Sustainable Urban Communities


Supplying urban food deserts with an innovative source of protein

Team Leader
Gabrielle Wimer

Solution Summary

Access to protein in cities is often limited. Meat can be prohibitively expensive, requires ample space, and is environmentally unsustainable. Yet sufficient protein is critical for proper development. Enter MealFlour, a protein-rich powder that urban dwellers can add to meals to improve nutrition.

1,000 mealworms produce 200 grams of mealflour containing 100 grams of protein, enough to nourish a family of four. MealFlour’s work provides people with the skills to produce their own low-cost and environmentally sustainable source of protein to improve their health.

Market Opportunity

  • In developing countries, 40 percent of preschool children are anemic from lack of protein.
  • 80 percent of the world already eats insects.
  • The global warming potential of beef is 5.52 to 12.51 times higher than that of mealworms, making mealworms an easy, low-footprint source of protein.


  • Operating in two cities within Guatemala
  • Program and product design includes significant community and partner feedback
  • Training has created an ongoing space for discussion among participants
  • Hired a Guatemalan nutritionist for current round of training programs

Organization Goals

  • Having partner NGOs take on ownership of the program for long-term operations

Existing Partnerships

MealFlour currently partners with:

  • Numerous local community organizations including health clinics and vocational skills-building groups
  • MIGHTi Research Initiative

Partnership Goals

MealFlour seeks:

  • Grants for program expansion in 2018
  • Guidance on validation requirements for uptake by multilateral programs
  • M&E expertise for early-stage programs focusing on nutritional impact
  • Digital and mobile media exposure
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6

Solver Team

Organization Type:

Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

Company Stage:

Working in:



Solution Team:
Gabrielle Wimer
Gabrielle Wimer
Elizabeth Frank
Elizabeth Frank