Expiry dates
problem- most commonly we get to hear, watch or see as a head line of a news paper (in bangladesh) that the expiry date's tag of foods ana other products like cosmetics being changed and are being sold again or the hole brand is being copied
My proposal solution- the solution is very old and commonly used methods seen in many purpose. Yes here am talking about using qrcode and those stiker with hologram that leaves a mark behind when it is pulled,usullay used for ensuring intake product. But here in this case this r to be placed on expiry date's tag
Changes it might bring- qr code can be scanned using smart phone to get to its official page for its real updates and hologram sticker mentioned above will ensure that the expiry date's not been replaced.
this is just still a theory of my mind which i haven't it seen to come true.
I am still not engagedin serving any communit. Iam just serving this simple idea in this online platform which can bring a change if all packet product's company follow the the thing i mentioned above and like any other mandatory information they provide like ingredients, using guid individual barcode or qr code, individual expiry date or those hologram stiker at the point of opening
They just can combine barcode or pr code with hologram stiker mentioned in expiry date tag to ensure anyhow its not being copied by providing informaton on official page of that brand which and be scanned and read by bracode sccaning app and ennsure that this tag has not been replace by the striker i have mentioned earlier
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- Concept
i have found a this kind of corruption a common issue that got no other solution expect then petrolling by specialised petrolling teams by now, here is my idea which might bring a change if it is made mendory to use this on all packet product like other mendory information they are instructed to provide like ingredients and all
as i have mentioned earlier online official update of expiry date will ensure the product as fake comany cannot update in the official page of that company even if they create a fake web page that would be a cyber offence then and that can be reported to police and tracked easily. So providing link of web in qrcode and upadating expiry date there can ensure purityof thta brand and hologramstiker will ensure that the tag is not relpaced
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
answer to number 1- 0
Answer to number 2- whole nation(bangladesh)
Answer to number 3 - whole nation(bangladesh)
taking this idea to a level from where this get promoted to all company of bangladesh and turn into law that should be obeyedin order to produce packet product like any other nessery informations ar e already in law to produce packet product, example - ingeradients
if it is logical in sense of judge they can publish in all possible way
- Other e.g. part of a larger organization (please explain below)
Iam alone
i am alone
Answer to what will i get is actually nothng but tiger it foindation can judge it and if it is logical in there sense of judgement they have power to publish this idea atleast
- Technology
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- Media & speaking opportunities
technology partner can help in provididnh more idea about technology needed her like barcode and qr is a part of ict
Legal and media partner can be helpful for legal guidance and publishing