- Lack of good quality international financial freedom and self improving books.
- Available books are pretty expensive.
- Sometimes quality of the books are worst
- Less than a book price user will get 10 books to read per month
- To save time users can listen to summery in 15 minutes on the go.
- Whoever doesn't love digital content can order printed books as well.
- Hard working entrepreneurs will find the books they need in 10 times low cost.Specially for new starters
- I can create part time job opportunities for students nearly 1000$ each. That is huge for a middle class family student to support his family.
- Books are read by the people all over the world i can easily pull a lot of foreign currency to Bangladesh.
- I am serving all those readers who are seeking knowledge. My collection of books will let more people to start working for their dreams rather than going to other countries serving them
- I will serve my country to influence to start up something in the country and stay here and work for Bangladesh
- My first clients are pushing people who wants to push themselves
- Students need books and also take care of their financial status.
- world class books I will make available with a price of lemonade .
- Most of the entrepreneurs i met they love reading books but they read in a bounded way. They cant access all.
- all the people in other countries reading good books. Our country needs too.
- I am providing people with an easy to use app. that will let them read any time anywhere.
- The busy schedule guys can listen to summery of the books in 15-20 minutes on the go
- All of those who really need printed books they can directly order from the app.
- Upskill, reskill, or retrain workers in the industries most affected by technological transformations
- Education
- There is no platform in our country like this. So i have no competition regarding this
- People are getting used to social media in our country. Its time to learn something and earn money because, skill is money , not age
Because me as an entrepreneur failed a lot in the lack of knowledge. I dont want others to face the same.
I didn't get the right books that time. But they will. people will.lives will change
- My first target was to serve 1000 people initially and with that fund raising it to 10,000 next year,and 20,000 the next year.
Within next five year this will be a 3,000,000$ dollar company according to my calculation and confident.
The main barriers are tech help. I want to make sure the user interface is good. it costs a lot . so i think invest problems
I currently raising crowd funding and already got response
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Just me. other members are freelancers
Because I am the hustler and i just a need an app that works so its pretty easy. Anyone can come up with the product , but with my idea it became a solution
- Taking books from publishers and handing them to customers
- Renting the books online that i own with legal copyrights
Users are main here. The more regular users i get the more profit i make .
I know my app will work. even though tigerchallenge does not help me. But I want let people know about my idea and get media support so that the help reach fast, i can serve more people soon
- Media & speaking opportunities
I would like to partner with bangladesh government IT department. So that It can get government support and With my idea the country grows.