FishLab-Model for Clean and healthy Fish
Local nutrient rich fish is getting extinct because of pollution, overfishing and climate change and people in Bangladesh is depending on the farm fish which is giving the Protein but not giving all the micronutrients that needed for human. And to maximize profit farmers using expensive commercial feeds without knowing the contents.
To solve this first we will make an online platform with a complete database of nutrient level of all kind of fish popular in Bangladesh to create public Awareness and then we will revive the local nutrient rich breeds and farm them using Sustainable Modern Technology. We will introduce RAS technology for our Fish Farm and will develop healthy feed using natural ingredients like Black Soldier flies Larva, Sea Weed, duck weeds etc which will enhance the fish health and growth which in turn give the consumers a safe nutrient rich tasty protein.
People will get nutrition rich safe food made with naturally grown feed.
Bangladesh is a densely populated country and Fish is one of the main source of Protein in Bangladesh and Fish Farming is a big industry contributing a huge amount to National economy. Globally Bangladesh is the 3rd Largest Inland Fish Producer. A study shows we are having more fish but lower micronutrients intakes. In long term this is going to affect people’s health badly. We are growing in numbers but not in quality. We are only farming the big fish where we can get more meat but not more nutrients. Farmers using commercial feed which is expensive but not really sustainable as sometimes it contains antibiotics and growth promoters. The feed price is increasing every year and this will increase the production cost but in turn not really able to provide the right nutrients to the Fish.
This problem is not only for a particular community or a city its the problem for the whole country. Specially for the Poor People as they don't have much options of protein.
My Solution will not only increase the fish production but also provide a guideline to make proper sustainable feed which will ensure the right nutrients for the fish and for human.
We will create a Social platform where we will keep the database of the Nutrients value of all type of farmed fish and local breeds that we usually cant get easily. So that people can see and compare easily and a demand can be created. We will test our own produced fish periodically so that people can make their choice easily. This will encourage other farmers to produce local breeds with high nutrition value side by side. The farmers are now totally depending on the commercial feeds but its an expensive process and also not very much sustainable. Once we can show them the result with naturally grown feed the dependency on the commercial feed will be reduced and this will help the farmers as well as the consumers. Through our project another industry of growing Natural ingredients like Black soldier flies larva, duck weed and sea weed will also incubate.
We need to work very closely with the Scientists
working with the local species breeding so that we can farm them to meet local
demand. This will give a ground for the scientists to do experiments and
It was proven through studies that the local species contains high value protein and all the micronutrients that’s essential for the healthy living on the contrary the hybreed versions of the fish is giving a high yield but nutritional value is less. Farmers don’t produce local breeds as they grow slowly which is not economically viable and also procuring the fingerling is very difficult. To overcome this we will introduce RAS(Recirculating Aquaculture System) technology so that we can grow fish in high density in a smaller place with clean water. In this type of culture we can achieve high yield without the harmful chemicals and antibiotics. We will produce local breeds collected from the selected Government Owned hatchery and also some organizations who are working to revive the endangered fish species. To give the fish the right amount of nutrients we will feed them proper feeds produced from the natural ingredients. And to ensure the feed quality we will make our own feed using the natural ingredients which has the high amount of clean protein, fat and required level of Omega 3.
Choosing the right ingredients for feed is very important for the success of this project. For feed we can use below materials but there can be many other options:
1) Duckweed – Very easily available we can produce in our inhouse capacity or can engage contract farmers for this. As per the studies the Duckweed can contain up to 43% crude protein, 5% lipids and a highly digestible dry matter.
2) Black Soldier Flies – This is a new concept in Bangladesh but very much appropriate in our environment and can be proven as a sustainable food source for the fish and poultry farms. Nutrient analysis revealed that freshly harvested pre-pupae contain 55-65% of moisture, a good amount of crude protein (40-44% dry matter), lipid rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and crude fiber (7%) among other nutrients. we can produce in our inhouse capacity or can engage contract farmers for this which will create new job market.
3) Seaweed – Several Study shows that seaweed supplemented feed for growth performance of fish was higher and effective than commercial feed. we can extract seaweed from Cox bazar.
4) Dry fish – this is a traditional component of fish feed which is ls also an option to make natural feed for the fish.
- Support underserved people in fostering entrepreneurship and creating new technologies, businesses, and jobs
- Agriculture
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In conventional Fish Farm farmers only focus on the quantity but do not check the quality and the nutritional facts of the Fish. Our Farm will focus more on the quality farming by controlling the water condition and the feed. Recirculating Aqua Culture System is one of the most advanced technology to produce clean and healthy fish in high density. And to maintain the good health and growth of the fish we will make our own feed for the fish. Regarding feed the main goal is to make most efficient, sustainable and natural sources of protein, fat and minerals which is suitable for Fish. We have selected high protein contents ingredients like the Black Soldier larvae, duckweeds, seaweeds etc from the local sources which in turn will create many jobs and options for the rural communities.
And secondly we will work with the local breeds of the fish that was always on demand but due to lack of supply consumers never really getting this. But through this initiative we can save these species and people can again get a chance to revive the forgotten taste. Once we successfully implement this project we can encourage other farmers and Hatcheries to engage in local fish farming and using alternative feeds.
Apart from the Fish Farm we will develop a platform using the Social Networks where we will put the real nutritional values of the fish and our produced fish so that consumers can choose. And an awareness can be developed.
A study published on 2017 showed that in Bangladesh we are consuming more fish now a days but actually not getting the proper nutrients from this. So despite of higher production our current fish production can not meet the demand of the Nutrition factors. Another study showed the local varieties those used to be available in all the rivers and lakes before are more nutritious. But due to pollution, over fishing and over use of pesticides many local varieties are now marked as extinct and many already in endangered category. So the only way to change the current situation of fish farming is to re-introduce people the local species of the fish which is very rich in nutrients and also offer consumers a clean and safe fish, free from all type of pollution and antibiotic.
RAS technology will help us to farm fish in high density and same time it keeps the fish healthy by keeping the water very clean naturally. This technology available in many countries and people successfully implemented this and it increased the overall production. Right now people having the fish farmed in normal conventional way as they do not have any choice but once we deliver our fish with proper test result we can change the situation. This will have a positive effect in the market and many farmers will be encouraged to follow and overall fish production will increase.
Also Because of Climate change and increasing pollution water level will go down and farming with conventional ways might get difficult.
- Rural Residents
- Urban Residents
1) This is our Pilot Project and just started so right now we are not serving anyone. We hope we can start a Trial Run by November 2019 and first crop February 2020
2) Our yearly capacity will be 20 ton fish(approximately) so if we consider 1 kg per family in a year we can serve 20000 families clean fish. And from the Black Soldier Flies farming and Duck weed farming we can create a new Job Opportunity a new business. And by selling the waste products(organic fertilizer) we can create new opportunities and can serve more than 200 families.
3) We will expand the facility after two years and in 5 years with our fish production, Feed production and Selling the waste products we can serve more than 150000 families. And with the Public awareness millions will get the benefits over time.
Short Term Goal: Identify and farm atleast 2 local species and start one Black Soldier Flies Larva production unit. Develop a sustainable and efficient procurement chain to procure the organic elements for Fish Feed. Will develop the Online Platform and will start testing the fish to findout the real nutritional value. Will create a market for the by products like the Fertilizers and also will create an option to make Hydrophonic Grass using teh waste water.
Long Term Goal: Over next 5 years we want to increase the fish production capacity to 200 ton per year. And want to revive 10 local species and produce those for mass market. Start a Hatchery to produce fingerlings of local varieties. Train minimum 5 new entrepreneurs for fish farming using RAS technology. We will develop a platform for selling safe and clean fish. Develop the Feed chain and train minimum 100 people to procure the raw materials specially the Black Soldier Flies larva in rural areas creating new Job opportunity for 100 families. This inturn will help them managing their vegetable waste and open the door to encourage them in organic Farming using the Byproduct of the Larvae the Compost. Will make the online platform a strong media to communicate with the consumers and connect with many small level farms who will practice safe farming.
Next Year Barriers:
Electricity - In this new Technology of Farming we need uninterrupted
Raw material for Proper Feed – As we will not use the regular feeds available in the market we need to prepare our own feed and as the quantity initially will not be big we will not be able to achieve economy of scale.
Hatchery for the local species are limited – Most of the Hatchery we have are producing commercially viable species considering the demand of the local market.
Competition with the regular product in the market -the market for this fish is still not ready so it will take some time to be competitive with the regular fish in the market.
Financial Hurdle – We started the company with a capital of usd 182k but to complete the full plan we need additional usd 150k.
New Technology - As this is a new Technology there are not many experts in Bangladesh who can help.
Next Five Year Barrier: Climate Change can effect this
project specially the water Level and Temperature.
Next Year Barriers:
Electricity - We need to depend on the
alternative power source like Generator or Solar cell. This will eventually
increase the cost but its very important.
Raw material for Proper Feed – We need to train people and give them technical support to raise Black Soldier Flies Larva so that we can get a steady supply. Same with the other raw materials. This will create many job opportunities also.
Hatchery for the local species are limited – We need to maintain a good network with the Government Agencies and hatcheries to get good and healthy fingerlings.
Competition with the regular product in the market -We need to create public awareness using our online platform. Once people will see results verified by professionals there will be a positive impact.
Financial Hurdle – We are continuously trying to arrange more funds for the project and also checking for loans.
New Technology - We have a foreign consultant for the time being who has experience to work with RAS. But we will also try to keep a relation with International organizations/researchers working with RAS
Next Five Year Barrier: Climate Change is a vital issue and will have to keep a close eye on this. And also need to build network with many International Agencies who is working on this and finding out alternative resources.
- For-Profit
Fish Lab Ltd is a Private Limited company. We have three Partners. Below details of the partners:
Rinku Richard Mondol - Bangladeshi working as a consultant in a HK based Garment Manufacturing Company. I am looking after the merchandising department in their Bangladeshi Garment Factory(Max Clothing Ltd)
Jan Saenen - A Belgium National, he owns a Clothing Business Name Fast Fashion Partners. They have manufacturing unit in China and Bangladesh.
James Adhikary - He owns an Engineering Farm working on new inventions and producing them. His Company name is Cadson Engineering and Services. He is also providing technical Supports for the fish project.
Fishlab Ltd currently have following Staff
1 Full Time Manager. His role is to look into the total units and keep the financial records.
1 Technical Manager who has experience working in Fisheries sector who will understand the process.
3 Full time worker but working in Shifts.
1 part time staff for the cleaning
First We have the Passion to do something in Fisheries sector and we are studying the market and the technology thoroughly. We have been collecting all the relevant data about the industry and the demand.
We have created a network of some experts who can guide us to achieve all our goals in a Sustainable way.
Secondly one of our partner is making the machinery with the help of a Dutch consultant who has been working with this Technology for a long time. So we have already a hands on experience to run the machine and achieve the desired result.
We have a good contact with some chain shops who can do the marketing of our produce easily.
We are working with CADSON Engineering & Services. They are making the machinery and importing all the equipments we need. Also they will be responsible to install the machinery.
The owner of CADSON is also a Partner in FISHLAB LTD.
Key Resources-
Online Platform to create awareness and creating a Brand Name
A good Network to procure the Fingerlings and selling the fish.
Key Activities:
Producing Clean and Healthy fish using natural Feeds
Making feeds using natural Ingredients like Black Soldier Flies larva, Duck weed etc
Maintaining Online Platform to create Public Awareness and creating Marketing Channel.
Partners + Key Stakeholders:
Building Network with the Scientist working on Local Species
Public or Private Laboratories for Testing facilities.
Both Rural and Urban communities.
Type of Interventions:
RAS Technology
Technology to Black Soldier Flies larva
Value Propositions:
Providing Healthy and nutrient rich Fish to the mass community.
Creating Awareness.
Creating new job opportunities.
Cost Structure:
Staff Salary
Land Rent
Electricity and fuel cost
Buying Fingerling and Food for Fish
Creating network through Platform.
Making contract with the Chain Shops.
Local Market Places.
Resource Development- Need to develop the Raw material like Black Soldier fly Larva Supply. Duck Weed supply etc.
Finding potential place for expansion.
Creating export Market.
Revenue will be Generated from Selling Fish.
The Paidup Capital of our Company FishLab was usd 182k. This initial fund was managed from our own sources. As per our plan to complete the full project we will need additional usd 150k.
This additional fund we are planning to manage in the following ways:
1) Government Loans for Agriculture. Some banks provide loan facility to innovative Agriculture project and for that we are in touch with BIDA(Bangladesh Investment Development Authority). BIDA launched a project name ESDP(Entrepreneurship & Skill Development) and we already enrolled there and they will helpl to develop a Business Plan and then will help us to pursue for the fund.
2) Personal Loans- We also have plans to reinvest through personal loans.
3) We have a plan to go to some foreign projects/organizations like IFAD, WinRock who help Entrepreneurs special in the Agriculture sector.
Tiger IT Foundation can help us in following ways:
1) This is a New Technology in Bangladesh so there are not many experts and specialists available in Bangladesh. So if I can develop a Network with an International Organization who is renowned and have the access to the International Experts it can help us to learn more and will stop us making too many mistakes. Tiger IT Foundation can play that role.
2) Through Tiger Challenge may be I will be able to get access to more developed and new technology which can help me to be more efficient. Specially making feeds from natural Ingredients.
3) There are many donors and Investors working closely with Tiger IT Foundation may be I can meet with International Investors who can help us exporting the Fish we will produce and also can help us add value to our product and sell them in International market.
4) If we are selected may be we can get a fund which might help to overcome our financial Struggle.
- Other
- Technology
- Distribution
- Funding & revenue model
- Talent or board members
- Media & speaking opportunities
I don't have any names to write here but following type of Organizations/Individuals can be very much helpful for us:
1) Investors/Donors who wants to invest in new and innovative technology which can bring positive change to the community. If we get investors in this area we can involve more farmers to use this RAS technology. The land is getting scarce in Bangladesh due to many reasons like climate change, pollution etc. the technology we want to use can produce large number of fish in small area but its costly so if we get some help/investors we can get more farmers who really have the knowledge of fish but cant move because of funding issues. We can share our Knowledge and the Technology for the greater benefits.
2) Investors/Donors interested to work on Natural Feed development. If we get a chance to get Investors in this area we can promote the Black Soldier Flies Larva production in Bangladesh. We can involve rural people for this. Black Soldier larva is a good source of protein for the poultry industry also. This can create lots of job opportunity in Bangladesh and also people will get an alternative protein source for the livestock.
3) Companies interested to market healthy and nutrient rich Fish. If we get a partner interested in this sector we can both create a Platform where we can involve all the Farmers who is practicing safe food.
4) Internet Marketing company who can promote our products.
