Sabiá Sustainability Network
Sabiá is a sustainability network where producers create their stores and share their products and events with the community. We take care of the delivery and the sale of the events’ tickets, we provide information about the product impact on the health of people and our planet, and we have a discussion area. Committed to solve three problems in one app(hard access to local sustainable products, lack of informed citizens about environmental impacts and lack of organization to request public policies related to sustainability), we facilitate the buying of sustainable products besides fomenting this type of consume through awareness.Thus, people get closer to forms of production that respect human relationships and our nature, causing a socio-environmental impact by promoting quality of life and reduction of carbon emissions. This app can impact any community because, before being a local sustainable store, it is space where people can get informed.
This year the Brazilian Minister of Agriculture defended the release of 86 new pesticides. From 2015 to 2018 the number of permissions has grown from 139 over 450 and these pesticides are classified as extremely toxic, highly toxic or moderately toxic by the Ministry of Health. Moreover, in the State of São Paulo 99.5% of the budget of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply is destined for agroindustry. Nevertheless, in Vale do Paraíba there is a movement to create its first cooperative certifier of organic food, APOENA, which has approximately 50 producers. Some of these producers already sell their products at the local farmers market, but the reality is that there are surpluses since the number of people that visit the market and buy the products is not consistent. This means that the city does not yet have a large public engaged in the area of sustainability. Another problem is that family farming has no voice space and citizens are not organized enough that they can fight for public policies and more state investment in this sector.
Sources: https://www2.camara. has-10-times-more-money-than-agriculture-family-in-SP / 3/34089
The app was first designed to fill the needs of the Vale do Paraiba sustainable producers and initiatives, but this solution can be applied in any city if the producers and event organizers also have this problem or they can simply use it as a source of information and a mean to discuss sustainability topics. We want to start by working to impact the residents of the Vale do Paraiba since we have many sustainable projects going on here such as Agroveg, Arca 21 and local farmers market. Despite all that, in the local farmers market the organic farmer Thiago complained that coming to the market results in financial loss since he has to stop working at the farm, use gas while he does not have a guarantee of selling these products. Clarissa from Arca 21 complained that she doesn’t have many clients since people do not always value the products. Consumers at the local farmers market said that we, citizens, need to fight for public policies that improve this type of initiatives. Thus, Sabiá approaches these three concerns.We deliver, inform and create spaces for debate where users can organize themselves into groups.
In Brazil, family farming produces 70% of the healthy food that is available for the citizens and employ 12.3 million people according to the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA). Therefore, looking at the initiatives of agricultural producers like APOENA and sustainable and conscious producers such as those present in the Arca 21 space, we have idealized the Sabiá Sustainability Network application. The app aims to encourage conscious and sustainable consumption and also give a guarantee to the producers that the food harvested will be bought and consumed. It will function as a delivery store of organic and ecological products and also as a portal of information and discussion on sustainability. There, the producers will be able to create their pages/ stores that will have a space of sale of products and another space for announcing and selling tickets of events made by them. Inside the application there would also be the information tab so consumers can see the relevance of buying this type of product, and also a tab of debates where people could talk about the issue, share petitions and organize themselves into groups to fight for public policies in that area. In order for the project to be implemented we would have to bear costs with the area of application development, content curation, marketing, vehicles and drivers. Therefore, we will charge a fee for delivery, we will charge to boost the producers' ads and we will also have the option to elaborate the marketing part of the producer marketing(product photos and the page design). In the future, we see APOENA producers as clients and also the socio-environmental entrepreneurs of Arca 21. As possible partners for creating and feeding the information tab, we see the Global Regeneration Institute and the region's colleges that have a course in the environment(eg. Fatec).
- Reduce the incidence of NCDs from air pollution, lack of exercise, or unhealthy food
- Concept