We named "The Sign Project" for many reasons: First, the product we want to launch aims at showing that the lives of the thousands of victims we are losing every year matters, and we hope that our work can serve as a warning sign that the lives of these refugees are in jeopardy.
Second, while many initiatives that concern the refugee crisis were made to aid victims, the core purpose of our project is to prevent incidents arising from maritime travelling. Therefore, our aim is to embrace this issue as a sign for us to take action.
The potential consumers can be for airplanes- many airplanes t land on sea in emergency and many passengers sued the airlines because they suffered from Hypothermia, In addition the potential market is for cruises, individual ships, Taking in consideration there are necessity for Sign project
In 2012, estimated 372 000 people died from drowning, making it a major public health problem worldwide.
World Health Organization (WHO):
(Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury death globally(
In 2015, more than One million refugee’s arrived to Europe crossing Mediterranean
It is time to not the lucky ones will survive from the suicide journey. We need to understand why refugees taking the suicide journey as they call it.
It is our call now to decide whether to rescue refugee’s life or to stay silent, it is our responsibility now
It is our call now to act, let make world a safer place, not just a place to escape.
It is the opportunity to give refugees time to act in order to be saved later.
As Robert H. Schuller “Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines”