Our life is now very much dependent on internet. Access to the internet is a necessity in home, roads, offices, and everywhere. In Bangladesh, a lot of improvement has been made there in case of home internet by introducing broadband internet. But on the move, mobile internet provided by telecommunications service provider is the only way to access internet which is costly. Over time, many poor people in Bangladesh are being introduced to internet. Internet connection is not a luxury anymore. It is rather a necessity. For example, people working in ride-sharing services, food delivery, courier services needs internet access on the move for their job. A delivery man earns around 50 Taka from delivering food per order. It is costly for him to pay for mobile internet. Besides, there are issues like network unavailability, slow speed, high battery power usage etc.
If a free wireless internet service providing system could be built around major cities in Bangladesh, it would be helpful for a lot of people living in the city. The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, has a population of 8.9 million over an area of 300 square kilometers. So, such a solution will affect a lot of people's life.