Financial Inclusion Challenge

NaYa: digital health financing for low income and providers

Empowering low-income informal workers and health care providers with inclusive access to financial and health care services through digital health credit, community savings, and deferred payments.

Team Leader
Marthe-Sandrine Mpollo

Solution Pitch 

The Problem

Millions of informal workers in Africa grapple with illness-triggered poverty. With low and irregular wages in countries without universal medical coverage or social security, their struggle is worsened by limited financial access, making it harder to establish financial stability during health emergencies. NaYa addresses the financial inclusion challenges restraining health care access.

The Solution

NaYa is a digital health access platform that connects patients, communities and providers, offering a comprehensive package for African informal workers and members of community groups which combines digital cashless health credit and a portable health-only savings account to help manage health risks and safeguard earnings. The platform's health record and integrated payment features streamline costs and provider payments. In a pilot implementation in Cameroon's capital, NaYa boosted the ability of informal workers to handle unexpected challenges, improved resilience among informally employed individuals, increased income for local medical providers, and guaranteed access to critical services. NaYa’s  goal is to implement across Cameroon's main rural and urban cities, bringing accessible proximity financial and affordable risk management solutions to Cameroon's predominant workforce facing impoverishing out of pockets health care expenses.


  • 1000 lives are directly affected, based on user accounts NaYa has on its platform including affiliated medical providers.

Market Opportunity

  • Informal workers in Cameroon and Central Africa, struggling to access financial services due the the informal nature of their business activities and the lack of credit infrastructure to properly vet their creditworthiness, represent the majority of the region's workforce.
  • The Cameroon and Democratic Republic of the Congo market size (out-of-pocket private health spending) is about $917 million.

Organization Highlights

  • Orange Cameroon has provided support to NaYa from a digital telecommunication perspective.
  • Johnson & Johnson has provided media coverage and mentoring.

Partnership Goals

NaYa Health seeks:

  • Assistance in strengthening its digital infrastructure (customer and partners engagement platform), AI capabilities, especially when it comes to credit screening/scoring before issuing health loans to informal workers and with data security practices.
  • Expertise in optimal techniques for data collection, as it collects financial, health/medical data from its customers
  • Assistance with priority routes to onboard and retain customers as NaYa targets informal workers who are typically organized in association (savings club).
Solution Overview & Team Lead Details
More About Your Solution
Your Team
Your Business Model & Funding

Organization Type:
For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models

Yaounde, Cameroon


Working In:

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Solution Team:
Marthe-Sandrine Mpollo
Marthe-Sandrine Mpollo
NaYa Co-founder and Executive director