Info Session: Supporting Survivors for Modern Slavery Challenge

11:00am - 11:45am EDT
Register Here! This informational session is your opportunity to learn more about the Supporting Survivors of Modern Slavery Challenge powered by Hewlett Packard Enterprise Foundation, The Anti-Slavery Collective, and MIT Solve. Join to learn more about the application, timeline, eligibility requirements, available awards, and more. The Challenge is open from May 1 to July 1,...

Info Session: Supporting Survivors for Modern Slavery Challenge

Register Here!

This informational session is your opportunity to learn more about the Supporting Survivors of Modern Slavery Challenge powered by Hewlett Packard Enterprise Foundation, The Anti-Slavery Collective, and MIT Solve. Join to learn more about the application, timeline, eligibility requirements, available awards, and more.

The Challenge is open from May 1 to July 1, 2024, 12pm ET (noon) so you can continue to edit and work on your application anytime before the deadline.

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