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New Details: Inclusive Innovation Competition

The MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy (IDE) is proud to present the Inclusive Innovation Competition (IIC) that identifies, celebrates, and awards prizes to organizations that are inventing a more sustainable, productive, and inclusive future for all.  The IIC focuses on digital innovations that are helping earners in the middle of our...
Published on by Devin Wardell Cook

The MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy (IDE) is proud to present the Inclusive Innovation Competition (IIC) that identifies, celebrates, and awards prizes to organizations that are inventing a more sustainable, productive, and inclusive future for all. 

The IIC focuses on digital innovations that are helping earners in the middle of our society and raising the base.

We are seeking a diverse pool of competition applicants—including for-profit and non-profit organizations of any size, age or type—who are creating economic prospects for workers in the Second Machine Age.

$1 million will be awarded to grand prize winners and runners-up in four categories. 

For more information on new IIC details, visit MITinclusiveinnovation.com

For questions, please contact:
Devin Cook
Executive Producer
Inclusive Innovation Competition


  • Economic Prosperity

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