STEM for Industry 4.0 Revolution
The world is changing quite rapidly, and we are entering the fourth industrial revolution, which is marked by continued breakthroughs in emerging technologies in fields such as robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, the internet of things, fifth-generation wireless technologies (5G) and 3D printing. To face the challenges put forward by fourth industrial revolution, we the bangladeshi need to work on upskilling our workforce, invest in new technology. To address the future challenges, we propose to employ STEM based learning. Our proposed system offers tools and resources for experiential learning in STEM fields with a vision of becoming a one-stop destination for project and play based learning and make it unique.
We will, bridge between theory and hands-on learning, with lucid tutorials, exciting projects, engaging online courses, organizing workshop, providing mentoring and training, and world-class product. The ultimate key is, to bring out the innovator within you.
Bangladesh has achieved an economic miracle over the past three decades, but it cannot afford to rest on its laurels now. Some caution is in order as the nature of the challenge for Bangladesh is changing.
The question we need to ask is whether our workers are ready for the technology revolution we are set to see. Automation is coming, whether we like it or not, but are our 4 million garment workers ready for it? Do they have expertise in coding? Of course, they don’t—not yet.
For now, we need to focus on the things we can change—upskilling our workforce, investing in new technology. If we do that collectively, as an industry, pricing issues will look after themselves. The future is in our own hands.
To keep our young minds ahead of the game, they need to understand science and mathematics from a perspective of applying them to real life technology and engineering problems.
The aim of this proposal is to make STEM learning easy, fun, and accessible to all students across the country and enable them to become the innovators of tomorrow by imparting quality hands-on learning and providing them with world-class hardware and learning resources.
Currently we have one project leader, who oversees the project. One hardware, one software engineer and one STEM trainer/Educators are working under his supervision.
We believe within next one year we can commercially launch our prototype. The students, teachers, parents and educator are the client who will be benefited from the service. Our hardware and software-based prototype will be a one stop solution, where students can learn about robotics, artificial intelligence, internet of things, automation and control, nanotechnology, 5G and 3D printing.
In addition to current team we will be needed one content writer and one website developer as wish to provide online services as well. Student can enroll in several courses and learn course like robotics, coding, and programing and interfacing stuff. We wish to conduct couple of workshop and STEM camp within next year.
In next five year we hope to build STEM labs not only in Dhaka but also other major areas. We will not only provide them the kits to play with but also demonstrate them how to use it. Throughout this process, we believe they will develop their creativity and critical thinking. We hope to provide consultancy, R&D service for industry and local and international organization.
As our students become citizens, they will bring with them the skills and knowledge they’ve learned. If we are able to empower our students to think critically, analyze, and explore new horizons, society will benefit. A more STEM-proficient generation can help carry our country forward. New medical discoveries, better infrastructure, more environmentally friendly technology, and many more possibilities await us.
Giving students STEM skills will help them regardless of their future career choice. And if they do choose to enter STEM, you will have given them the skills to help themselves, and the entire country grow and develop.
Services: Offered service from this project
- Developing workforce to face the challenges of industry 4.0 revolution.
- Develop workforce who will provide the specialised services such as technology advisory services, R&D providers, skilled training providers, industrial service providers, specialist consultants and so on.
- Develop STEM based learning resources (for science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
- Make/build science, technology, engineering and mathematics related project.
- Create tutorial, video (demonstration) for the selected project.
- Provide R&D service (Prototype and product development).
- Conduct workshop, training and mentoring for students and teachers.
- Organize STEM camp for students and teachers, educators and parents.
- Offer free training for underprivilege, disable, minority group of people and women.
- STEM Incubator cell/Entrepreneur program.
Our methodology is listed below, how we will implement our project.
- Identify science, technology, engineering and mathematics related project targeting several age groups.
- Finalize and categorize the STEM based content which will be well-matched with our curriculum and culture.
- Develop project (hardware and software) and tutorial so that student can build the project following the instructing
- Prepare audio and video tutorial demonstrating how to implement the project.
- Visit the educational institute, industry and conduct workshop and training emphasizing how to use this technology.
- Organize STEM camp for students, educator, parents and industry partner.
- Help to build and develop STEM lab in educational institute (school and college in a pilot basis).
Project Development: (Programming Interface/Software)
We will make project considering science, technology, engineering and mathematics targeting kid, youth and adult. For programming and interfacing purpose we will use Arduino software,Dabble or similar deicie and graphical programming software like PictoBox.
Prototype Development:
We will develop our prototype incorporating hardware and software which will be one stop solution for the students.
- Increase opportunities for people - especially those traditionally left behind – to access digital and 21st century skills, meet employer demands, and access the jobs of today and tomorrow
- Upskill, reskill, or retrain workers in the industries most affected by technological transformations
- Education
The world is changing quite rapidly, and we are entering the fourth industrial revolution, which is marked by continued breakthroughs in emerging technologies in fields such as robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, the internet of things, fifth-generation wireless technologies (5G) and 3D printing. To face the challenges put forward by fourth industrial revolution, we need to work on upskilling our workforce, invest in new technology. To address the future challenges, we propose to employ STEM based learning. Rather than teach the four disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, our proposed STEM based learning integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world. Our proposed system offers tools and resources for experiential learning in STEM fields with a vision of becoming a one-stop destination for project and play based learning and make it unique.
As our students become citizens, they will bring with them the skills and knowledge they’ve learned. If we are able to empower our students to think critically, analyze, and explore new horizons, society will benefit. A more STEM-proficient generation can help carry our country forward. New medical discoveries, better infrastructure, more environmentally friendly technology, and many more possibilities await us.
Not every student will go into a STEM career though. This is good, because as much as the world needs engineers and doctors, we also need musicians, writers, actors, and artists! The skills STEM enables kids to have are skills for life. For example, a stay at home parent needs mathematics knowledge to budget and bookkeep for the family, engineering to know how to fix things when they break, science to ask informed questions and figure out a procedure to get answers. We do our students a great service if we can help them to develop these skills in diverse ways.
Giving students STEM skills will help them regardless of their future career choice. And if they do choose to enter STEM, you will have given them the skills to help themselves, and the entire country grow and develop.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural Residents
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities/Previously Excluded Populations
- Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons
- Persons with Disabilities
- Australia
- Bangladesh
- Australia
- Bangladesh
1. the current number of people you’re serving
We have one project leader, who oversees the project. One hardware, one software engineer and one STEM trainer/Educators are working under his supervision.Currently we are developing the prototypes and we hope to demonstrate couple of projects and we believe the students, teachers, parents and educators will be benefited from the service.
2. the number you’ll be serving in one year
We believe within next one year we can commercially launch our prototype. Our hardware and software-based prototype will be a one stop solution, where students can learn about robotics, artificial intelligence, internet of things, automation and control, nanotechnology, 5G and 3D printing. Therefore, in addition to current team we will be needed one content writer and one website developer as wish to provide online services as well. Student can enroll in several courses and learn course like robotics, coding, and programing and interfacing stuff. We wish to conduct couple of workshop and STEM camp within next year.
3. the number you’ll be serving in five years
In next five year we hope to build couple of STEM labs not only in Dhaka but also other major areas. We will not only provide them the kits to play with but also demonstrate them how to use it. Throughout this process, we believe they will develop their creativity and critical thinking. In addition, we wish to provide consultancy, R&D service for industry and educational institute and collaborate with local and international organization.
Within next year we are targeting this aim:
- Finalize STEM based projects matching with our curriculum and culture and suitable for students.
- Finalize the hardware and software to provide one stop service to our client.
- Create couple of tutorials, video demonstration for the selected project.
- Develop the hardware and software with proper interfacing and finalize couple of projects.
- Arrange few workshop, seminar and STEM camp.
In next 5 year-
- Develop complete STEM based learning resources for science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
- Create ample of tutorial, video (demonstration) for the selected project.
- Deliver plenty of workshop, training and mentoring for students and teachers.
- Build STEM labs around 500 selected schools and colleges throughout the country.
- Deliver STEM camp for students and teachers, educators and parents.
- Offer free training and demonstration for underprivilege, disable, minority group of people and women.
- Offer STEM Incubator cell/Entrepreneur program.
- Build, create and develop Prototype.
- Provide R & D and consultancy service.
Recently, several studies reported the risk-management plan to STEM education on the conceptions of five stakeholder groups: Educators, academics, industrials, military and philanthropy actors. The findings presented in the article focus on one risk category: Teacher - opportunities, training and social status, as this risk category was ranked as strategic risks in terms of the effect on the objectives of STEM education.
We will also use three phase risk-management process to identify the risk such as risk identification, risk assessment & prioritizing, and risk response. We will use SWOT analysis aimed at identifying risks, a Delphi method for the purpose of risks rating, and a response plan aimed at mitigating risks faced by STEM education in Bangladesh. We will arrange proper training for teacher, students and educators to minimize the risk.
We will arrange proper training for teacher, students and educators to minimize the risk.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
There will be one project leader, he will lead the project. He will be responsible for technical aspects of the project and for the successful implementation of the project. Several STEM trainer/Educators will be working under his supervision. The students, teachers, parents and educator are the client who will be benefited from the service.
The hierarchy are given below:
- STEM Project Leader
- STEM Trainer/STEM Ambassador/STEM Mentor
- Student/Teacher/Educator/Parents.
As our students become citizens, they will bring with them the skills and knowledge they’ve learned. If we are able to empower our students to think critically, analyze, and explore new horizons, society will benefit. A more STEM-proficient generation can help carry our country forward. New medical discoveries, better infrastructure, more environmentally friendly technology, and many more possibilities await us.
Not every student will go into a STEM career though. This is good, because as much as the world needs engineers and doctors, we also need musicians, writers, actors, and artists! The skills STEM enables kids to have are skills for life. For example, a stay at home parent needs mathematics knowledge to budget and bookkeep for the family, engineering to know how to fix things when they break, science to ask informed questions and figure out a procedure to get answers.
It is so important for education to be well rounded. Many educators get stuck in their bubble, and don’t think about interdisciplinary options much. It can help their students so much if they can though. Even in an English language arts class, students can still make hypotheses about the plots of the novels, or calculate the cadence in iambic pentameter. Giving students STEM skills will help them regardless of their future career choice. And if they do choose to enter STEM, you will have given them the skills to help themselves, and the entire country grow and develop.
Currently we are developing prototypes and learning resources. However in coming days we will partner with schools, colleages, universities and industry.
Bangladesh is now passing through a golden age in term of its population dividend. About 70% of our population is under 40.
While there is a concern about technologies killing jobs, we should rather be more concerned about why a significant part of our talented youths are unemployed whereas a good number of foreign experts are working in Bangladesh in highly-paid managerial positions.
The gap between our education system and industry needs to close. We need to identify the gap between demand and supply for skills, factoring in the changing needs of industry in the near-future.
We need a harmonious balance of informed policy, appropriate institutional framework, and efficient allocation of resources to produce market-driven skills.
Today we are proud to say that Bangladesh is in a new era of industrialization having probably one of the safest apparel industries.
While we are taking all these positive steps and our factories are increasingly investing money in safety and sustainability, we are still living in the age of price cuts!
Since technological advancement would be a new horizon of opportunities for all the partners in the global fashion supply chain, there needs to be a collaborative approach between buyers and suppliers supported by the government and development partners so that it creates a win-win situation for all.
Through STEM based learning we hope to overcome the future challenges.
STEM education helps to bridge the ethnic and gender gaps sometimes found in math and science fields. Initiatives have been established to increase the roles of women and minorities in STEM-related fields. STEM education breaks the traditional gender roles. In order to compete in a global economy, STEM education and careers must be a national priority.
Programs outside of school can help children to see that STEM is more than a class to finish. Having activities that show real-life implication of STEM can pull together the ideas presented in school and help to show how they benefit our society and even our world as a whole. Children can see that what they are learning now is pertinent to their future and the future of the whole world, creating an interest often lacking when learning new concepts that do not seem to carry real-world application.
A myriad of job opportunities to start with. Many jobs in sciences or technology are very high paying, and require little higher education to enter. Students who are exposed earlier to problem-based learning are given the chance to develop logical and analytical skills. They also become technologically literate early, giving them a better chance of filing these positions. As it stands today, many jobs are unfilled due to a lack of qualified applicants. If schools can help develop these interests and skills in their students it will benefit not only the students themselves but also the entire economy.
We will, bridge between theory and hands-on learning, with lucid tutorials, exciting projects, engaging online courses, organizing workshop, providing mentoring and training, and world-class product. We believe Tiger IT will feel the importance of creating the skilled worface to face the industry 4.0 revolution and contribute to bring out the innovator within you.
- Distribution
- Funding & revenue model
- Media & speaking opportunities
Academecian, Researcher and Engineer