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How can tribal communities advance renewable energy, food, or water access and contribute to economic prosperity and sovereignty?

Oceti Sakowin Solve Fellowship


Submissions are closed


  • Solution Deadline

    March 1, 2018 11:59pm EST
  • Challenges Open

    March 1, 2018 11:59pm EST
  • Applications Open

    January 1, 2019 12:00am EST
  • Deadline to submit a solution 5pm ET

    March 27, 2018 11:59pm EDT
  • Judging Solutions

    March 28, 2018 11:59pm EDT
  • Oceti Sakowin Solve Fellows Announced

    April 25, 2018 11:59pm EDT

Challenge Overview

The Oceti Sakowin lived on sustainable energy sources generations ago, and the Oceti community continues to hold an invaluable amount of knowledge and innovation in this space. To honor this, we would like to announce an inaugural 2018 MIT Solve Fellowship with the Oceti Sakowin. This Fellowship will support outstanding members of the Oceti community who have tested projects that bring renewable energy, food, and/or water to the community and contribute to economic prosperity and sovereignty. Through this Fellowship, we hope to support these community members to expand and accelerate their projects and their impact, building a strong foundation for the Oceti Sakowin community from within the Oceti Sakowin community.

Innovators come in many different forms—applicants do not need to have a formal business or nonprofit organization to apply. The Fellowship is open to anyone with a tested project—and may be as simple as a prototype. However, applicants must have more than an idea. Solve is focused on those who take initiative for the betterment of their community and have good solutions to the challenges of renewable energy, food, or water sovereignty, and equitable access.

Fellowship Components

Note that the deadline for submissions is Tuesday, March 27.

Each Fellow will be welcomed as our guest for an all-expenses-paid trip to MIT in Cambridge, MA from May 14-18, 2018. There will be a dedicated program to help support their project and to attend MIT Solve’s annual flagship event, Solve at MIT, and find partners among the 350+ attendees from the corporate, foundation, non-profit, and academic sectors. This will also be an opportunity to meet with MIT faculty, staff, and students. Together, Fellows will craft a plan of action to support their project, and MIT Solve will leverage relationships within MIT and outside to broker partnerships and find resources to uplift the Fellows’ projects. In August 2018, we will reconvene in Standing Rock to learn about the progress and potential of the Oceti Fellows’ projects.

In addition to covered travel expenses, each Fellow will receive Fellowship funding of $10,000 to help advance their project.

Fellow Applicant Qualifications

MIT Solve is seeking applications for the Oceti Sakowin | Solve Fellows program. We are specifically looking for diversity of projects and people, and encourage applications from all ages (13+), genders, and scopes of project within the following parameters:

Fellow applicants should:

  • Be a member of the Oceti Sakowin

  • Live and/or work on the reservation; be part of the community

  • Have a tested or existing project based in and serving the surrounding community focused on renewable energy, food, or water

  • Include some aspect of technology in their project (both high tech and low tech will be considered)

  • Be available and interested in coming to Boston for the Solve at MIT event May 14-18, 2018 (travel expenses covered by MIT) and a Summit in Standing Rock in August 2018 (exact dates subject to change).

Judging Criteria

  • Alignment: The solution addresses the challenge that has been set forth using technology.
  • Scalability: The solution can be grown and scaled to affect the lives of more people.
  • Potential for Impact: The planned implementation of the solution has the potential to impact lives.
  • Novelty: This is a new technology, a new application of a technology, or a new process for solving the challenge.
  • Feasibility: It is feasible to implement the solution, and the team has a plan for the solution to sustain itself financially.



Sustainable Community Development on Standing Rock

By Kimberlynn Cameron
Kimberlynn Cameron

Thunder Valley Energy

By Chance Renville
Chance Renville

Rock Solar Community Offset Project

By Joseph McNeil
Joseph  McNeil

Medicine Root Garden Program

By Rose Fraser
Rose Fraser

Bringing energy independence to tribal camps and communities

By Henry Red Cloud
Henry Red Cloud

Energy Efficiency/Solar for Tribal Bldgs. at Standing Rock

By Phyllis Young
Phyllis Young

Sinte Numpa Decolony: Eco-Building Academy at Cheyenne River

By Marcella Gilbert
Marcella Gilbert

Lakota Tiwahe Tipi Project

By Chris Cuny
Chris  Cuny

Indigenized Energy: Solar Power at Standing Rock

By Cody Two Bears
Cody Two Bears

Sovereign Tipi

By Wiyaka Pomarleau
Wiyaka Pomarleau

Rosebud Sioux Tribe Strategic Energy Plan

By Ken Haukaas
Ken Haukaas

Wókičhičʼu TradLab Community Food Network

By Blaze Starkey
Blaze Starkey

Renewable Energy Utility Trailers

By LaDonna Brave Bull Allard
LaDonna Brave Bull Allard

Keya Wakpala Woicageyapi

By Wizipan Little Elk
Wizipan Little Elk

Standing Rock Net Zero Initiative

By Standing Rock Community Development Corporation
Standing Rock Community Development Corporation


Megan Smith

Megan Smith

shift7, CEO and Founder
Deborah Campbell

Deborah Campbell

Capital Initiatives, Vice President
Larry Susskind

Larry Susskind

MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning
Ari Epstein

Ari Epstein

MIT Terrascope Program , Lecturer
Jinane Abounadi

Jinane Abounadi

Sandbox Innovation Fund Program, MIT, Executive Director
Susan Alzner

Susan Alzner

shift7, Co-founder
Natasha Hale

Natasha Hale

W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Program Officer