The problem WorkHome is committed to solve is youth unemployment problem.A huge percentage of youth have high potentials but do not get jobs.WorkHome intends to create a digital platform for young minds of the country to showcase their creative potentials and catch attention from interested recruiters.Besides,during studying period,students often choose house tutioning,graphic designing,content writing,etc as part-time jobs.They can create account in the website and select these categories in which they are looking for opportunities to work.Internship circulars by recruiters will be posted directly in the website,which will enable interested youth to know requirements and deadlines from a single website.Webinars by experts can help them to develop soft skills.From a single platform,young minds can show their creative sight and let people know what they are potential at,develop soft skills,and recruiters who are looking for a house tutor,a graphic designer or any other skilled youth can get connected to them easily.
WorkHome intends to accelerate economic growth and create high paying jobs across geographies and demographics in Bangladesh,specially among youths.A statistical report published in Dhaka Tribune mentions that 36% of urban youth and 42 % of rural youth are NEET(Not in employment,education,training).A past report showed that 80% of women are at home and are not in labour force.The numbers are horrible to show the economic degradation in present and future of the country.But WorkHome may help to overcome these problem to a great extent.Sitting from home,one can create earning opportunities by showcasing their talent.For example,if anyone is proficient in graphic designing,can upload samples of work,a person having good hand at photography can upload pictures taken by him/her.Through sharing videos,photographs,presentations,etc one can show their talent which widens opportunities for them.In the era of startup,entrepreneurs often require to form a team of photographers,video editors,logo designers.Through WorkHome recruiters can get connected to interested ones required for team building.Students can get internship circulars in one website.Thus,a single website can save time in creating jobs,recruitment process and adding work experience in resume.
The main purpose of launching a website name WorkHome is to improve the economic condition of youth in Bangladesh.I am myself a student,and I have seen many of my peers look for part time jobs in studying period to help their families financially,but sometimes they end up being exhausted in the finding process.Even I had been looking for internship opportunities ,but not being able to reach the circulars in time,I have missed many chances.So,by using WorkHome website,anyone can find work from home,or create working opportunities relevant to their skills.The basic need for the users of the page is to get work related to what they are good at.So,they can show up what are the opportunities they are open for.
In the initial phase,WorkHome will be a website,later an app can also be developed.Any young person can create an account and sign in there.Account holders will get the privilege to create a profile for themselves ,mentioning their interested work areas.Their institution name,residing locality ,age and open to work opportunity options can be entered in designated fields.There will be option for uploading pictures,videos,slides,audio etc for them to show their creativity.Anyone entering the website can see their profiles,and by filtering their search according to their needs,can find interested candidates and contact with them.There will be section for recruiters to upload internship /freelancing opportunities for youth/students.Internship circulars will be arranged separately in the website on basis of different areas of work.A separate section for uploading webinar(online seminar) and courses to develop skills of young website users will be available.
- Increase opportunities for people - especially those traditionally left behind – to access digital and 21st century skills, meet employer demands, and access the jobs of today and tomorrow
- Support underserved people in fostering entrepreneurship and creating new technologies, businesses, and jobs
- Technology
- Concept
Tiger IT Foundation will help me get technical and financial support to develop the website and app.By being selected I can advance my idea and conception phase to practical implementation and increase youth employment rate in my country.
- Technology
- Business model
- Funding & revenue model
- Talent or board members
- Monitoring & evaluation
I would like to partner with organization who are expert at creating website and app.Besides anyone engaged with social media marketing can help my solution to have a widespread advertisement.