Dhaka city is turning into a pit of pollution by producing 5000 tons of garbage everyday. 600 acres of land would be required for waste dumping where it could have been home for 27000 people.
Through recycling kitchen waste into organic fertilizer and re-purposing inorganic waste into usable product GARBAGEMAN aspires to improve the socioeconomic stance of the system.
Regen vermicompost, Online Recycling Platform and Zero Waste Consultancy for individuals and corporations are product and services of GARBAGEMAN.
Dhaka is on the way of becoming the top ranking megacity with a population of around 25 million by 2025. Urban population and industrialization have been increasing rapidly and these are creating a serious hassle on our natural resources, which is a big challenge for sustainable development. World Health Organization (2014) termed Dhaka as one of the mostly polluted cities.5000 tons of wastes are produced daily in Dhaka and total waste collection rate in Dhaka is only 37%. A significant percentage of the population has zero access to proper waste disposal service. When waste is not properly collected it is illegally disposed or thrown to open air. This is uncollected waste goes to roads, canals, river and other public places. This practice is making our urban life truly vulnerable towards environmental and health hazards.The solid waste of Dhaka generally has a high organic content (60% to 70%) and a low proportion of combustible matter.Only 6% of the recyclables are being collected and recycled by the formal and informal sector. The whole supply chain of these stream is informal which results unfair wages, middle man, child labor and other health hazards.
We are working with the commercial kitchens like restaurant, hotel, bar, club and kitchen market on a subscription model basis. We offer an efficient door to door collection of waste to our clients.
A)REGEN vermicompost : A unique fertilizer for plants that is solely made of recycled organic wastes. It retains soil moisture and boosts plants immunity while providing necessary nutrients to grow them faster, greener and healthier.
B)Recycling Platform :
1. Door to door collection service
2. App based collection service
Stopping plastics from ending up at landfills and oceans by recycling and reusing them for a different purpose which will gradually decrease the number of plastics dumped each year.
C)Zero Waste Consultancy: We provide consultancy services to businesses on creating a zero waste production. By imparting guidance on how to reuse, reduce and recycle at a lower cost the aim is to improve efficiency and promote individual participation to raise awareness.
- Increase opportunities for people - especially those traditionally left behind – to access digital and 21st century skills, meet employer demands, and access the jobs of today and tomorrow
- Environment
The innovation in Our Business Model is in the approach. We are connecting all relevant stakeholders with a engaging framework to contribute in the waste management system.
We are focusing on commercial kitchens, business to separate their waste on source, we are introducing the concept of material recovery centers, technologically driven supply chain of recyclable material, creating a network of model scrap shops.
- Urban Residents
Currently we are providing our collection services to 30 teastalls, 2 kitchens, 1 kitchen market. We have 25 customers including 5 repeat customers for our REGEN VERMICOMPOST, we have 2 recyclables buyers, client for zero waste consultancy.
Within a year we would like to expand our collection service to 100 tea stalls, 20 restaurants, 3 kitchen markets.
For our REGEN VERMICOMPOST we are targetting to serve 800 rooftop gardeners, 10 recyclables buyers, 5 clients for zero waste consultancy.
- For-Profit
4x labour working in factories 5hrs a day, 6 days a week
1x operations manager, 5hrs a day, 6 days a week
3x executives, 5hrs a day, 3 days
CEO, fulltime
3 Advisers
We are young, enthusiastic and caused driven team. Our team is skilled to deal with the contextual challenges.
Fahim Uddin, CEO and Founder,
Bachelors in Architect, Masters in Environmental Science and Management
Worked as an Associate Architect for 2 years.
Started GARBAGEMAN 2 years back.
Abid Hasan Noor, Strategic Adviser
Principle Architect, Deshi Consultant.
Dr. Mohammad Sujauddin, Technical Adviser
Assistant Professor, North South University
PhD in Systems Innovation, The University of Tokyo, Japan MS & BSc. in Environmental Science, Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
Akkie Okma, Business Development Mentor.
Master's Degree in Social Sciences and as a Psychologist. Majored in Organisation Psychology, Leiden University in the Netherlands.
Sami Ahmed, Operation Manager
BBA, North South University
Makhjanul Islam Prangon , Operation Manager
BBA, North South University
StartupBangladesh, ICT division, Government of Bangladesh is our growth partner.
YYghosti and Ygap Bangladesh is our incubator partner.
MonsterLab Bangladesh, is our Technology partner
Department of Industrial design department of TUDelft is our Knowledge sharing partner on plastic recycling under DELTAP project.
UNDP, youth co:lab is our impact assignment partner.
Joytechnology is our product delivery partner.
GARBAGEMAN is “recycling waste into reusable products.
Our “subscription-based collection service” is focused on “GREEN BRANDS” which includes tea stalls, restaurants, hotels, schools, university and commercial entities. We get collection fee from the brands.
Collected wastes are brought to our “Material Recovery Center” where we aggregate raw materials ( plastic, paper, glass) and supply them to next level recyclers.
Converting “food waste” we produce “REGEN Vermicompost” and sell them to rooftop gardeners of Dhaka. With 60 micronutrients whiling tracing calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphate and potash which ensures the health and nutrient consumption of plants, it is a premium product for plant lovers.
We are offering “Zero Waste Consultancy” corporations and commercial entities to reduce their waste and recycling solution within the compound.
We got a grant of 12,000 USD from StartupBangladesh, 3000 AUD as price money from YGAP.
We genarate revenue of 20,000 BDT per month which covers only 30% of our current operations.
We are looking for raising 20,000 USD to do our marketing and branding at the same time upgrade our production capacity.
Currently we sell REGEN vermicompost to the gardeners which is our primary revenue source. At the same time we sell plastic, paper,glass to the recycler as our secondary revenue source.
We have been operational for last 14 months, where the sole focus on the production, now with the expected investment we are planing to launch in the market and generate revenue to cover our expenses.
Climate grants, Impact fund, Angel investors are our primary target to raise the fund.
Strategic and operational support
Mentor ship,
Access to market
- Business model
- Distribution
- Funding & revenue model
- Monitoring & evaluation