City care
Its a well known problem that major cities, usually the ones with the biggest population, have a huge inequality rate, both social and economic, consequently leading to physical and mental problems in their population, these being caused by the lack of contact with nature, accidents due to faulty structure or by maladministration of the responsible organs in certain areas.
The big cities are usually divided into 3 major sectors: commerce, residence and leisure, these often distant from one another, creating a lack of certain services/places in those areas.
Here we present City Care, a platform that focus on bringing together the three sectors, merging work, with the health and comfort of the population. By establishing a better communication between the "interested" and the "needy", we can get certain individuals / companies to establish their ideas and services (taking into account well-being) in places with lack of it.
The lack of mechanisms for the well-being of the population of large cities is common around the globe. Many cities fail to provide their citizens with effective ways to combat mental and physical health problems (such as obesity, depression, anxiety, cardiovascular problems, etc.)
In the US, for example, 33% of its population are obese, as well as 4.4% of the WORLD population suffers from depression.
Cities often focus on recreational areas that can fight obesity and depression, for example, away from residential areas, as well as "green" areas away from commercial centers, combating breathing problems in a poor way. Many areas of large cities lack certain aspects that exist in other areas of the same, and this can be solved by attracting people intrested in host their services in those areas. (Example: environmental causes, recreation areas, sport clubs). All of those can combat the diseases said before.
The idea is to bring all of the 3 major sectors of a city together.
Our services are being directed to those who live in large cities, and suffer daily from the consequences of living in such. This is an even bigger problem when they don't have the time and / or financial conditions to effectively minimize these problems.
Complaints from the greater part of the population of these cities are constant, and thanks to the media, these complaints and opinions are constantly disseminated (even though many don't care). We are trying to minimize the problems, be they physical, mental or economic, that many have for the bad organization of the big cities. Talking to those who have a bad experience with it, or are constantly complaining about it its a key mechanism to develop this idea.
The idea is to connect all 3 sectors of a city, bringing to areas in need of an "X" service / structure, that same "X"; As for example, bring a company that wants to open a sports club to an area devoid of parks and courts. Or, lead companies interested in the environment to focus on areas where there are no parks or plantations (such as financial centers). Thus, both the interested in the service, and those who will provide such, will leave in profit. It then takes leisurely to residential or commercial areas that are lacking in such, or else parks and gardens to equally needy areas, always taking into account the profit and well-being of the population, thus tackling a wide range of health problems.
This idea will be implemented with a virtual platform, where communities in need of "X" services (and by that I mean neighborhoods, condominiums, city sectors) will inform / request for "X" services, while those seeking a place to host these services , find an area lacking such, by the platform. The greater the number of people reporting, and eventually soliciting services in these areas, the greater the display of this area, thus fueling the interests of the community and the entrepreneur. (The platform is also a great way to improve communication between government and population.)
- Prevent infectious disease outbreaks and vector-borne illnesses
- Reduce the incidence of NCDs from air pollution, lack of exercise, or unhealthy food
- Prototype
- New business model or process
This platform is an innovative way to establish an appropriate connection between those who want to open a business / start a service, with those who need such in a certain area of a major city.
With this, it will be easier for certain services that benefit the residents of the big cities, in the aspect of well being, to be located in key areas of the city, these being most in need, combating problems such as depression, obesity and cardiovascular / respiratory problems, caused by the lack of these services in these areas of the city.
Establishing a greater connection between leisure, work and residence.
City Care is a virtual platform, connecting residents of certain areas lacking a certain service or structure (services to community or buildings themselves), with those who are willing to offer such, always seeking to give a range of opportunities for leisure, wellness and disease control in these areas.
The platform acts as an offer and demand site, where a group of people from a certain area request an "X" service, while those who want to offer such services find the best place, with the highest level of grace, to install the same .
- Big Data
- Internet of Things
- Social Networks
Using this platform, certain services and / or structures for the well-being of the population within these areas can be brought to certain areas of a city, being these services / structures positive for combating mental and physical illness of the population. The idea is to be able to merge the three sectors of a big city (commerce, residence and leisure) in the best possible way, thus leading to physical exercise methods, "green areas" and parks, for example, in areas of the city where they do not exist and are in need, always taking into account the welfare and combat of diseases, which for these services can be combated. In this way, both the entrepreneur and those who seek an improvement in their life in the metropolis come to the benefit.
- Children and Adolescents
- Urban Residents
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Brazil
- United States
- Brazil
- United States
So far, as the product is still in progress, no one is being directly affected by it, but the expectation is that we can affect a few thousand people within a year, and eventually, in 5 years, large portions of whole cities , and can reach millions
Our goal is to make such a platform not only reach the hands of millions, but also change their lives, revolutionizing the way of life in big cities.
The time at which we set this goal is around 5 years. Meanwhile, our goal for 1 year is to evolve and polish the services of our platform, already putting it in operating mode in known cities, such as country capitals.
We have faith that our platform will be able to help millions and revolutionize the way we mix wellness, health and work in the big cities, a problem that many of us often face in our daily lives.
So far our two biggest barriers are the lack of investment in the project and the imminent difficulty of disseminating it. No, disclosure is not an extremely difficult thing to achieve, but even so, it's still a challenge for us.
We are looking for the help of partners to share our plataform to more and more people, so that they know this alternative way of helping them (our platform). In this case, we are talking about millions of people. Already money, we are also looking for partners for investment, in addition to a crowdfunding we are about to do.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
For now, 3 people work on our team, but we are heading to expand our team.
Our team is made up of people who, on their own, have experience with the problem delivered here to be solved, since we live in underdeveloped countries, in large cities, with various structural problems and / or lack of services. We make deep observations of how a large city works, how each part of the population moves, and what each needs for an improvement in their living conditions, both physically and mentally. Having experience with this problem is a key factor in developing a solution. In addition, we are always open and seeking for a solution, always proposing functional and feasible ideas for such. We already have a programmer who is planning the application base codes, and 2 in the area of research and development of solutions.
Our platform will help in the connection between supply and demand of services that will help in the fight against physical and mental problems of great part of the population in the big cities
The money will be gained through a large crowdfunding, which will be widely diverted in social networks, again, focusing on the population of large metropolises. We are also lagging behind the funding offered by the competition proposed by MIT
Solve has a good experience in helping and finding solutions to the major problems that 21st century society faces, from the poorest to the richest. Solve will also be able to break two previously mentioned barriers (difficulties): money and disclosure. We are excited to be able to collaborate with other companies, and receive direct help from Solve and other organizations.
- Technology
- Distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Other
When we talk about revolutionary technology and methods for solving problems, we think of Google right away. As much as, for some, Google's help is too ambitious, we are very interested in getting support from companies like this, that connect the world and the people, to solve this problem. Other organizations focused on helping people and the environment, such as Green peas, are welcome to help us. We are also looking foward to receiving help from governments and / or city halls of major cities in order to establish a better connection between these sectors and the population of the areas in which they operate.
Receiving the initial $ 75 thousand, we will have enough money to start developing and hosting our services later this year, focusing on advancing every week. In addition, much of the money received will be invested in research and gathering of information, so that we can understand the problem more elaborately, leading to a more efficient and functional solution. With this, we can start the process of helping millions of people with our services, stimulating the fight against mental and physical problems, such as anaging infectious diseases and vector-borne illness, whether these are in poverty areas or not.