By creating an open source alternative to Kai OS, mass population of Bangladesh can be brought online.
- Online presence
- Cheaper way to get knowledge
- If a large portion of the country comes online then foreign companies would be willing to invest in the Bangladeshi market (like Xaomi invests in the Indian market)
Kai OS allows 4G, Maps, google assistant etc on a feature phone. Along with the internet and telecommunications company Jio it has brought mass development in India. However, it's closed source. Hence, community development interest is low and it's not profitable for a lot of companies to put that in their phones and sell in Bangladesh.
While there has been an attempt at an community OS (Gerda OS), it focuses more on privacy and tech enthusiasts rather than the average poor farmer figure in Bangladesh.
By bringing a large portion of the country online and increasing foreign interest in Bangladesh tech market, we get
More investment = More employment = More income = More savings = the cycle goes on and on
This is the opposite of the cycle of poverty
So in one sentence, "This tackles almost every problem the internet tackles"
Karim Miah, who hasn't seen his daughter, Moyna in months because he sent her to the city to study and he can't afford a smartphone to video call his daughter.
Musa, who wants to be a scientist but the Govt. Sistributed books are bullshit.
Manna, who owns a fisheries and wants to expand, however due to lack of expertise of local Agricultural Officer doesn't know how to do it in an efficient way.
All my little cousins living in Barisal who haven't ever seen a PewDiePie video.
And the list goes on.
I win this, create an IT firm and hire programmers to do my work the same way Spigiel developed snapchat.
On the way, maybe l'll pair up with skitto, walton and bKash to bring the ultimate dumbphone experience
- Increase opportunities for people - especially those traditionally left behind – to access digital and 21st century skills, meet employer demands, and access the jobs of today and tomorrow
- Support underserved people in fostering entrepreneurship and creating new technologies, businesses, and jobs
- Technology
- Concept
"First make it work then make it better"
It works and I'll make it better.
Employment Opportunities
Increase in internet access (which basically solves many problems)
Already proven to work (in India which is a country very similar to Bangladesh)
This solution is out there and somebody will do it even if I don't. It would be better if It was done right from the start.
- Elderly
- Rural Residents
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities/Previously Excluded Populations
Currently Zero, After an year Zero, In five years, 7 Million
1. Establish Company, hire people, start development : 6 Months
2. Develop, Test alpha and beta: 9 Months
3. Talk to other companies: 4 Months. Talk to Skitto (Owned by Grameenphone, it's a mobile career company growing very popular here.) And a few other brands. 2 months
4. Create a product and start selling: 5 months
1.Marketing might be an issue. I plan to overcome this by using social media to advertise. By creating "woke" ads we can get more people talking and the more people that talk the more the news spreads.
2. Production
Marketing might be an issue. I plan to overcome this by using social media to advertise. By creating "woke" ads we can get more people talking and the more people that talk the more the news spreads.
There aren't many ways to manufacture phones in Bangladesh. However, if we partner with other companies selling in Bangladesh it will be possible.
- Not registered as any organization
Currently me only
Same business model as Xaomi
Bloatware and ads
- Technology