Developing Smart Farming and new technology sectors.
In Bangladesh agriculture is one of the most important sector and that this sector is not developing over the years.The main problems that are associated with farming are Low agricultural productivity and limited modernization and/or diversification,Weak research extension linkage and technology. The crops are getting destroyed due to improper monitoring and technology for farming aren't that advanced to increase the production and reduce import, poverty and crop failure. Farmers are facing huge amount of loss due to low production and failure of crops.
We are here proposing and idea that is based on IoT and is going to create automation for farming by the aid of robots, drones and sensors.This will allow farmer to have proper monitoring and accurate data about their crops. This will increase the production amount in less amount of land and increase the amount of revenue. In short form we are revolutionizing the agricultural through smart farming.
In Bangladesh since 1960 to 2016 the share of agriculture sector has been decreasing. It is due to agriculture sector of Bangladesh is facing tons of problems. The Problems are discussed below:
(a) Climate change due to global warming
(b) Flood destroys the crops causing major loss.
(c) Lack of research, technology and mechanisation.
(d) Landlessness
So investments are being made by both farmers and governments but not on the right resources. Farmers are facing loss, their production are decreasing and thus creating food shortage for the growing population of Bangladesh. Around 24.4 Million or 15.1% of the total population are voracious. This is because of the farming technique and low production and mainly the lack of technology for automation. In foreign countries the production quality and quantity are both high. Why? because of the advanced technology and research. We are here to solve this problem with the help of technology that is going to automate and enhance the farming process.
For one of our school project we went on a field trip to an agricultural field where we had a healthy conversation with a group of farmers. So through the conversation we had come to know that there production quality and quantity are not improving although they are investing a good amount of money.
So we had again approached to them and told them about our idea and explained it to them in detail. So they liked the idea and asked us how they are going to be benefited and then we told them the benefits.
According to their problem we designed a concept that consists of sensing technologies, Software applications, communication system, telematics and positioning technologies, Hardware and software systems and Data analytics system. This system will allow them to properly monitor crop health and humidity level and other necessary key factors while farming and also a platform to allow farmers to sell their products at a constant or market price.
The product we have designed is based on IoT and is going to work with help of few technologically advance smart devices. Those are Drones, Robots, Sensors and AI as the main centralized system to process all the data collected by the sensors and other hardware. They will be able to monitor the activities of the crops, the humidity level and other key factor that are important for the crops to grow. Tons of data will be collected and send to the system for processing and make out an average result of the overall observation and this observation will be sent to the farmer to his cell phone through which he will send command to take any necessary action, example: Irrigation.
- Increase opportunities for people - especially those traditionally left behind – to access digital and 21st century skills, meet employer demands, and access the jobs of today and tomorrow
- Support underserved people in fostering entrepreneurship and creating new technologies, businesses, and jobs
- Technology
- Other
- Concept
We are making sure that the product we are designing are/is unique and that we haven't seen this kind of technology in use over the various parts of Bangladesh and hoping to create chain of products like this not only in the use of agriculture but also other daily consumption and official purpose. We address to change the style and method of agriculture in Bangladesh with help of artificial intelligence So as we had described we will be using AI in this system and none of the farmers in Bangladesh have experienced this technology. This product will be unique because in other parts of only one out 6 theory of IoT is being used. So we will use all the 6 theory along with the intervention of blockchain technology. This will make digital farming more efficient, improve digitization, automation and food tracking. That's why believe that our designed product will be unique.
Farming has been facing some major problems throughout few years with production and quality due to lack of appropriate technological support. We believe that the solution we have come up with is going to address this this problem. This is because this ecosystem will allow the farmers to increase their production in a large scale. A news reported by Dhaka tribune stated that Bangladesh will require importing over 8 million MT of wheat and corn in 2019-20 , so this import is a major loss for our economy as we have to import rice although we have the right inputs and manpower. This year the rice input has increased from 32.6 million to 34.9 million metric tons, well that's a great achievement, but for the growing population this is not sufficient. That's because we don't have that kind of technology to increase production, crops are being affected by water or fertilisers that may have caused any bacterial diseases that again destroys the crops which again reduces the production. That's why we have come up with this solution to use advanced technology to let farmers know whether the fertilisers they have been/are using is affecting the crop in anyway or not. There will obviously be other functions too.
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural Residents
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities/Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
Currently we have just developed the concepts and haven't been established yet. But we hope to start once the competition is over. In the first year of our establishment we hope to target all the farmers of Bangladesh and improve their life and their productions, quality and their experiences and believe over technology.
In the next 5 years we are planning to target all the farmers globally and to improve their techniques and experiences and the production.
Our goal is to bring a change. Is to change the lifestyle and conditions of millions that are not only related to farming but also everyday consuming like households and commercials. One of our main vision is to change the way people are related to farming, we want full automation in everywhere where there are possibilities for us to make loads of mistakes. Not only farming is our main target but our main target is development, a development that is needed to take place. Technology is something that has both pros and cons but we want the pros to make impact our life. Bill Gates has change the world of personal computers. In the same way we want to change the world of IoT, blockchain, AI, AR and VR, Robotics, Fintech, E-sports, Big data, electric cars and many more. This things will allow to save energy, Storage and many other factors that are causing pollution and other problems emerging for our country and the world. save energy, Storage and many other factors that are causing pollution and other problems emerging for our country and the world.This will allow to save energy, Storage and many other factors that are causing pollution and other problems emerging for our country and the world.
Well if we talk about the barriers then mainly it is the financial barrier. Yes and it's very normal because establishing a tech company requires high investment. Then talking about market barriers, Bangladesh market isn't use to this kind of high end tech devices, so selling them in the national market will be a little difficult but it's going to be easy in the international market.
Culture makes a huge impact on every market especially, IT markets. People in Bangladesh have very blurry thoughts about advanced tech devices, because they think that they need to break their banks for purchasing them.
Other then these things we don't have any other barriers for this initiative.
Financial barriers then, we will gather investors and venture companies. Then organise a meeting where we will be discussing with them about our project. This way we will be able to complete the A series funding. Now, coming to the market we have to advertise, do campaigns and other things that will spread our brand to millions of people and after that we have to lower our selling price i.e 5-10 percent profit only, which will attract more customers for the low price point.
Thirdly, the culture. We have to make the people believe that yes technology is really very helpful in our daily lives and other applications that includes farming. This way they will be use to this kind of products and will have a mindset willing to try this kind of products.
- Not registered as any organization
Well we are a team of 4 people. We have no other staffs who. We are hoping that once we get an opportunity to establish this company we will grow our team that includes our partners, contractors and etc. So we will mainly have suppliers that will provide us the primary goods to prepare the the high end tech devices needed for smart farming and other purposes.
We are willing to take initiative that impact millions of life in Bangladesh and over other parts of the worlds within the next five years. So we are students and each of us have mastered a skill needed to develop this products. I have learned python and java in 2 years and currently learning android app development and Machine learning. My other 3 team mates are expert in marketing, designing and decision making respectively. I had developed a robotic moving arm with help of arduino while studying grade 8 and i am very passionate about technology. I and my team have prepared this concept to make sure that smart farming develops also other sectors of technology. We are best to deliver the service because we not here only for business or developing farming but to bring a change.
Well we have designed a business model that consists all the information about the Key partners, Key resources, Key activities, Value Proposition, Customer Relationship, Channels, Customer segment, Cost Structure and Revenue Streams. So please kindly click to have a glance at our Business Model. Our business model is a B2C business model.
We will be earning revenue by selling our products and services to open market. Talking about raising fund we will be having investors and also in the upcoming 5 years we will be a listed company in stock market where we can sell our shares and raise a considerable amount of capital.
Tiger IT foundation can help us most importantly overcome the financial support. It is because financial capital is what we need to buy the resources for developing this concept. Tiger IT foundation can help us buy providing some professionals who can help us improve more on our idea and help to rectify our mistakes if we have done so. They can help us by providing the office space and mentorship and help partner with big companies.
- Technology
- Other
- Business model
- Funding & revenue model
- Talent or board members
- Legal
- Media & speaking opportunities
I would like to partner with Texas Instruments Incorporated because they are one of the best in manufacturing IoT sensors by having a licensed agreement with them. Then secondly we would like to partner with corsair, Asus and AMD because they can provide us with components to build our workstation for each of our team members that is we can do partner with them in a condition of buying economies.