After passing from university/polytechnic most of the students struggling for job because of low technical competency. Opportunity of practical work is very little and most of the time all people cannot avail technical training. For this, we have to hire skilled employees from abroad which causes fifty thousand crore taka going from Bangladesh every year. To implement vision 2021, government made internet available throughout the country. But digital content is not enough here for learning in online.
That's why we are trying to build up a technical training online platform to teach throughout the Bangladesh. In this platform we will bring technical experts anywhere from Bangladesh to share their skill & knowledge. Not only for engineering students, we are also going to upload digital contents for children that they can learn about robotics in early stage.
As we are near 4th industrial revolution and IT industry is dominating the world now. We spent lots of time to relate engineering education or training with IT. Moreover, our country has scarcity of skilled manpower. Only urban students get opportunity to have professional training. Among them very few went abroad for training. There is no opportunity to share knowledge & experiences of those skilled professionals.
Rather, students from remote areas are underprivileged and most often they don't have opportunity to have professional technical training. Furthermore, every year many unskilled workers migrated to abroad whereas we bring skilled manpower from abroad with high demand to meet requirements. Our aim is to provide online technical training of those migrated people.
As a third world country we have lots of problems surrounded us. But our new generation is not keen to solve those problems with creativity & innovation. So, our target is to teach school going students about robotics and also to develop robotics kits by which they can learn robotics in easiest way. Overall, our aim is to ensure technical education for all to build up a proud nation.
First of all, we have created two courses about 'Basic Electronics' and 'Basic Programmable Logic Controller'. We are uploading contents in regular basis in our website www.gobeshona.com through our YouTube channel 'Gobeshona'. We are also working to launch five mores courses about technology & engineering. Targeted audiences are engaging with those contents’ day by day.
We have made a schedule to go through the polytechnic in all districts and conduct seminars & workshops. We are planning to make DVD of those video courses and make available these for our targeted polytechnic and university students.
After finishing all polytechnics, we will go through all university for seminar & workshop. After that, we want to cover all schools to teach robotics which is our long cherish dream. To achieve our goal, we need more competent engineers so that, they will walk through the entire country. For this we have an internship program in our laboratory and our interns will learn by doing practical projects.
We, some professional experts want to develop a science & technology based online and offline education platform. Day by day internet users are increasing. So, we’ve created an opportunity of online training where students can enroll & learn. We have an enriched digital hardware electronics lab where we’ll provide training of university/polytechnic students. We already developed trainer boards and other peripheral arrangements to run the training institute successfully. Our target is to train all polytechnic and university engineering students throughout the country. Though our lab is in Dhaka but we have strong policy and resources to arrange 2-3 weeks workshop outside of Dhaka. Besides, in future we will train school students about robotics physically as well as with teleconference.
So, our startup has a great social impact also. Our vision is to increase the technical competency of the students that, once they will lead in professional sector. This startup can take part of building digital Bangladesh through innovative & talented resources.
- Upskill, reskill, or retrain workers in the industries most affected by technological transformations
- Education
- Technology
There is long term controversy against our education system. Conventional education system unable to create innovative approach. Most of the students struggling to learn science education in early age. That's why they are being unskilled after getting engineering degree and a large scale being unemployed. We have taken this initiative to make an online platform where students can get technical professional training in different categories before enter into job field. Though we have big number of unskilled manpower but approximately half million foreign skilled manpower are presently working in our country which costs huge amount of money every year. Our main goal is to accumulate different category skilled resources in our education platform. Urban areas students are privilege some of those professional training and remote areas students are always unprivileged. We are developing career oriented professional video courses in the field of industrial automation, IOT, AI & robotics with native language. We are also planning to prepare robotics online training course for school & college students for building up a innovative generation in future. We will also conduct live training for remote students that they can interact with teachers with answer question. In future, we are planning to introduce technical training on AI,IOT with VR(Virtual Reality) technology.
Only because of unskilled manpower more than 5bn dollar we lost every year to bring skilled manpower. If we train our youth, we can make employment of more than one crore with minimum wage 30000/- per job. So there is a big opportunity to make huge employment inside our country with existing resources. Moreover, if we train young students related to ICT, embedded circuit design & simulation then we can supply top rated skilled manpower in online platform for freelancing. Moreover, world biggest financial organizations as well as giant tech companies are investing huge money in AI & IOT. So, if we turn our talented resource's expertise about artificial intelligence and internet of things, then we can make our country a largest MNC hub. So there is a big opportunity to be a better nation in future and we want to be a part of this success.
21st century students don't need knowledge. Because there are lot of ways to increase knowledge through internet. Students need leadership, expertise, skill, creativity & innovation. We want to explore STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education throughout the country so that, they can be a part of success after 10 years. As government made availability of internet rapidly and we are working hard to prepare video courses to make quality education for all.
- Children & Adolescents
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
We launched our startup official last year. Our target is to teach polytechnic students first. So there is a session for industrial attachment in next December-January. We already managed our necessary lab equipment. Our estimated target students 200 for this year from different polytechnic of Bangladesh. From January we are planning to conduct robotics training for teenage students.
1st year target:
So our target is to teach 200 polytechnic students for industrial attachment plus 200 school students for robotics which estimates total 400 students in classroom. We want to make registration 500 students as trainee and 20 experts as trainers.
Next 05 year target:
Our aim is to grow 50% from previous year. So, within five years we will train (400+600+900+1350+2025) total 5275 students approximately in classroom and (500+750+1125+1685+2525) total 6585 students at online. At first we will cover all divisional school & college for robotics training and polytechnic for industrial training step by step. After covering divisional level, we will walk through district level. After district we will cover Upozilla. we will setup a virtual reality(VR) training lab in every district where students can learn in most realistic way. Our target is to train 300 students in each district in 1st year and within 05 years (0+300+450+675+1010) total 2435 students will be taught with VR technology. So, for 65 districts we will cover (2435*65) total 158275 students within next 05 years.
Next year goal:
Next year we will setup a rich robotics lab in Dhaka to train school & college students. Also develop video contents about robotics & engineering both for school, college, polytechnic & university students in native language. In next year book fair we are going to publish three books based on "Basic PLC Industrial Automation Course", "Basic Electronics" and "Arduino Robotics".
Next year we will start to develop STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education contents & course materials at our online platform. Next year we will collaborate highly knowledgeable experts from industry and educational organization at our online platform to develop courses. Also bring them in our lab to share their ideas, knowledge and also make serial video contents.
Next five year goal:
We will rich online basic contents to advance level. Also we will send our own resources to train up from India. we will focus on other training like internet of things(IOT), Machine learning, data science, Block chain, Artificial intelligence, VHDL circuit design & simulation, Mechanical drawing etc.
We will setup robotics lab in district to spread tech education in rural areas. We will make partnership with foreign advance training institute and provide training to our students through virtual reality(VR) lab in every division.
Within two or three years we will develop our contents in two different languages in Hindi & Nepali. India & Nepal are our neighboring country and there is a big opportunity to extend our service because our education system is similar.
Next year barrier:
There is a industrial attachment program in next January to March. Our aim is to train 200 students in this period. We will conduct training with 25 students in a batch for 03 hours. So, 200/25= 08 batches will be conducted. For this, we need to occupy 04 classroom and 02 lab room to support 200 students. Also required 04 PLC instructors and 02 lab assistants for smooth operation.
For robotics training, need to rich lab equipment beside existing facility. Also need 01 robotics instructor for conducting in-house training, 01 video editor for digital content, 01 content writer for blogging , 01 robotic engineer for conducting workshop, seminar in different school, college, polytechnic & university throughout the country.
Next five year barrier:
Within two years we will train 600 students in classroom with 50% growth rate. So, we need classroom, lab facility, resources with increase of 50%. In divisional lab room, we will introduce minimum 20 VR and also necessary equipment for robotics & industrial automation training.
To operate in India & Nepal need to solve licence, approval, agreement issues. For Hindi and Nepali content we need to hire a Indian & Nepali engineer.
We will publish book related to "electronics & robotics", "diploma PLC", "advance PLC", "Internet of things".
We have big challenge to pursue guardian to teach their children STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) based education in early age.
To explore STEM education we need to train teachers first. There is challenge to teach both students & teachers.
We will rent an office and furnished them to ready for training and buy some extra necessary lab equipment. We will hire PLC instructor and lab technician.
Also hire robotic engineer for workshop and seminar. It is challenging to get skilled engineer & instructor. So, our target is to recruit intern and train them as per our requirements.
To popular STEM education for early students we will pursue guardian first. We will arrange workshop, seminar with guardian and make them understanding STEM education. For making video content about STEM we will take foreign training to make it happen successfully. To popular STEM we will arrange robotics competition and make campus ambassador or volunteer in every institution.
In future, we will come into production of education cost effective interactive equipment & trainer board for students.
We will bring skilled resources for making video courses in different categories from different organization. So, we need to talk with them one to one and pursue them our vision & mission.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Full Time: 04 nos.
1. Golam Rasul Chowdhury
Co-Founder & CEO
2. Miltan Talukder
Co-Founder & Strategic Planner
3. Roena Afroze anney
Vice-President, Course Moderator
4. Sheikh Sahin
PLC Instructor
Part Time: 04 nos.
1. Mumu Faruqui
Video Editor
2. Istiak Mahmud
Embedded System Engineer
3. Zahid Hasan rahat
PLC Instructor
Contractors: 01 no.
1. Riaz Hasnat
Web Developer
2. Saeef Mohammad Zulkarnain
Android Apps Developer
Volunteer: 49 nos.
We are managing 49 volunteers from different polytechnic to develop online content and to arrange workshop, seminar for different institutions.
Golam Rasul Chowdhury
Have 08 years professional hands on experience in industrial automation at Coca-cola plant in PRAN-RFL group. In the middle of my job in 2014 I quit for one year and started my startup. Unfortunately after one year back to my job and again quit in 2018 & still working for it. I have several training on Industrial Automation & microcontroller.
Miltan Talukder
Strategic Planner
BSc. in EEE and MSc. in CSE
He has 12 years experience at online platform related to digital marketing, SEO, web development. He is top category online promoter.
Roena Afroze anney
Course Moderator
BSc. CSE & MSc. in CSE
She is co-operating to create different quality contents, course co-ordination and training.
Sheikh Sahin
PLC Instructor
BSc. in EEE
He has 02 years work experience as a PLC instructor. He will conduct offline training and seminar & workshop at institutions.
Mumu Farqui
Video Editor
University Dropout
She directed a film as assistant director and has a vast knowledge in video editing.
Istiak Mahmud
Embedded System Engineer
BSc. in EEE (4th year)
He is preparing projects & contents related to electronics, IOT & robotics.
Saeef Mohammad Zulkarnain
Android Apps Developer
BSc. in CSE
He is working with our educational android app.
Zahid Hasan rahat
PLC Instructor
BSc. in EEE
He has industrial automation work experience in Akij group, PRAN group & WALTON.
Riaz Hasnat
Web Developer
He is certified Google web developer and continuously developing our website www.gobeshona.com
We are partnering with eZon Pro Limited. This is an IT and export/import company. They provided us co-working facility.
Our head quarter located with them as co-working office. We will conduct in-house training from January here with small scale.
Our business model
E-Training & Marketplace:
Science & Technology based Online Course with paid subscription and
opportunity for teachers & expert professionals to teach online from anywhere.
Industrial Attachment:
Every year each polytechnic sends student for training attachment. We will arrange in-house Industrial training for 4th year diploma students. We already talk with some industries for visiting those students where they can see and learn about total process system.
PLC training for diploma students, BSc. Students & professionals.
Kids Robotics:
In-house Robotics Course for School & college students. We will make partner with different school, college and arrange workshop frequently.
Our customers are clearly defined
Diploma 4th year students:
Avg. Age: 21~23
Every polytechnic students need industrial training. So we have great opportunity.
Engineers presently in job:
Avg. Age: 25~35
Engineers both diploma and Bsc. need professional PLC based automation training to improve their job field.
Avg. Age: 10~15
Tech enthusiast students from school & college.
In future we will make hardware for STEM education like small robot, trainer board etc. which will be sold to students and institutions.
Financial Sustainability:
1. Industrial Attachment,Yr-2019-20: ( 200 students * 5000 tk) = 1000000/
2. In-house PLC training: (20 students * 6000 tk) = 120000/-
3. Kids Robotics: (200 students * 500 tk) = 100000/-
4. Website Paid Course Subscription: (500subscriber* 1000 tk) = 500000/-
Estimated Total: = 1720000/-
Future Sustainability:
For future we will set 20 Virtual Reality(VR) lab in each district. So we have to buy (20 * 65) = 1300 pcs VR and train 158275 students in 05 years. For this, we can easily invest to buy VR technology. And also we will enroll 6585 online paid subscribers which will flow a decent amount of revenue.
We can meet expenses on extra classroom, lab room, instructors, utility and others with this money.
Robotics Lab:
We need to buy robots and other accessories for kids robotics lab. Also need to purchase licence software for modeling and simulation.
Earlier we said, we will setup VR technology in 65 districts and buy (65*20)=1300 VR periodically. Also need to purchase peripheral equipment to make a classified lab. Initially cost will be higher for instructor salary, lab assistant salary, utility cost, rent cost.
We will visit entire Bangladesh of different institutions to spread our online platform, meet with teacher, arrange workshop & seminar with students, guardian.
We have to hire engineers for research & development lab to produce tech related products like interactive robot, trainer board and IOT products. A decent amount of money will be used for this.
Innovator Hunt:
We will make a fund to inspire innovator & scientist's idea. Initially we will mentor them and arrange accessories for making tech products and services to pursue their dream.
Automation Lab:
We need to buy licence software for PLC and also required PLC hardware. For advance courses we need SCADA software and process control lab. A small total process system prototype will be set for training. We will use this money for purchasing those things.
- Technology
- Funding & revenue model
- Talent or board members
Siemens is a world leading company in industrial automation sector. While working in industry I found most of the cases Siemens branded programmable logic controller(PLC), variable frequency drive(VFD), servo and other controllers used. Siemens has own system and protocol technology about automation technique. Everyday they innovate new things. If we collaboratively work with them then, we can spread innovative technology & solution to our engineers.
Data Soft:
Data soft is one of the giant software company in Bangladesh. They have talented engineers who are developing and testing software. Recently they working with IOT based product design. If we can collaborate electronics hardware with software then we can innovate more tech products for home automation & industry.
Khan Academy:
I got inspiration from Saman khan, founder of Khan Academy to buildup a online education platform in Bangla language. Students around the world are how much benefited from Khan Academy is beyond expression. They have ton of quality content which is in English. As a third world country, I think we will be beneficiary with their contents. We are very much interested to partnering with Khan Academy to make those contents in Bangla language to ensure quality education for all.

Vice President, Course Coordinator