There are thousands more famous products in every district or upazilla of our bangladesh such as agriculture products(rice, jute etc),Tangail Tatter Saree, Bogra yogurt, Comilla's Rasamalai,Jamdani Saree in Dhaka and various garment product etc.These products are in high demand across the our country and abroad. But due to lack of proper communication, While buyers do not know who will get good products produce, many of the local producer make good product but cannot find the buyers.
Through this idea,I will be able to bring retailers/customers, wholesalers and Product producer on same platform.Our system product producers will be able to open a shop,he/she can advertise his product.As a result,
1)Product producers easily can find retailers/customer or wholesalers.
2)Retailers/customer or wholesalers directly buy product producers.
3)Retailers/customer or wholesalers can create post for special products.
effectiveness: With this idea,bangladeshi Product producer will be able to showcase their products as a brand in the world court.
More than 70 percent of Bangladesh's population and 77 percent of its workforce lives in rural areas. Nearly half of all of Bangladesh's workers and two-thirds in rural areas are directly employed by agriculture, and about 87 percent of rural households rely on agriculture for at least part of their income .
Where 87% of the people of Bangladesh are not getting the actual price of their produce products (such as potatoes, onions, rice, jute, fish, wheat, milk, fruits, flowers etc.) despite being associated with agriculture. If 87% of Bangladesh's farmers do not get the right price for their products, they will be more inclined to do agricultural work.
Through our e-shop, not only farmers but also the thousands more of small businessmen (such as garment products, Tatter Saree , perfume etc.) who produce the products can solve this problem by joining our e-shop.
1) e-shop guaranteed that of product producers will be to get the right price and the right buyer.
wholesalers or retailers/customers can get good products .
3)Domestic products will be able to occupy the international market.
Let's start with a story,bangladeshi a guy's (retailers) has clothing store.Usually he goes to the wholesaler to buy the goods in the shop. But the wholesaler is again buying the product from someone else and selling it to the retailer. As a result, retailers or shoppers are not getting the product at the right price.
let's another story,A farmer cultivates potatoes. The potato wholesaler in the market is priced at Tk 20, while the potato wholesaler is pricing at Tk 4-5. As a result, farmers are unable to sell goods at real price. As a result, the farmer has to sell the product in an involuntary manner. Often, getting the right buyer leads to the loss of the product, which is very sad for a farmer
The purpose of our idea is to allow retailers to purchase products directly from the producer.Not just clothes, but there are thousands more products like this in Bangladesh. Which the retailer can buy directly from the company. Companies will not be able to sell their product to wholesalers or retailers. They can also sells their product outside the country.
We will have a smart phone app and website.There are many small companies in our country who are making very good product. But if these products are used well,it will be possible to occupy a large market in both domestic and international markets.
We have thought of ways to solve this problem.
1)Product Manufacturer will have the opportunity to open shop:
There are small, medium or large organizations in Bangladesh,they can come to our system and open shops. The shop they open will have the opportunity to advertise their products. They do not have to extra payment to open their store and advertise the product. It is our e-shop's responsibility to sell their products. And e-shop will not receive payment until their product is sold. If the product is sold through our system, the e-shop will leave a small portion of the payment.Their products will be able to capture the country market as well as create the international market.
2)Retailers or wholesalers directly buy product producers:
In our system, only those who produce their own products will be able to open shops. Therefore, any wholesaler and retailer/customers of Bangladesh can buy the product directly from the producers .As a result,they will be able to purchase products at much lower prices.The e-shop will be able to occupy a large market place in Bangladesh.
3)Retailers/customer or wholesalers can create post for special products:
Retailers/customer or wholesalers can create post for special products in our e-shop and the producer can take orders to make his product.
4)Domestic products create international markets:
There are many products of Bangladesh that can easily occupy the international market such as jute, shrimp fish, tea, garment, milk, leather etc. Our farmers produce thousands more products like this but they are unable to sell at the right price. As a result,the farmers of our country cannot benefit. Our system will solve this problem.
5)Import of goods from abroad:
Let's say a friend lives in China.She can send products to the country if a lot of demand in Bangladesh. But there are many people in Bangladesh who can do good business in the country if they can buy products directly from China.
So if the Chinese friend of our system opens a shop and uploads his products, those who want to buy the product in our country can buy easily Chinese products at home.
- Increase opportunities for people - especially those traditionally left behind – to access digital and 21st century skills, meet employer demands, and access the jobs of today and tomorrow
- Manufacturing, Production, & Distribution
- Concept
The world is changing fast with the help of technology.Through our e-shop, the product makers will find a buyer to sell their product and sell the product at the right price. Especially those farmers and other product producers will be able to promote their products in domestic and international market by uploading their product to e-shop. They will gradually become better known in a brands.
- Women & Girls
- Rural Residents
- Urban Residents
- Middle-Income
- For-Profit
5 people.
Since I and my team members are all in the field of computer science, we are studying in CUET. As this is our native field. We have enough knowledge to solve this problem.
The product maker at the e-shop will advertise in their product store. If the wholesaler is interested in buying the product after seeing the advertisement, the e-shop will arrange the sale of the product through communication between the two parties upon placing the order. If the product is sold, the e-shop will charge 2-5% of the product sales.
On the other hand, if a wholesaler or retailer posts for a particular product, the product producing company will be able to receive the order to complete the deal. The E-Shop will charge 2-5% upon completion of the deal. As a result, the manufacturer of the product will be able to sell his product and earn revenue by accepting wholesaler order.
About 10 million retailers, wholesalers and manufacturing companies in our country will benefit from this arrangement.
If we can make 50 orders per day and if every order is 1000$ , then the sells is 50000$ per day. From here our organization takes a 5% commission, but the income per day is 50*1000*5/100 = 2,500$
In the monthly revenue generated 2,500*30 = 75,000 $ and in the year revenue generated 75,000*12 = 900,000 $.
if we are serve 200 order per day ,then 1 year letter income is 3,600,000 $.
if we are serve 500 order per day ,then 1 year letter income is 9,000,000 $.
if we are serve 2000 order per day ,then 1 year letter income is 36,000,000 $.
This is one of the best challenge i know and Tiger Challenge for financial support, IT support, marketing support and if possible making partnership with Tiger IT.
- Business model
- Funding & revenue model
- Talent or board members
- Media & speaking opportunities