Self-sustaining slum woman
1. As a urban planing student i have observed that most of the slum women are engaged with informal job like maid, day labor. As it is informal they are facing three types of problem 1. job is not permanent 2. They are receiving less salary and respect 3. Working process is unhealthy.
2. Better option as occupation for them is cottage industry. if they receive proper training.
3. This can be a permanent income source for them. Still in our country slums are unhealthy and very worse place to live. if they get a permanent income source they can develop their way of living. If this happen to all slum dwell woman the picture of that slum can be change.
Floating population census 2014 shows that in Bangladesh 16.80% of households are earning their major income by pulling rickshaw/van. This is followed by 15.70% of households which are engaged in trade, 14.35% of households are engaged in garments, 14.33% of households are engaged in service as the main economic activity for major income. 8.38% of households engaged in construction working, 8.27% of households provide service as porter/ day laborer, 6.94% of households are engaged in transport sector, 2.82% of households are engaged in hotel work and 2.85% provide service as domestic aides. At the national level 0.97% of slum households are working in cottage industries which are the lowest. in Bangladesh context Statistic shows that most of these services are for male except garments, potter, maid. But garments jobs are only popular in Chattogram and Dhaka. It also shows that most of these profession is not permanent income source. They need to work in vulnerable situation. As most of these are men things so women are usually neglected socially and economically. so that their condition is down grading regularly.
The solution is for the neglected slum women. Most importantly jobless housewives. We can conduct semi structured questionnaire interview for them to understand their problems. also focus group discussion (FGD) can make them understand the solution.
The solution will provide regular income source. Which will bring social and economical respect for them. Also can give their family a better life.
Solution will be a process for them.
1. Find out the reasons behind negligence to cottage industry of slum dwellers.
2. Sort out those reasons scientifically
3. Find out target slum household.
4. Conduct a interview to understand their problem extent
5. Conduct a focus group discussion to make them sense about their solution
6. Conduct a training session for them to improve their skill in cottage industry
7. Provide them some loan to start up the business.
- Upskill, reskill, or retrain workers in the industries most affected by technological transformations
- Manufacturing, Production, & Distribution
This solution works on different dimension of slum women like social, economic. It can provide them a better workplace. They don't need to go anywhere except home for the job. When they will be a income person their social status will be upgraded automatically. It can improvise their family income. Which will help them to lead a better life. They also can improve their infrastructure and environmental condition. If it can influence the community then total community can be better place to live for them and their future.
When we had conducted a interview on slum woman they had expressed out their problems. Their focus point of all problem was income problem. The don't get proper respect in workplace. Their salary is also less than the male worker. They are not the part of decision maker in their house. They need to work in very tough situation in their pregnancy period also. So this solution will be a bad for nothing. They can achieve many thing with this project. Their most prominent problems will be solved with this solution. If we can implement properly it will be a hot cake for them.
- Women & Girls
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
As the statistics shows At the national level 0.97% of slum households are working in cottage industries. But I am serving none. But hope fully 2000+ people will be served within a year of project starts. In five years as expected 25000+ people will be served.
My goal is to make self sufficient at least women of one slum of Khulna city. For five year my goal is to make self sufficient all the slum women of Khulna city. Then this process will spread out though All over the country. And the final goal is to make all slum women self sufficient in cottage industry and make those product as a top rating export good export goods.
rsMajor three barriers will be financial, legal, market barrier. As it is will be a start up project for me and my clients so finance is a big issue to conduct different steps of my project. To form a team, to provide salary team member, to hair expert for training and so on finance is a big deal. Also we need some legal permission to run the project. And finally i need to enter the market to sell the goods. Make a demand for these goods. Conduct some campaigning with the goods. Now plastics are replacing these products so they will create barrier for their competitor.
1. If tigerchallenge provide us finance then financial problem will bw hopefully solved.
2. Money is also issue in legal permission. If we can show the proper way out then legal problem will be solved. To do so we need to form a team or an NGO then apply for legal permission then legal barrier will be removed.
3. We will conduct some campaigning to advertise our product. Will try to produce best quality products that create demand in market. Produce some unique but necessary product which will attract people. Prize will be in rage of customer. We will follow economic axioms like big scale productions. Advertisement will be performed in a high scale alongside with these.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Full times staffs will be an CEO, project manager, 2 Adviser, 3 analyst, 3 experts, 1 metricating officer, as needed supervisor, field workers.
Field worker can be full time or part time.
This is the basic formation of staffs. Number of staffs can be added or deducted as per situation demand.
My team will be best-placed because an expert and experienced manager will be appointed who will manage the whole thing Under a CEO who is the master mind of this project. 3 experienced adviser will provide advise on different situation. Experts will conduct training's and will try to get the best possible outcome. Supervisors will monitor community wise progress. Marketing officer will generate ideas to sell those goods. Field workers will be working under the supervisor and marketing unit.
We will provide proper on an agreement training to the slum women. The agreement will be they will be provide free training and loan but in return they must use the loan on this project and have to sell their project to us. We will sell those to the market. They will get proper payment for those products. and have to repay the loan by products of money in 1 or 2 year scheme.
When ever they sell the product to us they will be paid. So they will get their money on regular basis. On the other hand when we will sell them in to market our profit will also be make.
As i am a student so my major barrier is to start up a business is money. If i have the money i will form the team or organization, will start up the business can provide slum women the training and can give them loan also and buy their products and make a market for those. So Tiger IT foundation can help me to overcome this problem
- Business model
- Talent or board members
- Legal
- Monitoring & evaluation
If there is any organization who are interested in these kind of investment they can be our partner. Because the more you invest the better result can come out. They can be 15-20% partner with us on some conditions.