2023 Indigenous Communities Fellowship

Indigeponics: Resiliency & Economic Development

Creating an indigenous space in controlled environment agriculture for tribal economic development and community resiliency through training and knowledge sharing.

Team Leader
Jaymus Lee

Solution Pitch 

The Problem

The USDA reports that 90% of tribal farmers/ranchers/producers live in areas with limited access to grocery stores and customer markets. They often lack access to resources such as irrigation, water rights, and technical assistance. Specifically problems of access to sustainable food production technologies and economic development in tribal communities.

The Solution

Indigeponics is a transformative solution bridging the gap between controlled environment agriculture (CEA) and indigenous communities. Indigeponics utilizes technology, such as hydroponic systems, CEA sensors, and specialized irrigation, to strengthen agribusinesses and assist indigenous farmers in cultivating fresh, culturally relevant crops sustainably. Indigeponics’ services and products include providing hands-on workshops, digital resources, and greenhouse tours centered on hydroponics systems and greenhouse design from an indigenous perspective. The organization’s unique approach to tailoring CEA practices and business models while embracing cultural practices and traditions enriches the CEA industry while inviting other diverse groups into this space. Indigeponics’ holistic approach addresses economic growth and development challenges, broadens market access, tackles climate change, empowers tribal agribusiness ventures, and increases food security and sovereignty to create meaningful transformations in indigenous communities.


Over 30 people in attendance at Indigeponics’ workshops and training and who have accessed their digital resources.

Market Opportunity

Tribal nations (individual members or communities) are the target segment in the early phase. Native Americans operate approximately 58.7 million acres of land and generate $1.43 billion from crops. Training materials and workshops focus on knowledge sharing around traditional and advancing agricultural practices; creating new Indigenous CEA knowledge.

Organization Highlights

Indigeponics’ work feeds into UN Sustianable Development Goal #2: Zero Hunger. It seeks to increase food production in tribal communities and to partner with other tribal entities.

Partnership Goals

Indigeponics seeks:

  • Assistance in defining goals and metrics and creating a marketing strategy around its unique business model.
  • Assistance with accounting and financial reporting.
  • Assistance with developing a marketing strategy that reaches both urban and rural indigenous communities.
Solution Overview & Team Lead Details
More About Your Solution
Your Team
Your Business Model & Funding

Organization Type:
For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models

Gilbert, United States


Working In:
United States

Current Employees:

Solution Website:

Solution Socials:

Solution Team:
Jaymus Lee
Jaymus Lee
Chantel  Harrison
Chantel Harrison
Chantel  Harrison
Chantel Harrison