Problem: In our country there are two major problem in agriculture sector . 1.Farmers are not getting fair price 2.Food adulteration.This is happening because there are multiple middlemen involve in the system.In this system farmers get only one fourth of what the consumers pay .This middlemen are involved in adulterating the food.
Solution: Deshifarmer cuts all the middlemen and connect farmers with retailers and consumers. Here farmers get a fair price and food safety is ensured.We also give proper guidlines to our farmers and encourage them in organic farming.
Agriculture sector employes 41% of our total population.this sector contributed 15% of our total GDP.
We want to make sure that farmers are getting a fair price and ensure food safety.In our traditional system food wastage is huge . Our plan is to reduce that as well.
We will Make farmers our member And we will buy produce directly from them. We will give them a fair price.So farmers will be able to make 35-40% more profit then before.
Deshifarmer is a B2B and B2C platform where farmers become our member and we connect them directly with retailers and consumers through our tech enabled system.
We will have collection center in different areas and retailrs and consumers will be able to order through our website and mobile application.
- Agriculture
- Technology
Our agritech solution will give farmers a fair price and consumer will have safe food.We will be able to reduce wastage of produce. Retailer will have doorstep delivery through our system so they can concentrate on their business rather sourcing the products .
First of all there is no single solution in the traditional market. We expect our solution to address the problem because this solution have applied in some other countries and they were successful.
- Rural Residents
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
Next year:
Our goal is to open at least 3 collection center around Bangladesh within one year where we will guide them and collect produce.We plan to serve at least 500 farmers, 500 retailers(Dhaka) with in next year
Next five years:
our mission is to open 15 collection center around Bangladesh and serve 50000 farmers and 20000 retailers.
as this project is big and requires lot of logistic support Currently our barrier is we do not have financial support.
we have started with one product Which is banana. Our plan is to add one by one product to scale it up. we are looking for investors as well to support this project.
- For-Profit
We are 2 full time co-founders .
We have 3 employes currently.2 for delivery and 1 for collection.
First of all we have a passion for safe food and we want to change farmers life.We did lot of research in gazipur,Savar and Narsingdi .We also did research on local vegetables retailers.So we have found out lot of gaps in the market wherer we can work properly.We are not in idea stage we have testing the market with milk and Banana.
not applicable
Deshifarmer is a B2B platform, our business model is low margin high volume business model.We collect from farmers in collection centers,then produces will go to fullfilment center then distribution centre.In this process farmers will get a fair price and retailers do not have to source and pay extra cost for transportation daily.
We will supply vegetables, fruits,Rice and other agri the profit margin is good and the market is very big.So by selling products we will be able to make our business sustainable. We also have plan to raise investment.
Our project is to work with farmers to change their life and it require big logistics support. We have tested the market but in order to start properly we need financial support.Tiger it is also providing some other supports which we need badly. that is why we are applying.
- Technology
- Distribution
- Funding & revenue model
- Media & speaking opportunities
-Agriculure ministry