
Solv[ED] Micro-grant Information Session

Learn about how you can get a $300 Solv[ED] Exploratory Micro-grant. About this event Members of the Solv[ED] program and participants in September 10th's Global Solveathon workshop are eligible to apply for $300 micro-grants. Exploratory micro-grants are intended to help teams conduct research to better understand the problem or “unmet”...

Solv[ED] Micro-grant Information Session

Learn about how you can get a $300 Solv[ED] Exploratory Micro-grant.

About this event

Members of the Solv[ED] program and participants in September 10th's Global Solveathon workshop are eligible to apply for $300 micro-grants.

Exploratory micro-grants are intended to help teams conduct research to better understand the problem or “unmet” need that they seek to address. It’s important to understand and validate a problem or pain-point before beginning to build a product or service that aims to address it.

Join this information session to hear more about the Solv[ED] program, the Youth Innovation Challenge, and how Solv[ED]'s micro-grants can help you achieve your goals of building high-impact solutions to challenges facing your community and the world.

Members of the Solv[ED] program can register for this event anytime. Solveathon participants can only register after they've completed the workshop.

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