Tap and Help
- Pre-Seed
For the security of their offsprings, Most of the women usually give up on their careers. We can develop an application which can help you connect to the nearby helper/babysitter at low cost.
An application which can connect you with the nearby babysitter/helper, to increase the participation of women in the economy, Women often leave their career for taking care of their offsring(s). This solution will increase job opportunities for women and this application can be a useful tool for the senior citizens as well.
If scaled, it can assist all woomen who are not able to arrange a suitable babysitter/helper at low cost.
The solution can create job opportunities for women and women will be able to focus on their careers instead of worrying for a good babysitter/helper.
As a sister of two married women who have done masters in Applied Physics and Chemistry and being a women myself, In my social circle women can't work because of the responsibilities they have been caught up and job is considered to be the least priority for women. Most women leaves their job after getting married due to the new set of responsibilities.
It could increase the percentage of women participation in the economy. Women and elderly can benefit from this solution. We will make an mobile application which will enable the users to get help from nearby.
Track downloads in the app store - 10,000 people in Pakistan download our help app
Track potential users - Introduce coupons
To identify the problems faced by the user and eliminate them timely - Active helpline
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Old age
- Lower middle income economies (between $1006 and $3975 GNI)
- Female
- Europe and Central Asia
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
The solution will increase involvment of women in technology and will be able to share their responsibilities as well as create jobs for them.
It solely serves the people and underparticipation of women is one of the global problem for women.
The app will be first introduced via google play store. It will be an "in-app purchase" type mobile application.
- 1-3 (Formulation)
- Not Registered as Any Organization
- Pakistan
15% of the assistance payment will go to the company.
Financial: To build a gps enabled software, a server is required to track the data and maintain proper functioning of the application.
Security: To insurance the security of people. Verifying the helpers before enabling them to work.
- Less than 1 year
- 6-12 months
- 1-3 months
- Technology Access
- Human+Machine
- Financial Inclusion
- Income Generation
- Bias and Heuristics
I am applying because I want change in my society. I want help people by providing them assistance. The underparticipation of women is not new and I am sure that it will not be eliminated at once. Even if 1% women pursue their careers after having offsprings by using this application, The pupose of this application will be served and that 1% will impact the other 99% of the unemployed women who want to play their role in the economy.
A masters student in computer system.
I haven't seen any in my region.