Education is the basis of everything. But education in Bangladesh is lacking !
The education system of Bangladesh is more of memorization based < the students can not showcase their creativity for this. To change our education system we should first change the focus of the students , 10 years of or life is used to know how to memorize something which we can find in google is very laughable to me. We should provide the things to the student that will they need in future. We should teach them how to use internet ! Teach the right uses of computer. Education can be very interesting if we make it. First let them come into the contact of the vast worlds subjects that they will need in future (in primary level) than let them chose the subjects that feel interested in,the should consult with their teachers on this process. They should know what their chosen subjects will lead to.Than they will be given primary knowledge on those subjects It should be done in secondary level. And in Higher secondary level and in College they should be given advanced info on the subjects that they have chosen. And in under graduate they should be given the opportunity to use their creativity on the subjects they chose.
In this way, the quality of the graduates will be higher, more creative and these will result in the development of the whole Bangladesh as education is the core of everything.