Our solution has the ability to connect decision makers, citizens and community health workers with a purpose to monitor and predict diseases. This system has three important parts based on its users:
Decision makers:
Decision makers application have a dashboard which communicates with community health workers and citizens applications. The dashboard has the ability to:
Fetches temporal and spatial data from these applications to make an analysis of an outbreak pattern.
Send announcements and interact with either citizens or community health workers whenever they need.
Predict the disease outbreak in a spatial and temporal way.
Simulate an outbreak so that decision makers can make an intervention plan whenever there is an outbreak.
Alert the decision maker when the analysis of the data or the data collected have a potential threat.
This application will receive other data such as transport data, climate data, and other social media data to empower its predictive capability.
2. Citizens
The citizens have an application that has the ability to :
Locate the nearest community workers and health facilities
Access information about the health status of a particular region and time.
Communicate with a community worker or a decision maker whenever necessary
Access Other health tips
3. Community health workers
Community health worker have an application that has the ability to:
Send information about diseases in real time
Locate people who need emergent help
More rich information about the disease to improve their disease diagnosis and about other health information
Reporting to decision makers whenever it is possible ( gender-based violence, other types of violence and other incidences)
Ability to communicate with decision-makers and other citizens
The technologies used :
Machine learning
Flask, python framework for web application development
React Js , Javascript framework for web application development
React Native, Javascript framework for mobile application development
MognoDB, Database for storing data