Digital financial inclusion for smallholder farmers
Solution Pitch
The Problem
Smallholder farmers in rural communities face challenges of access to finance their small agricultural projects. As a result, they organize themselves informally in Village Savings and Loan Association groups (VSLAs). They hold savings and credit meetings every week in groups of 30 people on average, where each person saves as little as $0.30, kept in metallic boxes and usually held by VSLA leaders for safekeeping. These vulnerable groups face challenges such as low savings, monetary theft and insecurity, improper record keeping, and lack of awareness as a result of high illiteracy levels. Another common issue is that a farmer’s financial records can be altered by others, affecting the accuracy and security of financial information for smallholder farmers.
The Solution
AKABOXI is a digital financial inclusion system that enables smallholder farmers in rural communities to manage and monitor their financial savings together. It provides communities with a robust and secure way of handling savings using a digitalized financial inclusion system, which is an easier, more reliable way to monitor savings and transactions. AKABOXI digitally manages the financial records of these smallholder farmers, fills their financial gap, and helps engage partners to provide cheap and affordable agricultural inputs, access to ready market links, and low insurance premiums.
Market Opportunity
In Uganda, there are many financial technology companies tackling financial exclusion, but all of them except AKABOXI have failed to reach people in the last-mile. The formal financial institutions are still restricted by traditional stringent banking conditions which these smallholder farmers cannot afford, including collateral requirements, proper records, and a good credit history. AKABOXI empowers excluded Ugandans in finance by ensuring that these issues are addressed and their money is secure by enabling VSLA groups to open accounts in formal financial institutions to reap benefits like insurance.
Organization Highlights
Partnered with Zoora Centre For Empowerment Limited, Ondernemers Voor Ondernemers (OVO), Save the Children International, Enable Youth Uganda, and SASAKAWA GLOBAL 2000.
Won Prize D4D, a biennial initiative of the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA), for the “iStartUp” Category of Innovation.
Runner up of Seed Awards 2021 with Eco-Inclusive Impacts
Partnership Goals
AKABOXI seeks:
Resources to increase digitization of saving groups. AKABOXI will do this through distribution of hand-held devices that enable enrollment of new groups onto Akaboxitech.
Publicity to grow user platform and ultimately increase subscription fees.
Mentorship for coaching in financial management, equity financing, raising funds, and increasing revenue
Partnerships with financial institutions for innovative opportunities in their financial services
Resources to increase AKABOXI’s fintech capacity, such as fast uptime runners and cloud hosting services
Akaboxi provides rural communities organized in Village Savings and Loan Association groups with a robust and secure way of handling savings from agricultural proceeds at every stage of the agricultural value chain, savings money kept in boxes, to be managed and monitored by use of a Digitized Financial Inclusion system (Akaboxitech system). A new technology that replaces the rudimentary way of keeping money in boxes and in people’s homes to a more secure, reliable and easy to monitor savings and transactions. The solution enables the financially excluded vulnerable poor access finance from formal financial institutions. The system credit scores each individual member in the group and enables the group to open an account in a formal financial institution within their reach. Akaboxi provides a holistic package access to ready markets, closing the financial gap, trainings) to small holder farmers aimed at increased productivity, increased savings hence improved livelihoods.
Akaboxi solves the problem of financial exclusion of small holder farmers and the vulnerable persons in rural communities. The small holder farmers in rural communities face challenges of access to finance for their small agricultural projects. As a result, they organize themselves informally in Village Savings and Loan Association groups (VSLAs). They hold savings and credit meetings every week in groups of 30 people on average. They create a savings pool of money, each person on average saves as little as 0.3 USD, kept in metallic boxes and is usually under the custody of their leaders. These vulnerable groups face challenges of low savings, insecurity of the hard earned money, theft of the money, lack of awareness as a result of high illiterate levels, alteration of data by the leaders among others. Akaboxi provides a digital solution for managing and monitoring their savings and leverages on the existing platforms like mobile money to have their money secured by sending it on their group account in a formal financial institution of within their reach.
Akaboxi assigns every individual member in the group with Identity Cards (ID) for clear identification capturing the necessary demographic information about each member. This ID card embedded with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology which is used for identification of each member in the specific group which is also used for transactions either during saving and borrowing of money. The system is linked to each member's mobile money wallet which they can use to withdraw money from any mobile money outlet in their location. Akaboxi improves security for women savings, monitors transactions and saves time. A receipt is issued out for every transaction that the farmer makes. These transactions include depositing money, account balances for each individual saver, outstanding loan balances and the system sends messages to everyone who owns any kind of phone and is a member of the registered group.
We target the small holder farmers in rural communities. The financially excluded vulnerable people who live in rural areas. We enable digital financial inclusion of marginalized rural communities especially women and youth by digitizing Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs).
These are organized in VSLAs and are over 2 Million in Uganda.
These people are often not eligible or cannot afford access to formal financial services and thus resort to pulling their savings together in boxes and give loans to their fellow group members, which limits their access to capital that could foster their investment in better livelihoods. This exclusion is a result of stringent traditional banking conditions, lack of collateral, long distances to banking facilities, financial illiteracy, low productivity leading to low savings, high costs of account operations, and high-interest rates. These people save the money collected and borrowed in boxes under their leader’s groups bed or in the roofs of their house which is not safe (of fire or theft for instance).
A research was made in 2018 to understand their needs. We do constant monitoring and trainings and every end of the training, a follow-up report is made based on findings from the surveys that are done regularly.
Our system is customized for VSLAs. We have a strong team that does research and development based on the users needs.
- Scale safe and private digital identity and financial tools to allow people and small businesses to thrive in the digital economy.
Akaboxi facilitates access to financial services for marginalized groups of people especially women and youth in rural communities. This is achieved by enabling each group to open an account in a bank or any regulated financial institution. We provide digital financial literacy training introducing them to a digitized bookkeeping system by providing a smart POS Terminal with the Akaboxitech application. This represents a critical first step of improving the credibility and transparency of all savings and eases the tracking of savings. Opening a group account in a financial institution enables them access extra financial services like credit.
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is looking to scale significantly, focusing on increased efficiency.
Akaboxi is a sustainable project widely spread in Uganda, we work in Northern Uganda in the districts of Kore and Otuke. Southern Uganda in Sheema, Ntungamo and Isingiro districts. In Kasese district, Mubuku Irrigation scheme phase 11, and Central region with Kiboga and Mubende districts. We have over 2,047 clients/ users in Uganda. The other services that Akaboxi provides sustains the company like the Obuboxi shops for farmers access to ready markets and closing the financial gap to the VSLAs.
- A new technology
Akaboxi is innovative in that it enables financial inclusion for specifically smallholder farmers in rural setting majority women and unemployed youths by empowering women that do farming and save together in small saving groups of 30 women.
Akaboxi is a holistic approach that aims at increasing productivity of the vulnerable people in totality for bigger economic benefits of rural communities by providing access to ready markets and bridging the financial gap to VSLAs.
The digitized system leverages on existing infrastructure of mobile money and financial institutions with a proper managing and monitoring tool. The digital device is linked to the financial institutions using mobile money. The system that uses a hand held device assigns every individual member in the savings group with Identity Cards (ID) for clear identification capturing the necessary demographic information about each member. This ID card embedded with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology is used for identification of each member in the specific group. The system is linked to each member's mobile money wallet which they can use to withdraw money from any mobile money outlet in their location.
Akaboxi improves security for women savings, monitors transactions, saves time and provides a credit scoring model for the small holder farmers to access more financing. A receipt is issued out for every transaction that the farmer makes.
Akaboxi does not disrupt the social networking and related benefits like access to information within the groups.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Behavioral Technology
- Big Data
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Elderly
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 5. Gender Equality
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- Uganda
- Uganda
The current number Akaboxi is serving is 2,047 (direct users of the system) in Kiryandongo Refugee settlement, 2 districts in Northern, 3 districts in Southern, 2 districts in Central and 1 district in Western Uganda. These are 48 savings groups of 43 members on average per group.
The number Akaboxi will be serving in one year
We expect to increase from 2,047 direct users to 3,070 direct users in all the regions of Uganda.
And in 5 years
We expect to serve 12,188 direct users increasing on the number of groups per district served and refugee settlements.
- This will be measured by start line, midterm and end of year reports
- Monthly monitoring reports
- Surveys that will be done on a quarterly basis
- observation
- Sampling one by one groups on individual self satisfaction
- Partner reports
- By using the logical framework to capture progress regarding inputs and outputs of different objectives and activities based on deliverable s.
Deliverable s include users of Akaboxitech system, digital awareness skills, formal banking
Formal banking by VSLA groups, economic opportunities created, loans accessed from formal financial institutions and jobs created esp.in agriculture.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Full-time staff-5
Part-time staff-48
Other workers who work on call like drivers, System developer: 3
Akaboxi has a unique, dynamic, innovative hard working team. This makes the Akaboxi Company performance outstanding in COVID -19 times. The team comprises of a mixture of different skills and trainings from different institutions of learning. They have different expertise from outstanding organizations in Uganda and outside Uganda.
An expert in gender and finance with over fifteen years in income generation small and medium enterprises both agricultural and non-agricultural related. She has over 7 years’ experience in offering consultancy in training in finance, gender and record keeping using technology. Founded Akaboxi in 2017, the digital financial inclusion for small holder farmers in communities.
She has vast experience in working with the biggest and oldest commercial bank in Uganda Centenary Bank for over 13 years. Passionate about women with high belief that women can transform the world once empowered.
An enthusiastic Computer Scientist with a passion of solving problems using technology. He has over 5 years’ experience of managing software development.
NOOR WAMPAMBA: Software Developer
Software developer: Mobile Application, Dashboard and Biometrics Designs (NFC), Engineering, and Innovation.
YVONNE KYOKUSIMA: Business Analyst
Business analysts, in charge of business development and organizing business workshops. She has over 3 years of working on women projects under ministry of finance and economic development in Uganda as a volunteer.
TUMWIJUKYE LILIAN: Field Coordinator
Conversant with Field dynamics and community engagements.
At Akaboxi, we promote inclusion by encouraging Interaction: Every team member is given opportunities to interact with each other and the members they serve in rural communities so they can build friendships and a sense of community. We believe in Strengths-Based Approach: where everyone has strengths and weaknesses. We provide capacity building trainings to develop and improve their strengths in different aspects pushing forward the vision and mission of Akaboxi Company.
We appreciate the benefits of building a high performance diverse team at Akaboxi by recruiting a diverse team, emphasis is put on the role of Human Resource in encouraging diversity, redefining the hiring process where we emphasize workers to come from the communities we serve. This helps to cater for problems associated with language barrier, cultural norms and traits. Inclusive behavior at workplace is encouraged to create a safe place where all can talk and listen to one another irrespective of the position one holds in the organization.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The main reason am applying to Solve is to become part of a global network that changes people’s lives making them better.
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- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
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- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
Human capital is an engine of every company. At Akaboxi, we would like to have this strengthened.
I would like to partner with VODAFONE. Vodafone supports programs in Tanzania our neighboring country with hand held devices.
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
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Akaboxi as a digital inclusion system that enables vulnerables in rural communities manage and monitor their savings together.
We enable financial inclusion to refugees in Uganda, and we hope to extend our services to other parts of the continent including Somalia, Rwanda, Kenya. Tanzania and Southern Sudan.
This solution solves refugee problems of data loss, alteration of data, theft of their money, digital literacy challenges, lack of access to finance for their projects among others.
Akaboxi is a holistic program that ensures that refugees are well trained in 6 aspects that compliment each other. The main reason is to improve productivity, increase incomes, savings for improved livelihoods.
We use a combination of different deliverable s to provide trainings and capacity building to the illiterate financially excluded refugees. The trainings are smart agriculture, enterprise skills development, gender, effects of climate change, financial literacy, and proper recording keeping using technology which is a hands on training using Akaboxitech system.
We use available and cheap tools to deliver information on a weekly basis using feature phones. They are cheap, available, accessible and easy to use. They do not require internet or airtime or data to use.It is a tool for sending short messages to refugees on a weekly basis for online digital modules. This we do in partnership with ZOORA, a project of Akaboxi.
We use phone tree method with the help of coordinators who are familiar with local languages given the fact that refugees come from different countries and speak different languages.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Akaboxi as a digital inclusion system that enables vulnerables in rural communities manage and monitor their savings together.
We enable financial inclusion to refugees in Uganda, and we hope to extend our services to other parts of the continent including Somalia, Rwanda, Kenya. Tanzania and Southern Sudan.
This solution solves refugee problems of data loss, alteration of data, theft of their money, digital literacy challenges, lack of access to finance for their projects among others.
Akaboxi is a holistic program that ensures that refugees are well trained in 6 aspects that compliment each other. The main reason is to improve productivity, increase incomes, savings for improved livelihoods.
We use a combination of different deliverable s to provide trainings and capacity building to the illiterate financially excluded refugees. The trainings are smart agriculture, enterprise skills development, gender, effects of climate change, financial literacy, and proper recording keeping using technology which is a hands on training using Akaboxitech system.
We use available and cheap tools to deliver information on a weekly basis using feature phones. They are cheap, available, accessible and easy to use. They do not require internet or airtime or data to use.It is a tool for sending short messages to refugees on a weekly basis for online digital modules. This we do in partnership with ZOORA, a project of Akaboxi.
We use phone tree method with the help of coordinators who are familiar with local languages given the fact that refugees come from different countries and speak different languages.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Akaboxi as a digital inclusion system that enables vulnerables in rural communities manage and monitor their savings together.
We enable financial inclusion to refugees in Uganda, and we hope to extend our services to other parts of the continent including Somalia, Rwanda, Kenya. Tanzania and Southern Sudan.
This solution solves refugee problems of data loss, alteration of data, theft of their money, digital literacy challenges, lack of access to finance for their projects among others.
Akaboxi is a holistic program that ensures that refugees are well trained in 6 aspects that compliment each other. The main reason is to improve productivity, increase incomes, savings for improved livelihoods.
We use a combination of different deliverable s to provide trainings and capacity building to the illiterate financially excluded refugees. The trainings are smart agriculture, enterprise skills development, gender, effects of climate change, financial literacy, and proper recording keeping using technology which is a hands on training using Akaboxitech system.
We use available and cheap tools to deliver information on a weekly basis using feature phones. They are cheap, available, accessible and easy to use. They do not require internet or airtime or data to use.It is a tool for sending short messages to refugees on a weekly basis for online digital modules. This we do in partnership with ZOORA, a project of Akaboxi.
We use phone tree method with the help of coordinators who are familiar with local languages given the fact that refugees come from different countries and speak different languages.
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Solver Team
Organization Type:
Hybrid (For-Profit and Nonprofit)
Kampala, Uganda
Working In:
Current Employees:
Solution Website:
