- Pre-Seed
HeartSupport pursues millennials aged 13-30; engaging them to catalyze a perspective shift from hopeless and lost to hopeful and empowered. We meet them at metal music shows, where we counsel them and introduce them to our online community, which moves them through recovery to empowerment.
1. The HeartSupport community engages with our constituents to instill the knowledge that they are not alone, and that they are loved by our community.
2. This benefits those who are crippled by a lack of mentors, parental figures, or cultural help. We provide the support that they are either unable or unwilling to discover.
3. Millennials will soon run our country and the world. They are, by a large margin, the most stressed, anxious, and depressed generation to exist in the modern world. Their empowerment means a change across every spectrum of society and culture, benefitting not only their own generation, but those of every society.
An online “Stress in America” survey of 2,020 U.S. adults 18 and older conducted in 2012 by Harris Interactive for American Psychological Association found that millennials are more likely to be told by a health care provider they have depression or an anxiety disorder. In the survey, 39% of millennials said their stress level increased in the past year and 52% say stress has kept them awake at night in the past month.
Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for those aged 15-24.
The problem most young adults face when they go through struggles is feeling they have nowhere to turn. Sometimes the things they go through feel too embarrassing to share with others. They’re paralyzed from seeking help because they’d have to risk being rejected in their most vulnerable place. So they don’t check into rehab centers, they don’t confess and ask for help, they believe the people in the church will judge them, they don’t go through the twelve steps, and they don’t go to counseling.
HeartSupport is where they are empowered to discover healing.
Our mission is to move someone from hopelessness and lost to hopeful and empowered. This is often difficult to track, but our success stories speak for themselves. When a person knows they are loved and not alone in the world, and they seek out their own healing, we have succeeded.
We engage our constituents to this end all over the country.
Continue fundraising to hire full-time streamers (currently volunteers) - Online Community Live Stream every day (instead of 2 days/wk currently)
Develop band care packages so that they will assist in our mission - Partner with 50 more bands in our scene
Continue to measure YouTube Subscribers, Twitch Followers, Medium Blog Subscribers - Increased Online Community engagement
- Adolescent
- Lower middle income economies (between $1006 and $3975 GNI)
- Secondary
- Non-binary
- US and Canada
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
Therapists, ecclesiastical solutions, and other societal solutions to our constituent's struggles aren't working, because they ask them to come find them.
HeartSupport is unique because we go out on the streets, in the festivals, and online to find those that are hurting and community our message: you are not alone. That message is powerful to those who have never heart it before.
Our technology, which consists of typical online resources, involved our volunteers. Those who have found mental healing through HeartSupport consistently stay and become involved in our community: volunteering at festivals, fundraising for us, and counseling others in turn.
Our solution costs very little. Our app, website, blogs, youtube services, and Twitch streams are all free to use.
- 6-8 (Demonstration)
- Non-Profit
- United States
We've implemented a year-round fundraising initiative, and are also pursuing grants and partnership with larger entities.
Being unable to find sources of funding.
- 5+ years
- We have already developed a pilot.
- 1-3 months
- Behavioral / Mental Health
- General Wellness
- Substance Use / Addiction
HeartSupport has been developing its mission for about 6 years. I was hired on as a Fundraising Manager roughly 1 year ago, and it's my mission to make sure we are funded. Finding larger grants, donors, and partners is a struggle for us, and I hope that by continuing to reach out and apply for competitions like these, we can find partners who will aid us in impacting this generation.
We currently have no large partners, only our Board.
To Write Love on Her Arms