Pedalong: The solution to pollution
We are constantly facing environmental degradation due to advanced technologies. My idea is to fix the transportation problem besides pollution caused due to vehicles. Pedalong is a brainchild aimed at reducing air pollution caused from transports and decreasing pressure on non-renewable energy sources. It will also improve public health by allowing riders to exercise while they are commuting. Basically, Pedalong is a pseudo car for four persons which is maneuvered by cycling. It has the comforts and features of a car as well as the perks of a bicycle. It will only run on pedaling which can be geared up for convenience, but will not consume any fuel whatsoever. It can change people's lives by allowing them to own transport at a reasonable price, exercise on their way to work and have a better environment with less air pollution.
My solution will possibly solve transportation issues with a view to having a sustainable future. The idea is at a very root level, but hopefully it will create a significant impact in the days to come. The Pedalong car will be a paradigm shift towards clean energy use. Nowadays, traffic jam and road accidents have become common transportation problems in Bangladesh. Also, the existing vehicles emit a huge amount of carbon dioxide and other gases, making the capital city's air toxic. So the problem is pretty much large scale. It will directly affect 1-2 million people and indirectly more with the passage of time. Pedalong cars will be comparatively light in weight, reducing the possibility and risk of accidents. One drawback is that these cars will have average mileage because they have to be manually maneuvered. But the equipment of gears can accelerate them to some extent. The contributing factors to the stated problems are black carbon emission from vehicles, transport availability, road accidents, high price of fuels, exhaustion of non-renewable sources etc. Surprisingly, Pedalong is a feasible solution to all these issues!
I have not worked on implementing on my solution yet. For now, it is only a draft idea. But I reckon developing on this idea will bring massive changes for the people because of the following features:
- Pedalong will be comparatively cheap
- It is a one-time funded car
- No fuel use, therefore no cost
- Low maintenance
- Carpooling
- Safety
- Light in weight
- Cycling benefits
- Improved health
I have not launched or designed my product yet. But with the expertise of the automobile engineers, I will design a four wheeled car which is basically a quadricycle with the chassis of a car. It will look like an average car from the outside but the riders have to pedal themselves. It won't run on fuels, but gears can upgrade the experience of driving. It will not cause any emission because of manual labour.
- Upskill, reskill, or retrain workers in the industries most affected by technological transformations
- Transportation
- Technology
- Concept
My approach is a new addition to the transportation technology which focuses on environmental enhancement and sustainability. The criterion that sets Pedalong apart is that we already have cars and bicycles, but Pedalong it the fusion of a car and bicycles which will aid people's transportation in an eco-friendly manner. In Bangladesh, the average population cannot afford cars because they're too expensive. The limited number of upper class citizens own more than just one car. Other media of transports are bus, motorcycles, auto-rickshaws, rickshaws etc. Most of these are
- Not registered as any organization
I am applying to the tiger challenge so that I can prove my project's potentiality and receive funds to make this a reality. I have always dreamed of such an invention that could move mountains. I hope that if I get selected finally, I will be able to get technical support and meet amazing people who will help Pedalong come into being.
- Business model
- Technology
- Funding & revenue model
- Talent or board members
- Monitoring & evaluation
Currently I don't have any organization's name in mind, but I would expect automobile technicians to help me. Also, the cooperation from automobile engineers, mechanical engineers, business consultants, project sponsor and relevant stakeholders is highly appreciated.