Solve at MIT 2022: Demystifying World Issues One Connection at a Time
The world entered 2022 with the levels of trepidation we’ve all grown accustomed to after two years of living with a global pandemic that has claimed 5.61 million lives, and the continuing humanitarian and climate crises with energy-related emissions set to rise by 87 million tonnes, and 274 million people in need of life-saving humanitarian assistance.
None of these issues have one simple fix. However, we retain our sense of optimism and purpose knowing that there are innovators working tirelessly around the world to solve these challenges one idea at a time.
Cue Solve at MIT 2022. Our flagship event convened over 300 social impact leaders including 62 Solver teams as well as thousands of virtual supporters. The event featured plenaries where leaders from various sectors discussed the state of global issues and how technology can contribute to making us more resilient. Throughout the three days, Solver teams, Members, and supporters joined over a dozen working sessions to discuss the progress and obstacles they were experiencing, and brainstorm how to scale their impact.
Here are a few of the many notable takeaways from Solve at MIT 2022:
There’s human capital at stake for every technological advancement
Technology has limitless capacity to solve some of the world's biggest challenges, but developing and deploying it comes with its own concerns. Some of the most dangerous consequences of technological development are human and land degradation.
Within the opening plenary, Ethical and Inclusive Innovation: Solving With, By and For the Most Underserved, Azra Akšamija, director of the Art, Culture and Technology program at MIT and the Future Heritage Lab, shared, “When we work with fragile communities we always have the best intentions, but best intentions don't always make the best solutions.” Power dynamics and especially colonial dynamics can impact the effectiveness of good-intentioned initiatives or innovation.
While discussing Vodafone's partnership with Waking Women Healing Institute, June Sugiyama, director of Vodafone Americas Foundation, asked Indigenous Fellow Kristen Welch, its executive director, how other companies can help support innovators and entrepreneurs. Welch boldly called on us all to first and foremost decolonize, which includes looking internally and at budget streams and policies. She said, “Decolonize yourself and make sure you have BIPOC and two-spirit people at every level of decision making within your company and institution and corporation.”
(Attendees to Solve at MIT 2022 listen to the impactful speakers during the opening plenary, Ethical and Inclusive Innovation: Solving With, By and For the Most Underserved)Yuval Noah Harari, historian, bestselling author, and co-founder of Sapienship reminded us that we also have the freedom to choose ethical innovation and to consider the consequences of our actions. He shared, “People who design technology have enormous power to shape and reshape the world. They have choices. You can design many different types of technologies, not just one, it’s never deterministic… you can as an engineer, as an entrepreneur, create a technological tool for a government to survey and monitor citizens, or you can create the opposite tool for citizens to monitor the government.”
Impact investment does not equate to charity
During the Investing in Community-Led Solutions plenary, Hala Hanna, Managing Director of Solve stated, “Charity asks: what’s wrong, how can I help? Justice asks: why is it happening, how can I change it?”
In addition to mentorship and expert consulting, funding and creating monetary partnerships can play a critical role in the success of innovators looking to improve the world. Impact investing has grown tremendously in the last decade, but there is still a misrepresentation of what it should look like.
In the plenary, Angela Jackson, chief ecosystem investment officer at Kapor Enterprises asserted, “We invest with an impact lens but we also want returns. We don't want the narrative to be that when you invest in Black, Latinx, or Indigenous communities that you’re expecting concessionary returns. In those communities, there is the same genius, right? They’re solving problems for their communities. Our ethos is, yes we’re going to get impact but also we can expect returns… I’d like to see investors think beyond [investing] because it’s the moral thing to do or the charitable thing to do, but really doing it in service of equity and in service of efficiency.”
Jeffrey Cyr, managing partner at Raven Indigenous Capital Partners, echoed Jackson’s sentiments saying, “We don’t want charitable investing at all. The businesses we invest in we see as best in class business, not best in Indigenous investments, best in class.”
Even with impact investments made—performative or not—corporations must be held accountable past initial commitments. To exemplify a bona fide commitment to social justice, Vilas Dhar, president and trustee and the Patrick J. Mcgovern Foundation, awarded Kimberly Seals Allers, founder of the IRTH App the 2022 AI for Humanity Prize at the conclusion of the program. Seals Allers and Irth are helping to address racism and bias in maternity and infant care.
(Vilas Dhar (left) and Solver Kimberly Seals Allers (right) pose on stage after the announcement of Solve’s Patrick J. Mcgovern Foundation 2022 AI for Humanity Prize)Start alone but don’t stay alone
There may be a time in your life when you feel compelled to solve a problem and there may be no one else available to take action with you. In those times, Sakena Yacoobi, founder and president of the Afghan Institute of Learning implores us all to be bold. “Don't wait for something to come, you need to act on it yourself.”
(Sakena Yacoobi (left) discusses her work at the Afghan Institute of Learning with Geci Karuri-Sebina (center), and Gideon Lichfield (right))Anne Wojcicki, founder and CEO of 23andMe shared during the plenary Promoting Our Care Providers that she was also no stranger to initiating change, even if it meant taking an unconventional approach. Wojcicki left her life on Wall Street to empower health through human genome-centered solutions and break the one-size-fits-all approach that the healthcare industry has been practicing. “I’m going to set up a different kind of healthcare system that is based on what’s in your best interest. Everything that [23andMe] does now has been controversial because it is not part of the system at all. And that was intentional from the very beginning,” stated Wojcicki.
Although breakthroughs and initiatives to solve world challenges do sometimes call for the action of an individual, Thanasi Dilos, co-founder of Civics Unplugged and Solv[ED] judge, reminded us that community support leads to better outcomes. During the Closing Plenary: Young Leaders on the Horizon, Dilos shared, “Funding is great for young people, but what is really also important is community and agency.” Adding also, “No one is self-made—everyone is made in community.”
What’s next for Solve?
Linda Henry, CEO of Boston Globe Media and Solve Advisor, summarized well, “Solve is a catalytic convener to bring people together.”
The three-day event was only a fraction of the dialogue and idea exchange that needs to happen in order to tackle global issues, but it’s necessary to start somewhere.
Leveling the playing field in the care economy, figuring out how to uplift proximate leaders, and addressing lofty goals like net-zero are no easy feat. However, finding the solution to many world problems might be as simple as catalyzing connections like putting together an innovator and a funder who live in different time zones. Or it might mean looking internally and holding ourselves accountable to spearhead a new solution.
Noubar Afeyan, co-Founder and chairman at Moderna and Solve Advisor, left us with a note of encouragement, “When you find yourself in survival mode, don’t assume that you’re failing because you could be close to a breakthrough.”
So is this all just a moment, or is it in fact a sustainable movement? It is up to us to decide.
If you’re interested in future MIT Solve events, learn more about membership here or reach out to membership@solve.mit.edu. And if you would like to learn more about supporting Black and Brown innovators, join us at the Indigenous and Antiracist Innovators Summit on June 16-17 in Minneapolis. Please register here.
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