-term .
We chose you right!
- Business model
- Technology
- Distribution
- Funding & revenue model
- Talent or board members
- Monitoring & evaluation
- Media & speaking opportunities
We would like to partner with the following companies as described below:
1. Technology-based:They can be our vendors for digital tools for online classes, media like computers,scanners,projectors,monitors for live classes, technological tools for graphical representation of the courses etc.
2. Computer Software solution companies:They can be our partners for making apps for the learning materials and accessing courses.
3. Universities:The teachers from the field can be brought to our premises for lectures and online courses.The students can be trained to be online teachers,contributors,facilitators & intern in our company.
4.Food companies: The students will require healthy food for keeping their physical and mental health fit.So, "Super 30" team of teachers & trainers will advise and thus, recommend the good brands to the users of our services.
5. Stationery Companies: There are numerous stationery needs of the job applicants throughout the average 3 years of BCS or other top-notch service like pen, paper, post-it notes, highlighters, color pens etc.The domestic producers or distributors can be our potential partners in the future.
6. Book Publishers: Although we focus on the online materials,courses, services through our channels,the students will still need some of the reference books to complete the 3 phases of preliminary,written & the Viva Voce.Publishers can be our supplier to all the district libraries.
7. English Language Centres:The British Council, Mentors, Saifurs, Saint Josephs etc. are the top coaches of English Language skills in Bangladesh. They can run their online programs via ours.Other categories of partnerships may evolve.

Team Leader